Chapter 14

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Sora walked towards the stadium, her eyes and hair were dull and her face was filled with hatred. Lui Shirosagi stood waiting with an evil grin on his face. "Sora Hagane, you're going to regret coming here." Lui said. Sora's scar began to glow and her hair changed from white with gold streaks to red with white streaks and started waving around like fire. "I'll make you pay for everything you've done!" Sora growled. Lui's hair began to wave around like flames. "Bring it." Lui replied. The beys were launched Draco was chasing Luinor around the stadium in its left rotation. The beys collided and both were sent backwards. "Dragon crash!" Lui yelled. The rubber part on Draco's tip made contract with the stadium making it move towards Luinor at a high speed. "This is over. Storm breaker!" Sora yelled. The two beys collided and both burst, the two bladers looked to the referee to see what his call was. They watched the replay and Luinor had burst just a second before Draco. "Ember Eye wins with a score of two to nothing." The ref said. Sora was exploding with joy on the inside, but due to Theodore having control over her she couldn't show it. She walked off stage and to the training room. After the door locked and Sora was released from Theodore's control, Shu tackled her in a hug. "You defeated Lui!" Shu said excitedly. "I know, I almost can't believe it!" Sora cheered. Shu let go of Sora and they stared into each other's eyes for a minute. They leaned towards each other and kissed, only for a moment. They pulled away and looked each other in the eyes. "And now it's your turn." Sora said. Shu's eyes and hair turned dull and he walked out of the room towards the arena. "Not what I meant Theodore." Sora said, looking up at the security camera. The Tv came on, Sora let out a sign and turned to watch Shu and Norman's match. The two bladers walked to the center and faced each other. "Now listen up, I'm only here to bring you down. Today I'm putting the brakes on your lucky streak." Norman said. Shu stayed silent, Sora chuckled to herself at Norman's bold speech. Shu doesn't like you too much and neither do I. You almost remind me of Theodore... Because both of you are going to lose. Sora thought. "I have been studying you. I know you better than anyone." Norman continued. "What are you getting at?" Shu asked. "You ought to be scared, very scared." Norman said, narrowing his eyes. The beys were launched, Spryzen was in left spin stamina mode. Noctimas collided with Spryzen and sent it backwards, away from the center. They collided again and Spryzen was sent farther away from the center. "Is that all you've got?" Shu taunted. "What?!" Norman growled. "I'm going to destroy you!" Shu growled. The beys collided, Noctimas cracked and finally broke in half. Norman collapsed to his knees in shock. "Red Eye wins with a score of two to nothing." The ref said. Shu turned and walked away, heading back to the training room. He entered the room and was released from Theodore's control. Sora was still watching the Tv, it was Valt vs Boa. In the end, Boa lost with a burst finish in the first round. He isn't going to take this well, he's only known the Snake Pit and it's rule. Sora thought. Voices were heard outside, it was Cusa and the short clown person. "Another win for Valt Aoi. That's the third of the tournament right?" The clown person asked. "Yeah, What's it to you?" Cusa asked. Sora walked up to the glass and watched. "If it hadn't been for Ember Eye the Emperor would have three as well." The clown person said. Sora punched the glass catching the two bladers attention. "It's his own stupidity that he lost, he should have known not to get on my bad side." Sora said. "You want to come and say that to his face?" The clown person asked challengingly. "I would but I'm not going to waste my breath. After all, he has no bey now so why waste my time?" Sora answered before turning away from the glass. The clown person growled before leaving, Cusa walked up to the glass and faced Sora. "Sora, why did you break my bey?" Cusa asked. Sora closed her eyes and let out a sigh of regret before opening them again and turning to face Cusa. Before she could answer the glass turned black, Sora turned away from the glass and walked toward the bench. When will this nightmare end? Sora thought. She sat down and closed her eyes.

"Well, looks like I'm against Lui and you're up against Free." Shu spoke, making Sora open her eyes and look at the Tv. Sure enough they were against the two bladers that drove them into this mess. "It's time we show them how strong we've become." Sora said. She looked at the security camera. "We will fight these battles ourselves! You hear me? We are done being under your control!" Sora yelled. The device emitted a extremely painful shock to both bladers, they collapsed and screamed in pain. "Oh I can hear you just fine." Theodore said from the other side of the glass. Sora looked up towards the glass to see Theodore standing there watching to two bladers scream in pain.

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