Chapter 15

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"Sora your up now." Shu said. Sora's hair and eyes turned dull and she walked to the arena. "It all comes down to this foaks. If Ember Eye wins this one, she will advance to the Semifinals. But Free De La Hoya isn't going to give up his chances of getting into the Semi-finals so easily. Which one of these bladers will make it?" Hamami said over the intercom.nSora and Free stood face to face, the stadium between them. The beys were launched and Draco was chasing Fafiner around the stadium in its left spin mode. "Hit it with Nothing break!" Free yelled. Fafiner's tip dropped allowing it to become flat and have a better grip on the stadium. "Storm breaker!" Sora yelled. The rubber part of Draco's tip made contact with the stadium and it sped towards Fafiner. Both beys collided and both were sent flying out of the stadium. Draco hit the ground right before Fafiner did, giving Free a ring out finish. Sora let out a growl of anger before picking up her bey. "This is fun." Free said calmly causing Sora to look at him.


Three year old kids were running around in a field. One had blue flame colored hair and purple eyes, he was wearing a blue t-shirt and black pants, the second had yellow hair with a red streak in the front and dark brown eyes, he was wearing a yellow tank top and brown pants, the third had white hair with two gold streaks running down both sides and gold eyes, she was wearing a white shirt with black pants. The white and gold haired girl was chasing the yellow and red haired boy, trying to catch him. "I'm gonna get you Free!" The girl yelled. "No you won't!" Free replied, barely keeping ahead of the white and gold haired girl. "Wait up Sora!" The blue flame haired boy yelled as he ran to catch up. The three kids ran around the bush. Sora pounced and tackled Free to the ground and the blue haired kid tripped and fell on top of them. "Ouch, Lui please get off of me." Sora said. Lui rolled onto the ground allowing Sora to roll off of Free and onto the ground. The flame haired kid began to laugh and soon the rest joined in. "This is fun." Free said suddenly. "Yeah, it is. I wish this could last forever." Sora replied. The three kids stood up and faced each other. "We'll be best friends forever, right?" Sora said. "Right!" Free and Lui said in unison.

~End Flashback~

Sora's eyes and hair returned to normal and she gasped in shock at the memory. How could I have forgotten? Free and Lui were my best friends, but what happened? Sora thought. "How could I forget?" Sora whispered. "Yeah, it is. I wish this could last forever." Sora replied, hoping to get Free to remember. Free's eyes widened, he seemed to remember now. "Sora?" Free questioned. Sora nodded before her eyes and hair turned dull once more, Free seemed to notice the difference. The beys were launched once more with Draco in right spin. "Storm breaker!" Sora yelled. The rubber part on Draco's tip made contract with the stadium and it charged at Fafiner at an incredible speed. The beys collided and Fafiner burst, leaving Draco to spin alone in the stadium. Free collected the pieces to his bey and put them together. "Ember Eye wins with a score of two to one!" The referee said. "What a shocker! Ember Eye has defeated Free De La Hoya and claimed her spot in the Semi-finals along side Red Eye and Lui Shirosagi." Hanami said. Sora turned and walked off stage and to the training room. As soon as Theodore released her from his control, Shu left the room to have his match against Lui. Sora heard a knock on the window to the training room. She turned to see Free standing there. Sora walked to the window and the two stared at each other for a moment. "Sora I-I didn't remember, I'm so-" Free was interrupted by Sora. "I didn't remember until now either, and I doubt Lui does either." Sora said. "You sure about that?" a voice said from behind Free. Lui stepped out from behind Free to face Sora. "I didn't remember until now. Sora, Free, I'm sorry for being such a jerk to you guys." Lui said. "Me too." Free said. "I'm sorry." Sora said. "So, are we still friends?" Free asked. "Yeah." Sora said. "We were before so why not." Lui replied. "And this time, we'll stay that way." Sora said. "So, what's with the split personality? When I beat you and Shu before this tournament you two weren't insane. What happened?" Lui asked. "Theodore put a device in our necks so he could control us." Sora explained. "He what? Why?" Free asked. "I don't know but if we continue on under his control, it won't end well. Valt already knows what's going on. Lui, I'm going to need you to try and send Spryzen towards the right side of Shu's neck where the device is." Sora said. "You know Shu still hates me for that scar and breaking his bey so it won't be easy." Lui said. "I know but you have to try." Sora said. She heard footsteps heading in their direction, she turned and saw Valt running towards the arena. "You better go Lui." Sora said. Lui turned and headed for the arena. I hope this works. Sora thought. The Tv came on catching both Free and Sora's attention. Shu and Lui stood face to face in the arena, Shu had an angered expression on his face while Lui had an evil grin. "Shu Kurenai, it' like you've become a totally different person. But I'm still the Lui Shirosagi. Be afraid because I'll show you what true power can do!" Lui said. The two bladers got into their launch positions. "You've met your match!" Shu growled. "Come at me then!" Lui said. "I'm different than before, any mercy I had is gone. This is the end for you and Nightmare Lunior!" Shu said. The beys were launched Spryzen was in right spin stamina mode. "So you think you can fight fire with fire?" Lui taunted. Luinor was colliding with the rubber on Spryzen, giving it more power. "Oh no you don't!" Lui yelled. Luinor collided with Spryzen and sent it to the edge of the stadium. Spryzen headed back for the center and sent Luinor flying out of the stadium. "What?!" Lui yelled before turning to pick up his bey. "I see you've gotten a little better since we last met." Lui said as he turned back towards the stadium. The beys were launched Spryzen was in right spin stamina mode again. "You think that move will work on me twice?" Lui asked. The two beys collided over and over again and Spryzen was sent away from the middle every time they did. They collided one last time and Spryzen burst. "Lucky we're going to three points otherwise that would have been the end of it." Lui taunted. This is a Semifinals match, so of course you're going to have to gain three points! Shu has a chance to take you out Lui, and he's going to take it. Sora thought. The beys were launched once more and Spryzen was in left spin attack mode. The beys collided over and over, both being pushed away by the other. "Dragon Crash!" Lui yelled. "Requium Whip Unleashed!" Shu yelled. The beys collided, Luinor was sent flying. "Now pulverize it!" Shu yelled. Spryzen collided with the top of Luinor before sending it out of the stadium. Luinor burst before the energy layer split in half, leaving Lui shocked at his defeat. "He did it. He actually beat Lui." Sora said. Lui looked lost, he just stared at the pieces of his bey. "He never lost, at least not from what I can remember. If he did it wasn't like this." Sora said. "He did lose to me but this, this is different." Free said. "Shu has been trying to beat Lui for a long time, and now he's finally done it." Sora said. Shu walked off stage and towards the training room. Sora turned to face Free. "You better get out of here. If Shu sees you, I don't know what he'd do. Especially since Theodore is controlling him." Sora said. "I'll see you later." Free said before leaving. Lui's laughter caught Sora's attention, she turned to see him laughing while holding the pieces to his bey. It seems like this taught him a lesson. But, now he is eliminated from the tournament. Valt is against Free now and who ever wins that has to battle Shu. And after that they have to face me. Sora thought. Shu walked through the door and was released from Theodore's control. "I did it, I finally beat Lui!" Shu said. Sora turned to face him with a smile on her face. "And now we can focus on getting free." Sora said. Free and Valt battled and Free ended up forfeiting due to an injury in his shoulder. Shu left the training room to face Valt, the two friends stood face to face with each other. Shu won the first round with a burst finish and Valt won the second with a burst. They continued battling for sixteen rounds, both beys bursting simultaneously every time. Shu and Valt were breathing heavily by the eighteenth round. "I'm still here and I'm not giving up on you." Valt said. Shu's eyes widened for a second as if he was remembering something. His eyes returned to their normal crimson color. "Listen, Valt! I admit it, you're my best friend! It's true! That's why I can't fail! I would never be able to forgive myself if I lost this battle! I won't ever let you defeat me, Valt!" Shu yelled before his eyes returned to a dull color. "It's all you Valt." Sora said. Valt took a few steps back, preparing to do his winged launch. "3...2...1...LET IT RIP!" They shouted in unison. Valt ran forward, jumped into the air and pulled the ripcord as hard as he could. Shu launched forward before shoving his launcher forward and pulling the ripcord. He winced before focusing back on the match. He reinjured his shoulder, not good. If this goes on, who knows if he'll recover this time. Sora thought. Spryzen was in left spin stamina mode, Valtryek was headed for it but missed. The beys collided over and over before Spryzen was knocked out of the center. It hit the wall and the tip changed to attack mode, making Spryzen rocket towards Valtryek. The two beys collided and Valtryek was pushed backwards by Spryzen. Valtryek was sent to the wall and it ricocheted back into Spryzen's path. "I'm giving this all that I have!" Shu yelled. Valtryek was sent into the air but landed back into the stadium. "It's not over!" Valt yelled. Valtryek's tip dropped allowing the rubber part of it to make contact with the stadium making it move faster than before. The beys collided in the center neither giving up an inch. Soon Valtryek burst and the layer flew passed Shu's neck and nicked where the device was. Shu's eyes and hair returned to normal and he fell to his knees before taking the device out of his neck and crushing it in his hand. Yes! Shu did it! He's free, now it's my turn. Sora thought before her eyes and hair turned dull and she walked to the stadium. Valt walked over to Shu and helped him up. "You feel ok Shu?" Valt asked. "Yeah." Shu replied. Sora appeared on the blue corner's elevator, she looked furious. Valt and Shu turned to face her, Shu stepped towards Sora but was stopped by a growl coming from her. "You failed, Sora is mine. What use do I have for you now?" Sora growled. She began to walk towards Shu when she suddenly stopped, her eyes where their bright gold color. "You're not going to make me hurt them!" Sora yelled. Her eyes flickered back to their dull yellow color. "You listen to me!" Sora growled. Her eyes flickered back to gold. "Shu, Valt, you need to get out of here! Now!" Sora yelled to them. Her eyes flickered back to the dull yellow and she charged at them. Shu grabbed Valt's hand and dragged him towards the red corner's elevator. The elevator carried the two down to the ground floor, leaving an enraged Sora on the stage. The doors opened and Shu and Valt walked into the hall. Footsteps were heard coming from their right, it was Kitt, Cusa, Rantaro and Silas. "What was the deal with that?" Rantaro asked. "I don't think there's time for an explanation right now." Silas said, pointing behind Shu and Valt. They turned to see Sora behind them, a dangerous look on her face. "Run!" Shu yelled before Sora charged towards the group. They ran down the hall and out of the door to the building. They continued running, they entered another building and hid in one of the training rooms. Sora walked down the hall, her footsteps echoing off of the walls. The group held their breath until Sora had left the building. Sora walked into Theodore's room and stood there facing him. "I hope you're happy that Shu escaped, because you won't be so lucky." Theodore said.

~Shu POV~

The group walked out of their hiding place and back to BC Sol's building. A nurse came in and put Shu's right arm in a sling. "Your shoulder hurt?" Valt asked. "A little." Shu replied. He closed his eyes and let out a sigh before opening them again. "What's wrong?" Valt asked. "Now that I'm free we have to find a way to free Sora, because who knows what Theodore willl make her do." Shu said. "Don't worry, we'll find a way." Valt said. One way or another Sora, we will find a way to free you. Shu thought.  

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