Chapter 10

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The plane landed safely in London,England. Sora and Shu left the airport and headed for the city. As they walked they ran into a young man with wild yellow and red hair, and dark brown eyes. He wore a similarly chaotic outfit, with a black and red necklace, a blue vest with a green ruff, and red tassels tied around his arms. His belt was white and is fastened by a golden clasp, while his pants are orange and yellow. He also dons black and orange gloves and matching boots. He was battling against several other bladers and defeating them. He looks like he would be a challenge. Sora thought. Shu was apparently thinking the same. The two approached the man and kept silent. The yellow and red haired man turned towards them. "What do you two want?" He asked, his voice was harsh and cold. "We challenge you to a bey battle, in Big Ben at midnight." Ember Eye said. "Alright, challenge accepted." The man said. The Red and Ember masked bladers turned to leave, they spotted two masked bladers heading towards them. Crap! They found us! Sora thought. Red Eye and Ember Eye began to run with the masked bladers following. They kept turning down different streets as they ran, eventually losing their pursuers. "How'd they find us so fast?!" Ember Eye asked. "I don't know, but we should keep a low profile while we are here." Red Eye replied. The two hid in an abandoned building near Big Ben. Ember Eye kept an eye on the clock until midnight arrived. "We should get going." She said turning to leave. They walked down the street and through the door to the stairs leading to the top of Big Ben. After climbing the stairs, they arrived and saw the man patiently waiting for them. "I'll go first. Meet Galaxy Pegasus." Ember Eye said as she pulled Pegasus out of her bey holder and showed it to the man. "Maximum Garuda." The man said calmly. Wait, no sarcastic remark of how your going to beat me? Still not impressed though. Sora thought as she got into her launching position. She held her launcher flat and aimed for the center. "3...2...1...LET IT RIP!" They yelled in unison. Garuda landed in the center while Pegasus charged strait at it. "This is over." Ember Eye said before Garuda burst on contact. The man's eyes widened in shock as he bent down to pick up the pieces of his bey. Ember Eye raised her hand and caught Pegasus before putting it in her bey holder and clipping her launcher to her belt. She stepped to the side allowing Red Eye to face the man.Within seconds Spryzen sent Garuda flying into the giant clock gears, causing a huge explosion. The yellow bey was lodged between two gears awaiting it inevitable destruction. "No, you can't do this!" The man yelled to the two masked bladers that had turned to leave. "You didn't deserve that bey." Red Eye said coldly. The gears pressed on the bey causing it to crack, the man fell to his knees in disbelief as it shattered. Ember Eye and Red Eye left Big Ben. As they walked down the streets of London, Ember Eye noticed someone was following them. She suddenly turned towards an alley and went down it with Red Eye following. They reached the end of the alley and turned to face whoever was following them. A dark skinned Greek who is small with a slim build but still quite muscular. He had dark blue spiky hair that hung over his head and is quite unkept. He had blue eyebrows and blue eyes. He wore a sleeveless dark red shirt with black fingerless gloves. He appeared to wear a silver belt with a yellow gold sphere in the center, as well as a holster of some kind. He also wore dark black shorts with white lines on them, open-toed sandals and a necklace that is blue and has a "charm" on it. Sore immediately recognised him as King one of the Legendary bladers that trained her. " Hey, you destroyed that kids bey! Who are you and why are you here?" King asked his voice filled with anger. Ember Eye stepped forward and stood in front of Red Eye, showing no fear towards the blue haired blader. She kept silent as she looked him in the eyes, King growled in anger. "I said who are you and why are you here? Answer me now." He said, taking a step towards the two masked bladers. "Battle me, and if you defeat me I'll tell you who we are." Ember Eye said calmly. "Deal. Better get ready to lose." King said. He lead the Red and Ember bladers to a stadium and showed them his beyblade. "This is Variares." King said. Ember Eye pulled Galaxy Pegasus out of her bey holder and showed it to King. "This is Galaxy Pegasus." Ember Eye said, earning a gasp from King. "That's Gingka's beyblade! How did you get it?" King growled. "Gingka Hagane is dead." Ember Eye said with no emotion in her voice. King's eyes widened in disbelief and shock. "No! It's not true! And if it is Sora would have Pegasus not you! What did you do to them?" King yelled. "I did nothing to Gingka. But Sora Hagane as you know her is gone." Ember Eye growled. Saying this hurts so much, but I can't say anything else. I have to tell him. Sora thought. "Alright, if I win you tell me who you are, where Sora is and I take Pegasus with me." King said now determined to win. "Sure." Ember Eye said before getting into her launching position, it was similar to King's. She was prepared to do a backflip and launch Pegasus. King noticed this and changed his launching position. "3...2...1...LET IT RIP!" They yelled in unison. Pegasus raced around the stadium, barely dodging left spinning Variares. "Final drive!" Sora yelled. The tip on Pegasus dropped allowing the rubber part of it to make contact with the stadium making it move faster around the stadium. It collided with Variares causing it to burst. King picked up the pieces of his bey and put them back together. Ember Eye raised her hand and caught Pegasus and put it back in her bey holder. "At least tell me where Sora is!" King yelled. "I already told you, Sora Hagane is gone." Ember Eye said calmly. The two masked blader left King who was on his knees, crying at the news of his friend's death. Sora felt a tear roll down her face before it fell to the ground. She turned to face King one last time before heading for the airport. Once they were on the plane, Sora sat back in her seat once more. She felt tears form in her eyes, she took the mask off and wiped them away before quickly putting it back on. She made sure no one saw her face as she did. She looked over at Shu who was staring out the window, a distant look in his eyes. "I know it's hard to tell the people you grew up with that you're gone. But we have to otherwise they will try to stop us. This is for the best Sora, soon we can drop this act." Shu said, still looking out the window. Sora let out a sigh before closing her eyes, letting sleep take her from this nightmare.

~Begin Dream~

Sora stood on charred ground, flames surrounding her. "Sora, how could you?" A voice asked. Sora spun around to come face to face with her father. "Gingka?" Sora said in an unsure voice. She ran to hug him only to be pushed away. She looked at her father, his face held betrayal and hatred. "You let me die Sora. You were too weak to defeat Lui. And too late to save me. You are a disappointment to me." Gingka said, his voice was as cold as ice. "I-I'm getting stronger father." Sora said. "Really, how come you got kicked out of BC Sol? How come you couldn't defeat Free or Lui? If you were really getting stronger, you would have beaten them already!" Gingka growled. "My father would never say that. You are not Gingka!" Sora yelled. The fake Gingka faded away as the flames grew closer to Sora. " Such a disappointment." Another voice said. Sora turned to see Kyoya and the rest standing behind her. "My family would never say that!" Sora yelled before charging at them. They split up and surrounded Sora. She looked around at the familiar faces, hatred was all she saw. "This isn't real! I beat King and now I'm on a plane to Brazil." Sora said to herself. She closed her eyes and opened them again, only to see Gingka laying on the ground. His breathing was shallow and he laid on his left side facing Sora. "S-Sora, help me." Gingka pleaded as he reached out for his daughter. His arm went limp, his breathing stopped and his eyes clouded. Sora ran over to Gingka and fell to her knees beside him. "No! Gingka, please stay with me!" Sora pleaded as she held his hand. "Please father, don't leave me alone!" Sora yelled, tears streaming down her face. "This is your fault Sora." A voice said. Sora turned to see Lui standing there with a smirk on his face. "No you killed him!" Sora yelled as she jumped to her feet. Lui let out a cold laugh before speaking again. "You really think that? You killed your father by losing to me. All you had to do was defeat me do defend your weak father." Lui said. "Gingka isn't weak you cold blooded lizard!" Sora growled as her scar began to glow and her hair changed from white with gold streaks to red with white streaks. She let out a crazed battle cry and launched herself at Lui, tackling him. He smirked as he disappeared, Sora's eyes widened at the fact that she was falling. She reached out of a ledge and grabbed hold of it. She was about to pull herself up before Lui walked up to her. He looked down at her before stepping on her left hand. Sora let out a pained cry as Lui began to crush her hand. When he lifted his foot, Sora's hand dropped limply to her side. Lui stepped on her right hand causing Sora to scream in pain once more. He lifted his foot and Sora's hand began to slip. A blur of white pushed Lui aside before grabbing Sora's right arm. The white blur turned out to be Shu, he pulled her up and then began to shake her. "Sora, Sora wake up!" Shu said.

~End Dream~

Sora's eyes shot opened and she was breathing heavily, the first thing she saw was Shu's mask. "Are you okay Sora?" Shu asked. Sora shook her head yes, not trusting her voice. "No you're not, you're sweating and you were screaming in your sleep. What happened?" Shu asked. "I saw him die again, right in front of me. He was asking for my help but I was too late!" Sora whimpered. "Sora, it's okay. I'm here." Shu said before pulling the white and gold haired girl closer to him. Sora rested her head on his chest, but She was way to scared to fall back to sleep. Soon, Sora felt Shu relax beside her. She looked at him so see that his head was slightly tilted and his mouth was slightly open as he breathed. You better not have nightmares right now. Sora thought as she leaned against his chest. Sora began to look out the window and watched some clouds roll by. This is going to be a long flight. Sora thought as more clouds floated passed the window.

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