Deleted scenes

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This is where I'll put some scenes that didn't quite make it into the final version of the book. It will be updated as I recover the rest.

Scene one~

This is when Shu and Valt battle for the first time at the International Bladers cup in Chapter 13.

Valtreyk's layer flew passed Shu's neck and nicked where the device was. Shu's eyes and hair returned to normal and he took the device out of his neck and crushed it in his hand. Yes! Shu did it! He's free, now it's my turn. Sora thought before her eyes and hair turned dull and she walked to the stadium. Valt walked over to Shu and helped him up. "You feel ok Shu?" Valt asked. "Yeah, sorry about your bey." Shu replied. Sora appeared on the blue corner's elevator, she looked furious. Valt and Shu turned to face her, Shu stepped towards Sora but was stopped by a growl coming from her. "You failed, Sora is mine. What use do I have for you now?" Sora growled. She began to walk towards Shu when she suddenly stopped, her eyes where their bright gold color. "You're not going to make me hurt them!" Sora yelled. Her eyes flickered back to their dull yellow color. "You listen to me!" Sora growled. Her eyes flickered back to gold. "Shu, Valt, you need to get out of here! Now!" Sora yelled to them. Her eyes flickered back to the dull yellow and she charged at them. Shu grabbed Valt's hand and dragged him towards the red corner's elevator. The elevator carried the two down to the ground floor, leaving an enraged Sora on the stage. The doors opened and Shu and Valt walked into the hall. Footsteps were heard coming from their right, it was Kitt, Cusa, Rantaro and Silas. "What was the deal with that?" Rantaro asked. "I don't think there's time for an explanation right now." Silas said, pointing behind Shu and Valt. They turned to see Sora behind them, a dangerous look on her face. "Run!" Shu yelled before Sora charged towards the group. They ran down the hall and out of the door to the building. They continued running, they entered another building and hid in one of the training rooms. Sora walked down the hall, her footsteps echoing off of the walls. The group held their breath until Sora had left the building. Sora walked into Theodore's room and stood there facing him. "I hope you're happy that Shu escaped, because you won't be so lucky." Theodore said.

~Shu POV~

The group walked out of their hiding place and back to BC Sol's building. Raul revealed a new tip for Valtryek, it was called Ultimate Reboot. Valt had immediately put the new tip on Valtryek and of course he was excited. Shu walked outside and stared at the Grand Arena building. Valt walked up to him and tapped his shoulder. "Shu, what happened to you and Sora?" Valt asked. Shu let out a sigh before opening his mouth to speak. "After we left the Snake Pit, Theodore has been chasing us all over the world. When we faced Lui and lost, he captured us and put these devices in our necks so he could control us. Now that I'm free we have to find a way to free Sora, because who knows what he'll make her do." Shu said. "Don't worry, we'll find a way." Valt said. One way or another Sora, we will find a way to free you. Shu thought.

This scene went through many variations, even one where Shu lost and Valt was going to go up against Sora in the end. In the end this scene kinda made it into the final version as I was happy on how the scene was just I thought it would be better to include both of Valt and Shu's battles.  

Scene two~

This is when Sora remembered that she used to be friends with Lui and Free. Please I beg you read Chapter 5 of the sequel first! Please!

Four three year old kids were running around in a field. One had blue flame colored hair and purple eyes, he was wearing a blue t-shirt and black pants, the second had yellow hair with a red streak in the front and dark brown eyes, he was wearing a yellow tank top and brown pants, the third had white hair with two gold streaks running down both sides and gold eyes, she was wearing a white shirt with black pants, the fourth was wearing a bright ember colored t-shirt and blue pants, he had long white hair and mismatched eyes. The white and gold haired girl was chasing the yellow and red haired boy, trying to catch him. "I'm gonna get you Free!" The girl yelled. "No you won't!" Free replied, barely keeping ahead of the white and gold haired girl. "Wait up Sora!" The blue flame haired boy yelled as he ran to catch up. The three kids ran around the white haired boy. Sora pounced and tackled Free to the ground and the blue haired kid tripped, knocked over the white haired kid and they both fell on top of them. "Ouch, Lui, Phi, please get off of me." Sora said. Lui and Phi rolled onto the ground allowing Sora to roll off of Free and onto the ground. The flame haired kid began to laugh and soon the rest joined in. "This is fun." Free said suddenly. "Yeah, it is. I wish this could last forever." Sora replied. The four kids stood up and faced each other. "We'll be best friends forever, right?" Sora said. "Right!" Free, Lui and Phi said in unison.

Ok so when I originally wrote this scene I was like: wait wait wait, this is way to much to reveal at this time. And besides whoever was still watching Evolution at this time would be like 'Who's this Phi character? Is he another OC?'. So yeah this scene got taken out and altered and I like the way it turned out in the end. Honestly the story line probably wouldn't have changed that much in this book if this scene was included but the sequel would more than likely be much different.

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