Chapter 11

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*The video is just for the music, go ahead and start playing it*

The plane landed in Brazil and the two masked bladers left, heading to SB Rios. They made sure to avoid any masked people as they walked through the streets of Rio De Janeiro. They turned down and empty street that headed into the jungle. Sora had noticed shadowed figures following them. The Garcias aren't living here anymore. At least the last I heard of them. Maybe it's just a few kids, I hope it is anyway. Sora thought as she watched the figures run and hide in the shadows. She nudged Red Eye and motioned to the shadowed figures, he nodded his head in acknowledgment. The two bladers continued walking down the empty street. Suddenly five figures surrounded them, Ember Eye and Red Eye starred at them. A black haired kid spoke. "What are two Snake Pit bladers doing here in Brazil? Come to get revenge for them?" He asked. "No, we are not from the Snake Pit." Ember Eye said. "Tell me, what's your name?" He asked again. "Ember Eye." Sora replied. "Red Eye." Shu answered. "You are from the Snake Pit! The bladers Xander defeated told him about you two. How about we destroy your masks and see who you really are?" He said. "We are just here to battle Xander Shakadera." Ember Eye said. "Defeat me first, then I'll take you to him." The Black haired kid said. "Sure." Ember Eye said. They were lead into the jungle and to SB Rios headquarters. They walked through the doors and towards a beystadium in the middle of the yard. Ember Eye walked to one side of the stadium while the Black haired kid walked to the other side. He held out a orange bey. Ember Eye held out her bey Galaxy Pegasus. "This is Galaxy Pegasus." Ember Eye said. "That's Sora Hagane's bey!" A loud but familiar voice boomed. Xander walked towards the Ember blader and he didn't look to happy. "Who are you and what are you doing with that bey?" Xander asked as he stood in front of Ember Eye, towering over her. "I am Ember Eye. Sora Hagane as you know her is gone!" Sora answered as she looked up at Xander. His frown deepened when Sora had said those words. "She can't be, Sora was one of the best bladers I knew. You're lying." Xander growled. I better be on my toes in case he decides to try and take my mask off. Sora thought. Xander suddenly reached for the Ember blader's mask, Ember Eye jumped back and out of his reach. "It's not going to be that easy to catch me off guard." Ember Eye growled. She walked back towards the stadium and got into her launching position. The black haired kid doing the same. Within seconds the orange bey had burst, and the kid looked at Ember Eye in disbelief. "Xander Shakadera, defeat me and I'll tell you who I am." Ember eye said. "That's fine with me." Xander said. He walked to the other side of the stadium and both bladers got into their launching positions. "3...2...1...Let it RIP!" Both shouted in unison.

~Xander's POV~

Who is this person? Wait, that launch looks just like Sora's. The one she created to defeat Lui right before she disappeared. Could this masked blader be Sora? Xander thought as the two beys collided over and over again. "This is over." Ember Eye said. Pegasus collided with Xcalius and burst it. No way! A beginner wouldn't beat me that easy. That blader has to be Sora. Xander thought.

~Sora/Ember Eye POV~

Sora stepped to the side and watched as Red Eye and Xander battled. Within seconds Xcalius burst and the layer embedded itself into one of the wooden poles of the building that was close to the stadium. Ember Eye and Red Eye turned to leave. "This isn't over!" Xander yelled to them, his voice clearly full of anger. The two masked bladers made their way to a stadium in the mountains. A man with dark blue eyes known as Renwu Sun was between two boulders, meditating. He opened his eyes and noticed the two masked bladers. "Your the two rouge bladers Red Eye and Ember Eye aren't you?" Renwu asked. He jumped down and landed a few feet from the stadium. "I guess you're here to challenge me." Renwu continued. The sounds of footsteps coming from Sora's right caught her attention, it was Boa. "Red Eye, Ember Eye let me take this one. I'll show you how strong I've become." Boa said. "Very well." Red Eye said before the two masked bladers stepped to the side. Boa walked to the stadium and got into his launching position with Renwu doing the same. "3...2...1...Let it RIP!" They shouted in unison. "Shelter defence!" Renwu yelled. The gold pieces on Regulus' energy layer moved out. The two beys collided causing Balkesh to come closer to bursting. "Last Shield!" Boa yelled. Balkesh took the center, it looked almost like a perfect circle. "It's almost like a perfect circle!" Renwu said, surprised. The two beys collided and Regulus burst within seconds. "You've done well." Red Eye said. "You've improved quite a bit. Well done." Ember Eye said before the two masked bladers left. They entered Rio De Janeiro once more, a tv was showing an announcement from the WBBA. Lui suddenly appeared on screen. "Listen up Red Eye and Ember Eye, this message is for you. So, I hear you two are taking down the world's best bladers. Well, come at me. I'm gonna put you in your place! HAHAHA!" Lui spoke before the message ended. Sora growled in anger, the two bladers boarded a plane headed to Tokyo, Japan. We are coming for you. Sora thought bitterly. The plane landed and the two walked towards the mountains. They walked through the forest and into a clearing where Lui was waiting. They walked up to the stadium and Lui smirked. "So You're Red Eye and Ember Eye huh?" Lui said. "That's right." Red Eye replied. "Good of you to come, you took my challenge. Hehehe. Meet my bey, Nightmare Luinor." Lui said as he held up the silver colored bey. Yeah, we've met alright. Sora thought. "I''ll go first." Red Eye said. "I bet I could take you both on." Lui said. "So be it." Ember Eye replied before showing Galaxy Pegasus. "Legend Spryzen and Galaxy Pegasus will be your opponents." Red Eye said. "Did you say Spryzen and Pegasus?" Lui asked, narrowing his eyes. Sora heard voices coming from a ledge across the lake but ignored them. I need to focus on beating him. Sora thought as she loaded Pegasus onto her launcher. They got into their launching positions; Lui preparing to do Nightmare boost, Sora ready to launch into the air, and Shu was ready to launch forward. 3...2...1...Let it RIP!" They yelled in unison. Ember Eye launched into the air and pulled the ripcord before landing back on the ground. Red Eye launched forward before shoving his launcher forward and pulling the ripcord. Lui's hand grabbed the ripcord and he pulled as hard as he could. Luinor spun in its normal left rotation while Pegasus was bouncing above it in it's usual right rotation and Spryzen spun around the edge in right rotation, barley dodging Luinor. Spryzen and Luinor collided, Spryzen was sent to the edge of the stadium but continued spinning. "Cosmic blast!" Ember Eye yelled. Pegasus dove down and collided with Luinor head on, sending both of them backwards. "Final Drive!" Ember Eye yelled. Pegasus dropped allowing the rubber part of the tip to make contact with the stadium making it move faster around the stadium. "Axe launch!" Red Eye yelled. Spryzen headed towards the center with Pegasus beside it. "Waste of your time!" Lui yelled as Luinor collided with Spryzen and Pegasus, sending both out of the stadium. Ember Eye and Red Eye picked up their beys. "HAHAHA. Is that the best you can do? I don't think you'll ever live down this battle! HAHAHA!" Lui said. Ember Eye and Red Eye growled at him before reloading their beys onto their launchers. "3...2...1...Let it RIP!" The yelled in unison. Luinor spun in its normal left rotation while Pegasus was spinning in it's right rotation and Spryzen was chasing Luinor around the stadium in it's left rotation. "You think changing the rotation is going to change anything?!" Lui said. The beys collided and all were knocked out of the stadium. Lui caught Luinor, giving Ember Eye and Red Eye a ring out finish. "I didn't want Luinor getting muddy and losing its luster." Lui said. Ember Eye and Red Eye picked up their beys and loaded them onto their launchers again. "Watch your ego because we're going to crush that and your bey this round!" Ember Eye growled. "I can't wait anymore!" A familiar voice yelled. Ember Eye still ignored it. "3...2...1...Let it RIP!" They yelled again in unison. Pegasus and Spryzen were spinning side by side while Luinor spun in its normal left rotation. They collided over and over again. "Storm bringer!" Ember Eye yelled. "Axe launch!" Red Eye yelled. Both Pegasus and Spryzen headed toward Luinor. "Prepare yourself to meet your end! Dragon crash!" Lui yelled. The beys collided, Pegasus and Spryzen burst. Suddenly the mask they were wearing spit in half. Sora and Shu's eyes widened as the masks fell to the ground. "Shu, Sora?" Valt asked. Sora looked at her feet, holding back her anger and disappointment. "I've cracked the case." Lui said making the two defeated bladers look up at him. "I knew it was you two all along." Lui finished. Shu and Sora looked down at their feet before looking towards the sky and yelling in anger. "My old friends, you've both become great at losing. Maybe even the best! HAHAHA!" They turned and left but Valt wouldn't let them. "Hey, wait!" Valt said before chasing after them."Hold on don't leave! Talk to me!" Valt said. He stepped in front of them but the two pushed passed him. He stepped in front of them and grabbed their shoulders. "Stop! Guys I've been searching all over, and I've finally found you!" Valt said, looking like he was about to cry out of joy. Shu pushed Valt's hand off of his shoulder and Valt grabbed Shu's shoulder again. "It's me, Shu, Sora!" Valt cried. Shu became furious and turned his head to Valt. "You, get out of my way!" Shu yelled. Valt let go and stepped back. "Please." Valt pleaded. Shu left Valt behind and headed towards the forest. Valt turned to Sora. "You're gone to listen to me, right?" Valt asked. "Get out of my way!" Sora growled before walking away. She heard branches snapping and rock crumbling. She looked towards the forest and then towards the mountain and saw masked Snake Pit bladers coming towards her and Shu. "Shu, Run!" Sora yelled catching Shu's attention. He saw the bladers and ran to the forest. Some of the bladers chased him and the other ran towards Sora. She turned and ran towards the mountain where her friends were. She ran passed them and back down the mountain towards Valt. I'm not going to get away. Sora thought as the bladers came closer. She turned to Valt and threw Pegasus to him, he caught it and looked at Sora with a confused face. She turned to run but a rope wrapped around her right and left wrist preventing her from leaving. Her scar began to glow a gold color and her hair changed from white with gold streaks to red with white streaks. She pulled against the ropes, and inch by inch came closer to the forest. The ropes rubbed against her wrist, causing Sora to scream in pain. She heard Valt running towards her. Sora turned and looked at him with an apologetic smile before something pricked her neck, causing her to black out again.

~Valt POV~

Sora collapsed to the ground, her eyes closed. Why did she give me Pegasus? Valt wondered. The masked bladers turned towards him and Valt realized that he was support to keep it from them. So, he ran towards his friend's and they ran to Begoma city. Valt walked into the museum and left Galaxy Pegasus there. Sora did say she was going to put it in a museum, so I guess now would be that time. Valt thought as he joined his friend's on Wakiya's jet. Sora is Ember Eye and Shu is Red Eye? Why would they do this? Valt thought. They landed in Spain and rode in a car to BC Sol. Valt walked to his dorm and sat on his bed. Sora and Shu seemed scared of those masked bladers. But why? Valt thought. Rantaro and Cusa walked into the room. "How are you feeling?" Rantaro asked. "Ok I guess." Valt answered. "I know this is a lot to take in. But there might be something to take you mind off of it." Cusa said. "What is it?" Valt asked. "Follow us." Rantaro replied before leading Valt and Cusa out of the room.

~Sora POV~

Sora woke up in a glass cylinder filled with a green liquid. She could see Ashtem standing in front of the cylinder with a smirk on his face. "You'll wish that you didn't make me chase you all around the world when I'm done with you." Ashtem said before Sora's vision faded.

~In vision~

Sora's eyes opened to a flat, empty,black landscape. Suddenly Ashtem and several more masked bladers appeared, they walked towards her. Sora launched herself at one of the bladers and the rest rushed towards her. Sora defended herself the best she could but she was eventually caught. Sora felt a prick in her neck once more but this time another version of her appeared. The second Sora's eyes were a dull and lifeless yellow and her hair looked darker and the gold streaks were the same dull yellow as her eyes. Sora broke free of the masked bladers and faced her copy. Sora launched herself at her copy and to two began to fight. Sora punched the fake Sora, sending it flying into a wall. She launched at her copy once more, but it was ready. The fake Sora punched Sora in the stomach, knocking the air out of her. The fake Sora grabbed Sora by the throat, Sora tried to get out of it's grip by punching and kicking but failed. Sora was thrown into several walls before she finally collapsed. She tried to stand back up but the fake Sora pinned her down with its foot. Ashtem walked up to them. "You are mine now." Sora's vision faded once more.

~End of vision~

Sora's eyes shot open but this time they were a dull yellow and her hair turned darker. The glass cylinder opened allowing her out, she jumped and landed on the ground where Ashtem and Shu were waiting. Shu's usually bright crimson eyes were now dull and lifeless as well and his white hair looked darker as well. Oh no, Ashtem got Shu too. Valt, we need your help. Sora thought.

(A/N: Ok so there will be very little of these annoying author's notes. Anyways, I'm looking for someone who is really good at drawing anime characters. If you can just leave a comment, what I'm asking for is for some one to draw Sora Hagane because I'm terrible at drawing people. So, if you could please help me out. Thanks. - Snow)

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