Chapter 5

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Sora and Shu walked down the streets of New York towards Grand Central Park. Sora had already spotted the entrance to the park. "Race ya!" She yelled before running towards it. "Sora wait!" Shu yelled as he ran after her. The white and gold haired girl had already climbed one of the many trees beside the lake. "Sora...Sora, come on this isn't funny!" Shu yelled as he search for her. Sora held back her laughter has Shu walked right by her tree. She jumped down landing softly behind him before placing her hand on his shoulder making him jump. "Gah! Sora don't scare me like that. This isn't Begoma, I don't know what I'd do if something happened to you." Shu said now facing her. "Hello if you don't remember I'm the daughter of Gingka Hagane and the niece of Ryuga. I'm pretty sure I can handle myself. Besides I'm with you so what could go wrong?" Sora replied calmly before softly kissing him on the lips. After that they began to head towards the other side of the park towards the castle. The sun was setting making Sora's gold highlights shine as if they were made of fire. "Too bad there isn't any bey parks here. That would be the perfect way to end this day." Sora sighed as she looked over the banister of the castle at the park. "I want to show you something." Shu said before taking Sora's hand in his and leading her out of the park. As they walked down the sidewalk Sora noticed a black van parked on the side of the road. Although she didn't think it was suspicious she took note of the licence plate number. After walking what seemed like miles they reached a small park. It had a single beystadium in the middle, almost like the one back at Begoma city. "It looks almost identical to the one at Begoma. How long have you known about this?" Sora asked as they walked towards it. "I saw it yesterday when we were on our way to team dungeon's gym." Shu answered. Sora crouched down and touched the surface of it. "This stadium is very smooth. It must be brand new or no one has used it." Sora said as she rose to her feet. "Well, we'll be the first ones then." Shu replied. They walked to the opposite side of the stadium and got into their launching positions. Shu took a couple steps back and pulled his launcher to his side. Sora slighlty shifted her feet, ready to launch herself into the air. "3...2...1...Let It rip!" They both yelled in unison. Shu launched himself forward while Sora leaped into the air both pulling the ripcords as hard as they could. Spryzen raced around the stadium in left rotation while Pegasus was bouncing above it in it's usual right rotation. "Like my new launch?" Sora asked while she landed onto the ground pleased that it had worked. "Don't know yet, Go now Spryzen!" Shu said yelling the last part to his bey. Spryzen began to spin faster towards the bouncing Pegasus. "Not today, Pegasus Star blast attack!" Sora yelled. "Spryzen, Upper Launch!" Shu yelled. Spryzen and Pegasus met with a sudden force sending them both backwards towards the edge of the stadium. "You've improved science last time." Sora commented. "So you've noticed." Shu replied. "Yeah, but I bet you can't beat this. Pegasus, time to disappear!" Sora yelled. Pegasus suddenly disappeared from sight, leaving Spryzen to spin alone in the stadium. Shu searched for the invisible bey before a light caught his eye. "Spryzen, Counter break!" He yelled. Spryzen headed towards the light and collided with Pegasus causing it to reappear. "Pegasus, Final drive!" Sora yelled. The tip on Pegasus dropped allowing the rubber part of it to make contact with the stadium making it move out of the way and spin a lot faster than before. "Alright time to end this, Pegasus Cosmic Tornado!" Sora yelled punching the air. Pegasus began to spin rapidly in a small circle while headed towards Spryzen. "Spryzen, Upper Launch!" Shu yelled. Spryzen headed towards Pegasus at a high speed, the two bays collided. In seconds both burst, so close that they couldn't really say who won. "Again?" Sora asked. Shu just shrugged his shoulders before going to pick up his bey. Sora looked to her left towards the road and saw the same black van from earlier. Three people with masks on where getting out and walking towards the two bladers. She looked to her right and saw three more people in masks. "Shu we need to leave now." Sora said quietly to him. Shu stood up and looked at her. "What's wrong?" He asked. "Look towards the road." Sora replied. Shu turned his head and his eyes widened at what he saw, he then turned back to face Sora. "What should we do?" He asked quietly. Ok, You've been here before. Six people coming towards us, probably to kidnap us. I think running is the best option, after all we could more than likely outrun these people. Sora thought. "Our best option is running, we can outrun them... hopefully." Sora replied. Shu nodded his head, on a mental count of three the two began to run for the Raging Bulls headquarters. They ran as fast as their legs could carry them with the masked people trailing behind them. They turned several corners trying the shake their pursuers, but it didn't work. Sora and Shu were twenty feet from the Raging Bulls headquarters, as they passed an ally Sora felt something go around her neck before it wrapped tightly around it almost knocking her off her feet. She let out a cough before grabbing it in her hands trying to pull it away from her neck. Shu turns around hearing her cough and runs towards her. They both pull at the rope trying to get it loose as Sora fights against it as whoever is on the other end attempts to put her back. Shu looks towards his left and sees their pursuers getting really close. They pulled harder at the rope around Sora's neck, Sora reached into her pocket with her right hand and pulled out her swiss army knife and handed it to Shu. He opened it and started to cut at the rope, it finally snapped letting Sora breathe. Shu closed Sora's knife handed it to her before they both began to run towards the building again. They ran through the front doors, the lobby, the door to the stairs and up the stairs to their floor. They ran down the hall and through the door to Shu's room and shut it behind them. Sora locked the door while Shu sat on his bed, both were gasping for air. "What...was...that...about?" Shu asked between breaths. Sora turned and looked at him. "I...don't...know....but...I...think...I'm gonna.....sleep in....tomorrow." Sora replied rubbing the red line that was forming on her neck. The doors to the stairs were heard opening and closing followed by foot steps. Sora quickly but quietly backed away from the door towards the wall next to it keeping her feet away from the gap at the bottom. A knock was heard, Sora and Shu held their breaths not making a sound hoping the mysterious person would go away. "Shu you in there?" the voice said, it was Theodore Glass. Shu got up and walked to the door and looked through the lens before unlocking and opening the door. "Is everything alright? I heard you and Sora were being chased." Theodore asked. "Yeah, we're ok. Although Sora was almost choked by a rope." Shu replied as Sora appeared beside him. "Who were those guys? And why were they after us?" Sora asked. "I don't know but you might want to be more careful when you wander around New York next time." Theodore replied before leaving. Sora walked out into the hall before turning to face Shu. "I'm going to go to bed now. See you in the morning." She said before turning to her door and opening it. "See you in the morning. Goodnight Sora." Shu replied before closing his door. Sora walked into her room, closed the door, locked it, changed into her pjs and got into bed letting sleep take over.


Ashtem stood inform of the masked bladers, clearly upset about their failure. "You couldn't capture a blader, not just any blader. Sora Hagane the daughter of Gingka Hagane, one of the most powerful bladers in the world. The very blader I've been after since she showed up at the district tournaments in Japan. The one that I convinced Free De La Hoya that she was going to betray his team by joining another. The one who is currently sleeping in the Raging Bulls headquarters after you idiots spooked her, chased her, and almost had her if she hadn't broke free." Ashtem spoke his voice held a slight bit of irritation it it but the part of his face you could see held a stone expression. "We're sorry Ashtem, we didn't expect her to have a knife. We-" The yellow masked blader was interrupted "I don't want excuses I want results, successful ones. Gold eye you are in charge of the next attempt, I know you won't fail me." Ashtem spoke before leaving.

~Timeskip to morning~

Sora opened her eyes and sat up in bed. She let her feet hang over the edge before standing up and changing into her yellow shirt, black pants, black sneakers and yellow fingerless gloves. She unlocked and opened her door and walked towards the elevator. She heard footsteps behind her as she stepped into the elevator. She turned to see Shu walking towards her, she smiled at him which he returned it. "How are you feeling?" Shu asked as the elevator closed and headed down. "Good considering that someone tried to drag me back with a rope around my neck." Sora replied. The elevator opened again revealing the dining hall. The two stepped off and headed for the line that was currently empty. Sora grabbed a blueberry muffin and went to sit down at a table, Shu soon joined her with a strawberry muffin in hand. "How can you eat that every time they're around?" Sora asked before taking a bite out of her muffin. "I don't see how you can eat that every time we go to a bakery." Shu replied as Sora took another bite out of her muffin. "Fair point. So are we training today?" Sora asked. "As far as I know yes. But I hear there is some new bladers joining us." Shu said before finishing his muffin. "You know they should really make these muffins bigger. It's like three bites and you're done with them." Sora said before finishing her muffin. "I guess they want us to get for training as soon as possible." Shu replied. The two bladers got up and left growing away the muffin wrappers as they did. They walked to the training room, they began to stretch before turning to the weights. "Let's not make a competition out of this." Shu said. "Agreed, I don't feel like not being able to blade for a few weeks right now." Sora replied before lifting Two twenty pound weights. Shu just rolled his eyes before picking up two twenty-five pound weights. "Show off." Sora said irritated. The more bladers entered the room and surrounded Sora and Shu. "Well, well, well, if it isn't the dynamic running duo." One of the bladers sneered. "What do you want?" Shu asked. "You know what I want Kurenai, a battle." The kid replied. Shu set down the weights and turned to the kid. "Remember last time?" He asked. "This times going to be different. I will crush you!" The kid replied. Sora heard this and set down her weights and turned to face him. "I've got an idea, battle me and if you win you get to battle Shu. You lose, you leave us alone. Deal?" Sora asked. "You really think you can beat me? I'd like to see you try, deal." The kid replied. They walked over to a stadium and got into their launching positions. Sora with a regular one and the kid well, she wasn't sure what he was doing. "This is going to be a two point match. The first the get to two points wins. A kid acting as referee spoke. "And set." "3...2...1...LET IT RIP!" they yelled in unison. Pegasus was flying around the stadium while the other bey took the center. "This will be easy." The kid said. "First mistake underestimating your opponent. Pegasus, Storm bringer!" Sora yelled. Pegasus began to circle the stadium faster leaving a blue trail in its path. The wind's current sucked the other bey into the air. As it fell to the ground Pegasus flew towards the center colliding with the opposing bey causing it to burst. Sora lifted her hand and caught Pegasus in it before putting in in her bey holder. The kid just stood there shocked. "A burst finish Galaxy Pegasus wins the match with two points." The referee said while festering his hand to Sora. "I can't believe I lost!" The kid yelled. "This stupid bey isn't worth keeping anymore!" The kid yelled before going to crush it beneath his foot. Sora launch herself forward grabbing the bey pieces in her hand before dodging his foot. She rose to her feet, her expression clearly furious. "Why would you do that to your own bey? It has done everything you asked and this is how you repay it?!" Sora yelled at the kid. "If you're going to do that, you don't deserve to blade anymore." She finished. The kid let out a huff of anger before leaving. Sora looked at the bey pieces in her hand and put them back together. "Now to find someone who'll actually appreciate it." Sora said before turning to the group of kids behind her. She puts the bey into her pocket before returning to the weights, Shu following behind her. "What a coincidence you're here too." A voice said from behind them. They both spun around to come face to face with no other than Free De La Hoya. "It's nice to see you again Sora Hagane." He said. The shocked look on Sora's face conveyed her thoughts. What is Free doing here?!

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