Chapter 12

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(The picture is Dark Draco. It is an attack type that uses the metal 6 with a black frame called cross and the tip called Merge with a black color scheme)

Ashtem led the two bladers into another room, on one of the walls was some kind of screen. I hate not able to control what I do. What does Ashtem have planned for us so we have to be under his control? Sora thought. Ashtem held out a remote and clicked two buttons. Sora's eyes returned to their normal gold color and her hair also returned to normal, the same thing happened to Shu. The two bladers turned towards Ashtem, they were about to attack him when the screen came on. It showed Kenta having a bey battle with someone. What's going on? Why am I watching my friend battle? Sora wondered. Suddenly Kenta collapsed and didn't move, the screen switched to another video. This time it showed Madoka yelling at two masked men. Gunshots rang and Madoka hit the ground. Realization hit Sora like a bullet. They killed my friends... Sora thought. The screen went on to show the deaths of Benke, Kyoya, and Ryuga. The screen went black and Sora fell to her knees, she looked down at the floor. Sora let the tears fall from her eyes. They're gone... All of them are dead... Sora thought before rising to her feet and facing Ashtem. Ashtem clicked the same two buttons on the remote, causing Sora's eyes to turn back to a dull yellow and her hair became dull once more. Shu's bright crimson eyes turned dull as well and his hair also went to a dull color. "I wanted to see how you would react to your punishment." Ashtem said coldly. Murder! You killed them! Sora screamed in her head. She fought against Ashtem's control but failed. She felt defeated, everyone she had grown up with except for the ones that had escaped were gone. Ashtem handed both bladers a bey. Shu's was a red, gold and white balance type that used the metal zero and the tip zeta. Sora's was solid black and it used the metal 6 a black frame called cross and the tip merge with a black color scheme. "These are your new beys. Spryzen Requiem and Dark Draco." Ashtem said. The two bladers were then led to a white room with a stadium in the middle. The two bladers tested their news beys and suprized Ashtem at the power that they had. Shu was able to switch between the six different modes effortlessly. Sora's bey could switch from right spin to left spin easily. "We are ready for the International Bladers Cup." Ashtem said. Ashtem, Sora and Shu left the Snake Pit and headed for the Grand arena which was in America. When they arrived Sora's eyes would have widened at the sight. There were several small buildings around a large upside down cone shaped building. The smaller building must be where the bladers will stay and the larger one must be where the tournament is held. Sora thought. Ashtem lead the two bladers inside one of the smaller buildings and into a room with a beystadium in the center. He left, locked the door and allowed Sora and Shu their freedom. Sora charged at the door in an attempt to break the lock but ended up injuring her right shoulder instead. She walked towards the glass window. "Let us out!" Sora yelled at Theodore Glass, who was standing on the opposite side of the glass window. "The only time you can have your freedom is when you are in here. Any other time you will be controlled by me, is that clear?" Theodore said coldly. Sora growled and punched the glass, making it crack under her fist. "I take that as a yes." Theodore said before leaving. Sora turned to face Shu who was staring at the window with his fist clenched. "What are we going to do?" Sora asked. "I don't know. All we can do is hope that Valt hasn't given up on us." Shu replied. Sora walked towards Shu. "How did they catch you?" Sora asked. "Boa had stopped me just to say that we were pathetic. I left him alone right after he said that. Apparently his job was to help capture us because the next thing I know is that I was tackled and lost consciousness after that. When I woke up I saw that I was in some kind of cylinder with green liquid in it. Ashtem told me that I was going to wish that I hasn't made him chase me all over the world when he was done with me. I think I know what he meant." Shu explained. Sora reached her left hand towards the right side of her neck and felt something hard under her skin. "I know how the break free of his control." Sora said. "How?" Shu asked. Sora opened her mouth to explain but Theodore put both of them back under his control. The door was unlocked and the two bladers walked towards the tournament area. Several bladers and people were inside but Sora and Shu walked right passed them. Sora and Shu walked out of the building towards a town nearby. They seen Valt, Kitt and Honcho being chased by crazy looking bladers. Judging by how they looked tells me that there must be a strong blader around here. Sora thought. One of the crazy bladers was running back to an alley, Sora and Shu decided to follow him. He lead the two two a secret entrance to something below the street. Sora opened the door to the entrance and slid down until her feet hit something metal. Shu landed right behind her and both stared at their new surroundings, it looked like an underground lair. There was two stadiums in the middle of the room, stacked on top of each other and surrounded by a chain link fence. The two bladers walked down the stairs to the ground floor, they were soon surrounded by more crazy looking bladers. "What are you doing here?" One of them asked. "To battle." Shu answered. They lead Sora and Shu to the stadium, they all got into their launching positions. "3...2...1...Let it RIP!" They yelled in unison. Draco and Spryzen were spinning side by side in left rotation while the other bey tried to collide with them in right rotation. One by one the opponents beys were knocked to the second stadium, Draco and Spryzen jumped from the first stadium and landed into the second one. Soon, Draco and Spryzen were the only beys left in the stadium and the underground lair was a mess. Shu walked up to one of the bladers with Sora following. "I'd hoped for more of a challenge." Shu said before the two bladers left the underground lair, as they entered the street they both felt something zap on the right side of their necks, causing both of them to wince in pain. They ran back to the tournament building. They walked towards the red entrance to the arena were they walked into the elevator that took them up to the arena. The two walked towards the center and stood with the rest of the bladers. Hanami introduced the competitors one bey one. "First we have Free De La Hoya, Valt Aoi, Silas Carlisle, Cusa Ackerman. Next is Lui Shirosagi, Xander Shakadera, Renwu Sun. Then it's Joshua Burns, Red Eye, Ember Eye, Norman Tarver. But there's one more surprise in store and that is the last registered blader! Seeming to pop out of nowhere it's the Emperor, Kurt Bariter!" Hanami said. Sora mentally winced at the light suddenly shining in her eyes and the name they had introduced her and Shu with. Really? We aren't Red Eye and Ember Eye anymore! Just call us by our normal names! Sora thought. "You kidding?!" Valt yelled interrupting Sora's thoughts. That was the guy chasing Valt earlier. Sora thought. Everyone stared at the green haired blader, he saw Shu and Sora and a smirk appeared on his face. He probably figured out that we attacked his underground lair. Sora thought. The bladers left the stage and awaited to see who would go first. It was Valt against Kurt, Shu against Boa and Sora against Cusa. Great, now to see how Valt's new friend does against me. Sora thought. The two bladers were headed back to the training room when Sora heard voices coming from behind them. They were surrounded by the crazy circus clown bladers. The two bladers looked to their left and then to the right to see if they could find a way out. Seeing that there was no way out the duo directed their attention to the tall, green haired blader in front of them. "Red Eye, Ember Eye, It's nice to finally meet you. I missed you when you visited my kingdom unannounced." Kurt said smirking. Kingdom? And these crazy clown people must be his 'subjects'. Sora thought. "I respect anyone who can do that much damage." Kurt finished. "But you'd be a fool if you think we'd let you off the hook." A smaller clown person said. Sora and Shu stood their ground, not saying anything. Sora began to fight against Theodore's control once more but failed again. The tension in the air was so thick you could cut it with a knife. "How peculiar, I see fury in your eyes. A dark storm cloud looms over you. Others might call that a weakness, I see strength." Kurt said before being interrupted by Valt. "Shu, Sora!" Valt yelled as he and Honcho ran towards them. "Backups here!" Honcho yelled. "And we aren't leaving!" Valt finished. Shu and Sora tried to sneak pass Kurt while he was distracted, but Kurt noticed them sneaking away and he grabbed their shoulders. "Wait, we're not done here yet." Kurt said. Shu and Sora looked back at him and growled. "Stop it! Let go!" Valt yelled. Suddenly Cusa's cockatoo flew pass Valt and with a screech it started attacking Kurt and his crew, making Kurt let go of Shu and Sora. The two began to walk away once more as Valt laughed at the scene. "Genesis rebird!" Valt said before noticing his two friends were walking away. The duo reached the elevator and Valt tried to talk to them. "Shu, Sora, we still have your back. You and me are in the same group!" Valt said excitedly. The two bladers kept silent even though they wanted to talk to their friends and tell them they were sorry for what they had done, but Theodore was still in control of them so they kept silent. "Hmm, I know I could've done better in our last battle. That's why I can't wait for our rematch!" Valt continued. Me too Valt. Sora thought. "Lay off kid Red Eye and Ember Eye are mine." A voice said. Wait, that sounds like Gold Eye. That must be Norman Tarver. Sora thought. "Hey I know you. Hold up what was your name?" Cusa asked. " Call me Norman Tarver, but you might remember me much better as Gold Eye." Norman said. Knew it. Sora thought. "You were the shiny mask dude?" Valt asked. The elevator opened allowing Shu and Sora in but also catching Valt's attention. "Wait up!" Valt yelled but the elevator doors closed before he could move. The elevator stopped at the ground floor and the duo walked back to their training room. As soon as the door locked Theodore released them from his control once more. Sora let out a sigh before walking to the stadium and launching Draco. "Ok so if we could get one of the beys during our matches to hit the device or at least nick where they are, we should be able to ether take out the devices or they should be disabled. And that will allow us to have our freedom again." Sora explained as she watched Draco spin around the stadium. "That might actually work. But we would have to be extremely precise." Shu replied as he launched Spryzen into the stadium. "Exactly, maybe if we were able to break free from Theodore's control for even a second we could do it." Sora continued. The two heard footsteps outside their room and turned their heads towards the window to see Norman Tarver watching them. Shu picked up the remote and made the glass turn black, preventing Norman from seeing them talk. They watched Norman and Boa argued about who was going to beat the duo. "They think they can beat us? They are in for a surprise." Sora said. "Remember what Valt said earlier?" Shu asked. "Genesis rebird! That was hilarious." Sora laughed. "Yeah it was, but I meant when he said that he still has our backs. Maybe he could help us get out of Theodore's control." Shu said. "Maybe, when one of us faces him we should try to break free from Theodore's control and tell him what's going on. Then the plan should succeed." Sora said. "For now, we should get some training in." Shu said. The two practiced until Valt's match with Kurt started. *Cue music* Valt did try his best but he didn't stand a chance against Kurt. When Valtryek burst, the energy layer flew over to Kurt's feet. Kurt went to crush it under his foot but Valt was able to save it from destruction. "When I face Kurt he's going to lose his bey." Sora growled. Shu's eyes suddenly turned dull and so did his hair. It must be Shu's turn to battle. Sora thought as she watched him leave. She watched Shu and Boa's match. "I used to train to be as good as you, but now I know I'm even stronger. I'll prove it, I'm destined to win!" Boa yelled. "Boa, prepare to be destroyed!" Shu said, his eyes narrowed. He held out Spryzen Requiem. "Be warned, there is no stopping Spryzen Requiem." Shu said. "I don't care what bey you brought with you, I'm still gonna win!" Boa growled. "Think again." Shu replied. The two got into their launching positions. Spryzen spun in It's right rotation in stamina mode while Balkesh spun in It's normal left rotation. They collided but the rubber on Spryzen absorbed the attack and made the bey spin stronger. With in seconds Spryzen was the only bey left spinning in the stadium. The beys were launched again and Balkesh had used Spryzen's spin to come closer to bursting and become a perfect circle. "Your time at the top is over!" Boa yelled. Shu's eyes narrowed at those words. "Final crash!" Boa yelled. Balkesh started falling towards Spryzen at a high speed. Spryzen was sent flying out of the stadium and it landed next to Shu's feet. Shu picked up Spryzen and clenched his fist. "How does it feel to be on the losing side?" Boa taunted. Shu's eyes snapped open, for a second they were bright crimson but they quickly returned to their dull color. Shu broke free for just a moment! There is hope for us yet! Sora thought "Fear me, I will end you." Shu growled while having a crazed smile on his face. Sora and Boa jumped at his actions. We have to get free and soon. Sora thought. The beys were launched once more and Shu won with a burst finish. He entered the room and the door locked again. Shu's eyes returned to their normal bright crimson color and his hair also went to normal. "We have to break free before something bad happens. To us or the bladers we face." Sora said. "I know, they don't know that we are being controlled by Theodore. You know that thing out there wasn't me." Shu said. "Yeah, I know. Hopefully one of us faces Valt soon." Sora said. Suddenly Sora's eyes and hair turned dull and she walked out of the room forwards the arena. The elevator took her up to the stadium were she stood face to face with Cusa. The two walked towards the stadium, Sora pulled out Dark Drago and held it out. "No way! Sora has a new bey as well?" Cusa said shocked. "Say goodbye to your bey." Sora growled. Oh no, what is Theodore planning?  Sora thought as she watched Cusa stare at her with wide eyes. The two launched their beys, Draco was in left spin while Cognite was in It's normal right spin and it was using Attack mode. Draco suddenly changed direction and headed for Cognite. "Storm breaker!" Sora yelled. Draco collided with Cognite, Sora heard the sound of a bey cracking. Oh no... Sora thought. Suddenly Cognite's energy layer spit in half and burst, Cusa fell to his knees in disbelief and shock. Sora then heard Valt yell at her. "Sora! Sora how could you do this?!" Valt yelled. Cusa, Valt I'm sorry... Sora thought as she walked off stage and headed towards the training room. On her way there Valt ran in front of her, blocking her path. "Sora, What's the deal? Why did you break Cusa's bey?" Valt asked. Sora kept silent. Valt, please I'm sorry. Sora thought. "Why did you do that?" Valt asked again. Sora barley turned her head and glared at him. "He was weak and so was his bey. He didn't deserve it." Sora growled. Valt's eyes widened and he was left speechless. "Sora!" Valt yelled. Sora walked back to the training room, the door locked and she was released from Theodore's control. Sora slid down the wall and sat on the floor, still comprehending what Theodore made her do. Valt, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen. Sora thought. She closed her eyes and tried to calm herself, she felt Shu sit beside her and wrap his left arm around her shoulders. "I didn't mean to break his bey, but I couldn't do anything. What if Valt never forgives me?" Sora asked. "He'll understand, after all it isn't your fault." Shu said. "I hope you're right." Sora replied.

The Legend lives on (Under a Rewrite)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora