Chapter 7

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Sora sat down on one of the benches in the training room. She had been practicing for hours on end ever since she had arrived here at the Snake Pit. The Snake Pit, the name itself would make a blader shake with fear. Well, not me. The bladers here are all masked and in my opinion they don't blade very well. Sora thought before taking a bey out of her pocket. This is the bey I got from that kid. She examined it closely. A counter clockwise (left) spinning defence type with the forge disk called Two, the frame called Bump and the Atomic performance tip. Not a bey that will give up easily. Well, if you actually know how to use it. I wonder if I can find an owner for it here. Sora thought before putting it away. She stood up and looked around, the ember tint to her lens didn't really make it difficult to see. It was actually clear despite the almost unnoticeable ember color to her vision. She walked towards a beystadium and saw a two kids practicing. One in particular caught her attention. He was a mid-sized boy with frizzy light brown hair and green eyes. He wore black shirt, dark green khakis held up with a dark orange belt. He also wore black and navy blue high-top shoes. Boa Alcazaba, he seems to know what he's doing. Unlike these other trainees who can't even get their launches right. Sora thought. She watched as Boa and the other kid battled. She took the bey out of her pocket and stared at it. She looked at Boa and back to the bey. I think I just found an new owner for this bey. She thought before turning to watch the battle. A few minutes later Boa had won against the other trainee. He turned and saw Ember Eye watching him. She walked up to him before showing him a black, purple and red colored bey. "You have some potential, try this bey and see how you do against me." Sora said. Boa took the bey form her and loaded it onto his launcher. Sora took a bey out of her bey holder, it was a black and gold balance type version of Galaxy Pegasus. She rolled her eye behind her mask. Do these guys have no creativity or something? Shu is going to be so mad when he sees this. She thought as the loaded it onto her launcher. She walked to the opposite side of the stadium and got into her launching position. "3...2...1...LET IT RIP!" They yelled in unison, this caught everyone attention and they headed towards the battling duo. The black and gold Pegasus charged around the stadium while the other bey took the center. "Go now Pegasus!" Sora yelled. The black Pegasus charged towards the bey in the center. They collided and both were sent backwards. "Attack!" Boa yelled to the black and purple bey. It started to head back towards the black Pegasus. "Nope, not today. Pegasus counter!" Sora yelled. The two beys collided once more and Pegasus was the only one still in one piece. Sora picked up both of the beys and walked over to Boa. "It's name is Ark Balkesh." She said calmly before handing it to Boa. "You're going to let me keep it?" He asked, evidently shocked by the masked bladers words. "For someone who didn't know this bey very well, you did very well." Sora replied. Boa took the bey from her with a smile on his face. "Thank you Ember Eye." He said. Sora just nodded her head before leaving. She walked out of the room and down the hall. Silver Eye one of Ashtem's sidekicks as Sora likes to call them stepped in front of her. "Ashtem wants to see you." Silver Eye said before walking away. Sora turned around walked back into the training room and up the stairs. She walked through the door and in front of her was a throne-like chair that Ashtem sat in. On the left was Silver Eye and on the right Gold Eye. "You wanted to see me Ashtem?" Sora asked. "Yes, one of our bladers spotted a group of bladers headed towards the Snake Pit. I want you and Red Eye to confront them when they arrive." Ashtem said not turning to face her. What is this a castle? Sora thought. "Yes Ashtem." Sora said before leaving the room. She walked outside the temple like building to find that Red Eye was already standing at the top. Sora climbed to the top to stand beside him. "So I guess you already knew about this?" Sora asked. "Yes." Red Eye replied. "Remember that kid I faced back at the Raging Bulls?" Sora asked. "The one that tried to destroy his bey after he lost? Yeah I do." Red Eye replied. "I gave the bey to Boa Alcazaba." Sora said. "Why?" Red Eye asked. "I seen potential in him, he did pretty well in his first battle with it." Sora replied. "He's been talking to me a lot. He says that he wants to become as strong as I am." Red Eye said. "I guess he sees you as his idol." Sora replied. Suddenly a scream of fear was heard. "What was that?" Sora asked. "I don't know but I think we're about the find out." Red Eye replied, pointing to the rattling bushes. Sora's eyes widened beneath her mask. Valt, Rantaro, Diego, Wakiya, and a black haired kid that had a parrot on his shoulder entered the clearing. A series of woahs could be heard. "There's no doubt in my mind, it has a clearing just like the picture."Wakiya said. Sora turned to Red Eye and he nodded his head. "Halt, trespassers!" Red Eye said loud enough for them to hear. Valt stopped running towards the temple like building and everyone looked up towards where the voice had come from. They didn't recognize the two masked bladers "Hi! Is this the way to the Snake Pit?" Valt yelled to them. "They probably have a secret handshake or something." Honcho said. "Cool mask! Is there a party going on here or something?" The black haired kid asked. "Party!" The parrot copied. "Are you just going to stand there?" Wakiya asked getting a bit irritated. "Hey do you by chance know someone name Shu or Sora? I need to talk to them!" Valt yelled. They came looking for us. They need to leave or they might get hurt. Sora thought. "Prepare to battle!" Red Eye yelled before a beystadium emerged from the ground. Red Eye and Sora walked down the stairs towards the beystadium "There's your or off this is the right place. If we defeat you will you finally answer us?" Wakiya asked a smirk on his face. Sora and Red Eye turned to look at him. Like you can beat us, please. Sora thought as they walked towards the beystadium. "Ok, let's do this! You'll have to talk to me after I win." Valt said before running to the opposite side of the stadium. "Name's Valt Aoi. I want you to meet Genesis Valtryek." He said holding his bey up for then two masked bladers to see. "Your turn who are you?" Valt asked. "Ember Eye, And this is Shadow Pegasus." Sora replied holding up the black and gold bey. Red Eye looked at it and his frown deepened. And now he's mad at Ashtem. Sora thought. "Red Eye. And my bey is Legend Spryzen" Red Eye said. Valt's eyes widened in shock "Spryzen, Pegasus? Yo, That's my friends bey what's going on here?" Valt yelled. "Shu and Sora as you know them are gone!" Red Eye yelled. Everyone's eyes widen in shock. "W-what did you say?" Wakiya asked shock filling his voice. "W-what are you talking about?" Valt asked. "They were too weak. Shu wasn't worthy of Spryzen I am. That's why I claimed it, I know who to harness its true strength." Red Eye replied as he loaded Spryzen onto his launcher. "There's the proof! Sora and Shu were here! Where are they now?" Wakiya said. "They're gone? How can that..." Honcho didn't finish that sentence. "I won't believe you! They're not like that at all!" Valt said before loading Valtryak onto his launcher. "Listen, if I win I'm taking Spryzen with me!" He yelled. Yeah, don't take this fake Pegasus with you. I wonder if they have my bey. Sora thought. She looked over to Wakiya who was holding the real Galaxy Pegasus. "If we win I take Galaxy Pegasus." Sora said calmly. "Why do you want it?" Honcho asked. "That's for me to know and you to find out." Sora replied. Red Eye and Valt got into their launching positions, Red Eye stood back from the stadium. "3...2...1...LET IT RIP!" They yelled in unison. Red Eye pushed off of the ground towards the stadium and shoved his launcher forward before pulling the ripcord. Spryzen charged around the stadium catching up to Valtryek. "It's so fast!" Honcho said. Spryzen and Valtryek kept colliding in the center of the stadium. Each time they did Valtryek hit the side using them to gain spin power thanks to the springs in the layer. "Let's go Spring Wing attack!" Valt yelled. A new move? How long have we been here? Sora thought. Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Valtryek hitting the ground. "Yep, saw that coming." The black haired kid said. "G-give me another chance!" Valt said. "Very well. Ember Eye you want to take this one?" Red Eye asked. "I'm good, please continue." Sora replied. Red Eye switched his launcher to left spin mode. Sora walked away into the jungle and came up behind Wakiya and kept silent. A few seconds later Valtryek was burst and Spryzen flew back into Red Eye's hand. Sora snatched Galaxy Pegasus from Wakiya's hand. "I'll be taking this now." Sora said before walking over to Red Eye. She took the fake black and gold Pegasus and left it in the stadium. "I always hated that one." She said before putting Galaxy Pegasus in her bey holder and following Red Eye into the temple. They walked to a white room that held five other masked bladers. They work black suits like Shu and Sora's as well as the mask to match. The first had blue accents, he was known as Asure Eye. The second had purple accents, he was known as Violet Eye. The third had yellow accents, he was known as Yellow Eye. The fourth had gray accents, he was known as Gray Eye. The fifth and final one had no accents at all just a solid black suit, he was known as Black Eye. Sora held back a laugh at the name Black Eye. What did someone punch him in the face or something? She thought. She heard Valt and Honcho yelling at Ashtem. They should have left! If they win they'll never be allowed to leave, but if they lose who knows what will happen! Sora thought. Suddenly one of the white walls opened and she saw Valt and the rest looking up at their copies. Each one expressing their opinions about their beys being copied. Valt declined to battle with Shadow Valtryek. Sora and Red Eye walked in front of the shadow bladers. "If you want to battle us, then you have to defeat them first." Red Eye said before walking away with the rest following. Guys, I hope you know what you're getting into. Sora thought looking behind her to see her friends face before following Red Eye. They walked through several rooms before reaching the end, leaving the shadow bladers in their designated room as they did. "They came all this way looking for us Shu. But I wonder how they knew we were missing." Sora said. "I do to, but right know that is not our concern." Shu replied. And so they waited for Valt and the rest to arrive.

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