Chapter 3

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"You remember that kid that won the Japan nationals four times in a row?" Sora asked. "Yeah." Masamune, Toby and Zeo answered in unison. "Well, he came and challenged both of us to a battle. I got this scar from him sending my Striker into my face." Sora said calmly before continuing. "And he shattered Striker in the second round and sent me flying." She pulled Striker's pieces out of her suitcase pocket. It's energy layer was split into two pieces. Everyone in the room gasped, with the exception of Sora of course. "I was knocked out before he battled Gingka. When I woke up he was on the ground and flames surrounded us. He had been shot. I helped him up and we ran to the hospital. He died from breathing in too much smoke and lost too much blood from his injuries." Sora finished before breaking down crying. Toby hugged her while Masamune and Zeo were growling in anger. Toby lead Sora to the guest bedroom and left. She heard them yelling down stairs but shut them out. The last memory of her father flashed through her mind.


Flames raged around the two figures lying on the ground. One struggling to stay conscious from the smoke filling his lungs and the wound in his chest, his golden-brown eyes filled with pain. The other was unconscious, a small amount of blood trickled from the wound on her right eye, her long white hair had two gold streaks running down both sides. Two beys lay on the ground, one of them was the legendary Pegasus. The other was a red Striker whose energy layer was split in two. The white and gold haired girl began to stir, she groaned in pain. She breathed in and immediately smelled the smoke. Fire? But how could there be fire? What happened? She thought. Her golden eyes flew open, pain seared on the right side of her face where the wound was. She looked around for her father, she spotted him a few feet away from her. She forced herself to her feet and a sharp pain flowed from her shoulders to her legs. She winced but forced herself to walk towards her father. "Gingka, father come on get up we have to get out of here!" She said. She helped him up and a he leaned against her for support. They began to half run half limp out of the clearing grabbing their beys on their way. "We have to make it to the river. It is the only way to escape the flames." Gingka said. They quickly made their way to the river. The river was in view, a snapping sound filled the air. The girl looked up and pushed her father ahead, the burning branch barely missing them. They ran towards the river and crossed it using the stepping stones. They continued running until they were a good distance from the fire. They sat down against a log breathing heavily and occasionally coughing. "Sora, are you ok?" Gingka asked the white and gold haired girl sitting next to him. "Yeah, I'm just trying to figure out what happened while I was knocked out. I know you were battling that kid named Lui Shirasagi. But how did you end up with that wound in your chest and why was the forest on fire?" Sora asked. "That kid beat me. I thought that was all he was going to do. But I went to turn to pick up Pegasus, he shot me. I don't know why. He then started the fire, I guess to make sure we didn't make it out." Gingka replied. Sora let out a growl of anger, she then looked at her father. "We need to get you to a hospital." She said and stood up. They continued walking in the direction of a small city, Metal city. Gingka had brought Sora here a few times before now so she knew where to go. They walked to the nearest hospital. The doctors took him in and left her in the hallway. A nurse walked up to her and put some cotton on the wound on her face and taped it there with medical tape. The nurse then left, leaving Sora to contemplate what had happened.

~End of Flashback~

Sora stood up and walked towards Galaxy who was laying on the floor next to the window. She began to pet him very gently, feeling the soft white fur under her touch. The white wolf barked quietly in it's sleep. Sora stopped petting him and walked back to her bed. She layed down and stared at the ceiling. Let's see, I battled Lui, got kicked out of BC Sol, came to the US, and I'm now staying with Masamune, Toby and Zeo. What else am I missing? Oh yeah, I've got to find a new team to compete in the internationals. I'll do that in the morning. Sora thought, she suddenly yawned and closed her eyes.

~Time skip to morning~

Sora awoke to her phone ringing, she looked over to see Valt's name on the screen. She picked up the phone and answered it. "What is It Valt?" Sora asked, sleep laced in her voice. "I'm sorry if I woke you up but I wanted to ask you-" Valt was interrupted by Sora. "To come back to BC Sol?" Sora asked. "How did you know?!" Valt said."Because you're that predictable Valt." Sora replied. "So will you come back?" Valt asked. "No Valt, I'm not. I left for a reason. Chris and Free know why, so go ask them. I'll see you in the internationals ok?" Sora said. "Ok. I'll see you in the internationals." Valt replied sadly and then hung up. Sora stood up and walked down stairs with Pegasus and her launcher in hand. She stepped up to the stadium and began to practice until Zeo walked through the door. "Wow, your up early." Zeo said. "Yeah, I'm going to get some training in before I go looking for a new team to join." Sora replied as she caught Pegasus in her hand. "You want something to eat first?" Zeo asked. "Sure." Sora replied and went back to training. Her phone rang once more, she picked it up and saw Shu's name on the screen. "Hey Shu, how's it going?" Sora asked. "It's great, how's BC Sol?" Shu replied. "Well, how about I tell you in person? I'm here in America at team Dungeon's gym." Sora replied. "I'll be over there soon. Ok?" Shu said. "Alright see you soon." Sora said and hung up the phone. She grabbed Pegasus off the stadium floor since it had stopped spinning and walked to the kitchen. A plate of pancakes was waiting for her at the table. "Thanks Zeo." Sora said before eating all the pancakes. Footsteps were heard and Masamune walked through the door and a few minutes later Toby did too. "Hey Sora, how are you doing this morning?" Toby asked. "I'm doing just fine." Sora replied. A car was heard outside and Sora jumped out of her chair and ran out of the kitchen towards the training room. "He's here!" Sora yelled. Everyone followed her out of the kitchen into the training room. Shu walked through the door followed by a young man, who had cyan eyes, and orange, dark brown, and white layered hair. He wore a white turtleneck with a dark blue business jacket.

Sora ran up to Shu and hugged him tightly. "It's good to see you too Sora." Shu said. She let go of him and turned to the man that had come with Shu. "Who is this?" Sora asked. "My name is Theodore Glass. I'm the owner of the Raging Bulls." Theodore replied. "So why are you here Mr.Glass?" Toby asked. "I'm here to ask Sora to join my team." Theodore replied. "How do you know I'm looking for a new team?" Sora asked. "Kris called me and said you were looking for a new team." Theodore said a small smile spread across his lips. "Well, I want to compete in the internationals so..." Sora trailed off. "So what? Are you going to join us?" Theodore asked. "I'll join your team." Sora said. "Great, pack up your things." Theodore said before walking out the door. Sora headed upstairs and grabbed her suit case and walked back down. She put Pegasus into her bey holder and clipped her launcher to her belt. She walked out the door with Shu and the rest following. "Good luck with your team Sora." Zeo said. "Don't push yourself too hard." Toby said. "I already miss you too much!" Masamune yelled before hugging Sora a little too tight. "I'"Sora said between gasps. Masamune let her go and she stepped into the car with Galaxy and Shu followed. As soon as the door closed the car drove off leaving Toby, Masamune and Zeo at the curb waving goodbye. Sora turned her head to face Shu who was sitting beside her. "So, what happened at BC Sol?" Shu asked. "Lui came to Spain and I had decided to battle him. It ended in a tie and apparently someone was there recording the whole thing. Because later that day they sent it to Kris and her and Free decided to kick me out because of it." Sora explained. "If they are going to kick you out because of that then they didn't deserve to have you on their team." Shu replied. "Yes, and you are one of the strongest bladers in Japan. And they kick you out because of a little match. BC Sol is a weak team, without you and their captain they would implode." Theodore said. "I don't think so, they have Valt and Rantario on their team." Sora countered. Theodore just chuckled at her comment. Sora ignored him and continued to talk to Shu for the rest of the ride to the Raging Bulls.

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