Chapter 2

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"We received this from an anonymous source. From what they told me this is about one of the bladers here at BC Sol, particularly you Sora." Kris said. The screen of the tv lit up and began to play the video. It was Sora's match against Lui. Sora kept silent but her scar glowed a bright gold color as she watched. When it had ended everyone turned around and stared at her. She turned towards the door and left. How did I not notice someone was there? Sora thought. She walked towards her room, but Free stepped out of nowhere and stopped her. "What do you want Free?" Sora growled. "I want you to leave BC Sol." Free said calmly. "Why? Because I couldn't beat Lui?" Sora said angrily. "I don't care what you think! I'll get stronger and leave you and Lui in the dust." She said and pushed past him, walking to her room. Sora sat down on her bed and looked out the window. The sun was starting to set, Sora climbed out of the window and up to the roof. She sat there waiting to see the stars that made up Pegasus constellation. After the sun went down she heard the sound of someone climbing up to the roof, it was Free and Kris. They walked over to her and sat down, Kris was on her right and Free was on her left. "Sora you have to leave BC Sol after our match with Top Wand." Kris said interrupting the silence. "Why?" Sora asked as she kept staring at the stars searching for the Pegasus constellation. "We don't have enough room to house all of the bladers with you in your own room." Kris answered. Liar. Sora thought. "Then why did you except me into the team in the first place?" Sora asked. "Because you were a good blader and we couldn't say no." Kris said. Were? Wait a minute is she saying I'm not good enough for this team anymore? Sora thought. She stood up and turned to Kris. "Don't even bother waiting that long. I'll leave tonight, that way you don't have to deal with my pathetic blading." Sora said angrily. She walked to the edge of the roof and jumped down onto the balcony of her room. She began to pack up everything she had brought with her into her suitcase. She opened the door and walked down the hall towards the dining hall where she knew everyone was. As she walked through the doors everyone turned and looked at her in shock. Valt and Honcho stood up and walked over to her. "Where are you going? The dorms are the other way." Valt said. "Guys I'm leaving BC Sol." Sora said. "Are you feeling ok Sora?" Honcho asked as he took his giant fan and started waving it in front of her. "I'm fine guys, I was just thinking that this team doesn't need three of Japan's best bladers." Sora said. "Is this about you tieing with Lui? Because if it is-" Sora interrupted Honcho. "This isn't about that! I decided to leave on my own free will!" Sora yelled. Valt and Honcho took a step back, pure shock on their faces. Sora whistled for Galaxy and the white wolf burst through the doors and ran to her side. "Don't worry, this isn't the last you'll see of me." Sora said before walking out the doors towards the gates. She heard footsteps behind her. Valt, Honcho and Kit were running towards her. "Sora, wait!" Valt yelled. Sora stopped in her tracks but didn't turn to face them, Galaxy turned and growled at them. "Don't leave Sora! What about us becoming number one in the world?" Valt said. "Don't try and change my mind Valt. Besides, I have no choice." Sora said before walking out of the gates. "WAIT! WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU HAVE NO CHOICE!" Valt yelled before charging towards the gates. He rounded the corner but Sora had already disappeared. Sora walked towards the airport and bought a ticket to New York. She sat down and pulled out her phone. She looked through all of the photos she had of her and her friends. She stopped at one of her and her father, Ginga Hagane. She stared at it for a few moments before scrolling to the next picture. Joyful and painful memories ran through her mind, of her friends, and family. Sora went to her contacts and dialed a number. After a few rings someone picked up the phone. "Hello?" The voice said. "Hey Masamune. It's me Sora. Would it be ok if I come to visit?" Sora asked. "That would be great! Toby and Zeo are going to be so glad to see you and Gingka!" Masamune replied. "No Masamune, it's just going to be me coming. I'll explain when I get there." Sora said. "Ok. When are you coming?" Masamune said. "I'm boarding a flight to New York in twenty minutes." Sora replied. "I'll come to the airport and and wait for you there." Masamune replied. "Ok, see you then. Bye" Sora said. "Bye." Masamune said and hung up the phone. " The flight for New York is boarding now." The announcer's voice sounded throughout the lobby. Sora stood up and boarded the plane, she sat down in her designated seat. She turned and faced the window, chuckling to herself because she knew Galaxy was not going to like flying in a kennel.

~Time skip~

Sora stepped through the gate into the airport lobby. She looked around for Masamune but didn't see him anywhere. She sat down in one of the chairs and pulled out her phone.

Sora: Where are you?

Masamune: I'm at the airport. Where are you?

Sora: at gate 19

Masamune: on my way

Sora put her phone back in her pocket and waited. Five minutes later she felt a tap on her shoulder. She looked behind her and saw Masamune, Toby and Zeo. She stood up and kept over the seat to hug them. "It's good to see you too." Zeo said. "Yeah. I heard Gingka wasn't coming. How is he doing?" Toby said. The smile on Sora's face all but disappeared. "I'll tell you once we're at team Dungeon's gym." Sora replied.

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