Chapter 1

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(These are the colors of Galaxy Pegasus. It uses the metal 7 and Final Drive looks like the ultimate reboot tip just a little shorter.)

A figure in the shadows watched as two boys were practicing with their beys. One had teal hair that looked like flames and cold purple eyes that would make him look intimidating to his opponents. He wore a white feather boa that reaches down to his knees, a teal dress shirt with a dark purple tie, and black and blue tiger striped pants with white boots. He seemed to be pushing the other to the brink of collapsing. "Lui we've been practicing for hours, why don't we take a break?" The kid with spiky black hair and brown eyes asked. He wore a orange v-neck t-shirt with white sleeve cuffs, beige cargo pants, and sneakers "NO! We won't stop until I have perfected this move Kyo!" Lui yelled. "Maybe you should give the kid a break." A voice said. The two bladers looked around for whoever had said that. The figure stepped out from the shadows onto a beam that was above the floor. She had gold eyes with a scar on the right one and long white hair that had two gold streaks running down both sides of it. To match a yellow shirt, yellow fingerless gloves and black pants. "Sora Hangane." Lui said. "You should really mind your own business." Sora jumped down from where she was and landed a few feet from the stadium and walked towards the two bladers. "If I did this kid would collapse from you pushing him too hard." she replied. "No I wouldn't!" Kyo said. Sora ignored him and looked at Lui. "I think we should settle that battle from the national tournaments." She said. Kyo obviously was irritated by this. "Lui will beat you again just like he did at the tournaments." He said. Sora barely turned her head and glared at Kyo out of the corner of her eye causing him to take a step back. She turned her attention back to Lui and readied her bey. Galaxy Pegasus an attack type bey, it unlike its predecessor used a reboot tip called Final drive. "I see that your bey has evolved. It still won't make a difference Nightmare Lunior will still crush you." Lui said smiling evilly. Without another word they got into their launch positions. Lui let go of the launcher and his arm made a wide circle signaling that he was going to perform his Nightmare boost. Sora moved her feet slightly in order to do a new launch she had perfected. "Three...Two...One...Let it rip!" They both said. At that moment Sora jumped into the air and pulled the ripcord as hard as she could and landed back onto the floor. Kyo was shocked at how high Pegasus was bouncing. Pegasus was barely able to bounce out of Lunior's path before it was hit. Pegasus was lined up for it's special move. "Now Pegasus! Star blast attack!" Sora yells to Pegasus. "That won't help you. Lost Spiral!" Lui yelled to Lunior. Pegasus crashed down onto Lunior, the two powerful moves clashing and both beys burst at the same time. The stadium held the pieces to both Lunior and Pegasus. "Well who won?" Sora and Lui said at the same time turning to Kyo. "No one did. It is a simultaneous burst." Kyo said. "IMPOSSIBLE!" Lui yelled angrily. They continued to battle one trying to defeat the other, this went on for twelve rounds. They were both exhausted, the stadium was damaged, but neither one would give up. "Thirteenth round." Kyo said. "Three...Two...One...LET IT RIP!" Both Pegasus and Lunior circled around the stadium, Lunior headed straight for Pegasus. The two collided neither giving up, but suddenly they both stopped spinning. Sora and Lui collapsed on the floor breathing heavily from exhaustion. They stood up and collected their beys from the stadium. Sora left without a word heading back to BC Sol. "Don't you dare mention this battle to anyone Kyo." Lui growled. Kyo nodded his head and Lui left, leaving Kyo alone. Little did they know that a pair a blue eyes had been watching. "So, is Sora really as strong as they say?" a voice spoke from a phone in the figure's hand. "She is slightly stronger than we thought Ashtem." The figure said. "Well then, return to base Asure eye. We have work to do." Ashtem said. "Yes sir." Asure eye said and then left.

Time skip

Sora arrived at BC Sol still dripping with sweat from battling Lui. She walked through the doors to the training hall, everyone was already practicing for the upcoming match with Top Wand. Sora continued to walk passed everyone who were staring in shock at her until Honcho stepped in front of her. She looked up at him with a tired but determined face. "Care to explain why your late for practice?" A voice asked from behind Sora. She turned around and was face to face with Kris. "I was practicing by myself." Sora answered knowing that wasn't a good answer. "That's unlike you. Usually you're wanting to practice with everyone else." Valt said. "Look, I'm here and that's all that matters. So let's just get back to work and forget I was late." Sora said and shoved her way through the crowd. Great, way to go Sora, now they think something is wrong. Sora thought to herself as she walked to a stadium. "If you don't mind Sora, I would like to practice with you." Valt said as he walked to the opposite side of the stadium. "Sure." Sora replied. They readied their beys and launched them into the stadium. Pegasus was very wobbly and stayed in the center unlike Valtryek who was performing a rush launch. Valtryek charged toward Pegasus at a high speed. "Now Valtryek! Rush Launch!" Valt commanded Valtryek. A blue aura erupted from Valtryek. "Not this time Valt! Pegasus, Storm bringer!" Sora yelled to Pegasus. A light blue aura erupted from Pegasus as it gained speed and raced around the stadium creating a vacuum suction making Valtryek fly into the air. Pegasus rushed toward the middle as Valtryek crashed into the stadium, the beys collided and Valtryek was sent flying out of the stadium in three pieces. "Wow! Even with a mislaunch you still beat me!" Valt said excitedly. Sora silently laughed. Valt was the only blader she knew that would celebrate after a loss. After several battles with Valt, Sora decided to walk out of the training hall for a break. She walked listening to the birds singing in the trees. A young white wolf with green eyes approached her. Sora was more than happy to see it. "It's good to see you too Galaxy." She said as it tackled her and licked her face. She gently pushed the wolf off of her to get it to quit licking her face. She looked at Galaxy for a moment remembering how she had saved him.


Sora wandered through the woods after her match with Lui. Her scar still hurt terribly, and her father's death was still fresh in her mind. After a few hours of walking she heard some whimpering nearby. She turned to where it had come from and peeked from behind the bushes. A small white wolf pup was struggling to get away from two men as they placed it into a cage. When they had left her view, Sora crept towards the cage and opened it. She tried to coax the pup to come out but it was staring at something behind her and crawled farther away from her. Sora felt a hand on her shoulder and arm, one of the men was trying to drag her away from the wolf pup's cage. She spun around and kicked the one who had grabbed her arm in the face. He let go and stumbled backwards, the other lunged at her. Sora dodged just in time, grabbed the wolf pup and took off running into the forest. She heard the men thundering through the forest behind her, she continued on running as fast as her legs could carry her. Soon she heard no thundering feet behind her, but she didn't want to take any chances of them catching her. So she continued running until she was sure she had lost them. She fell to her knees breathing hard with exhaustion, cradling the small white wolf pup in her arms. It looked up at her with fearful green eyes, she began to scratch it behind It's ears until it calmed down and went to sleep in her arms. She gathered her strength and stood up and continued walking through the woods with the sleeping pup in her arms.

~End of Flashback~

Sora started to pet Galaxy as she tried not to cry. Her father had been shot after he lost his match against Lui. In fact Lui had been the one to do it, and for that reason she would never forgive him. She heard footsteps coming towards her, she stood up and turned in the direction of the sound. Honcho stepped through the bushes and froze. "H-Hey Sora, d-did y-you k-know t-that a w-wolf is behind you?" He shuddered, his eyes wide with fear. "It's okay it's just Galaxy." Sora replied as the white wolf walked up to Honcho. He relaxed and kneeled down to pet the white wolf. "So why are you out here by yourself?" Honcho asked. "I just needed to think for a moment." Sora calmly said. "Was it about why you were late this morning?" Honcho asked trying to get the truth out of her. "Maybe." Sora replied trying to avoid the topic. "If you don't mind me asking, Why were you late this morning?" Honcho asked looking at her. "I'd rather not talk about it." Sora said plainly was she walked passed him, walking back to the training hall. Honcho followed dropping the subject.As they walked into the building, Valt and Kit ran up to them. "Kris just called a team meeting." Valt said and grabbed Sora's hand and dragged her to the room. As they busted through the door everyone looked at them particularly Sora. "What is this about?" Sora said as she looked at the tv and then at Kris.

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