Chapter 13

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*Video is just for music*

~Valt POV~

Valt watched as Cusa sat on the bench, staring at his broken bey. Sora, why would you do something like this? Valt wondered. He walked over to his acrobatic friend and sat next to him on the bench. "How are you doing?" Valt asked. "Not so good. I thought Sora hated people who broke others beys." Cusa said. "She does." Valt said. "Then why did she break Cognite?" Cusa asked. "I don't know, the way Shu and Sora are acting. That isn't the Shu and Sora I know, the ones I'm friends with would never do this." Valt said. "I guess sense Cognite is broken, I'm out of the tournament." Cusa said sadly. "I can fix that." Raul said. "Really?!" Cusa asked, his face full of hope. "Of course!" Raul replied. I'm going to see what Shu and Sora's deal is. Valt thought as Cusa and Raul left. He rose to his feet and headed towards Sora and Shu's training room. "I hope you're right." Sora's voice sounded. Right about what? Valt wondered. Apparently the two bladers spotted him through the window because the next thing Valt knows is that they are standing across from him on the other side of the glass. "Valt! Valt listen to me, we-" Sora was silenced by the sound proof function of the glass activating. The glass turned black, cutting off Valt from seeing his friends. Sora was trying to tell me something, but what was it? Valt thought as he walked away.

~Sora POV~

Sora and Shu collapsed to the ground screaming in pain as the device implanted in their necks began to shock them. After a few minutes the shock stopped allowing the two to recover. Sora shaikly rose to her feet and looked towards the window and noticed Valt was gone. "We were so close! What happened?!" Sora yelled as she punched the glass window once more, causing more cracks to form on the glass. "Theodore must have seen Valt headed in our direction. He probably switched on the sound proof function and turned the glass black. Apparently there is also a function in these devices that delivers an electric shock, depending on what we do determines who much power is used to shock us." Shu replied as he rose to his feet. The TV suddenly turned on catching both bladers attention. Sora looked at the line up and saw that Shu was up against Kurt and she was up against Boa. Good, I don't have to face Valt yet. That will give him some time to prepare for fighting either one of us. Sora thought. Shu's eyes and hair turned dull and he walked out of the training room towards the arena. Shu and Kurt stood on the stage with the stadium in between them. Kurt's 'subjects' cheered him on with loud and wild cheering. Idiots... We're surrounded by idiots. Sora thought. "I must admit you intrigue me. Tell me, What's your motive?" Kurt said. Wrong time to ask that question. You aren't talking to Shu, you're talking to Theodore. Sora thought. "Spryzen and I will destroy every bey here, you're will be one of many to suffer that fate." Shu said. "You'll regret being so arrogant, I won't show you any mercy. And after I'm done with you, your girlfriend is next." Kurt replied. He really thinks he can beat us? Hilarious. Sora thought. Shu and Kurt launched their beys and long story short, Kurt got a ring out finish. "I warned you didn't I, when you cross me you inevitably sealed your own fate." Kurt said tauntingly. "I hate having to repeat myself so pay attention this time. When I said destroy I meant it. Say goodbye to Kalzar!" Shu said with a crazed smile. They launched their beys again but this time Kurt lost with a burst finish. "Red Eye wins with a score of two to one." The ref said. "I thought you said you were going to destroy my bey, the only thing you've accomplished is enraging me. I'm coming for you and your girlfriend." Kurt said. Shu walked off the stage and back to the training room before being released from Theodore's control. "I have a feeling that isn't the last we'll see of him." Sora said. "Me neither." Shu said. The Tv came on catching their attention, it was Free De La Hoya Vs Joshua Burns. Joshua won the first round with a survivor finish, and was surprisingly calm during that round. But when he won he began to act like his normal movie star self. "I want to thank all my fans. But first I have to thank myself!" Joshua said. Sora facepalmed at this. As if Joshua can beat Free now, if he does I'd be surprised. Sora thought. "That overconfidence is going to crush his chances of winning." Shu said. "Yep." Sora replied. As predicted, Joshua lost with a slow motion burst finish and he broke down crying on the stadium floor. "Called it." Sora said. Movement by the window caught the two bladers attention. It was Kurt Bariter and his crew standing on the other side of the glass. The two bladers walked over to the glass and stared at Kurt. "What do you want?" Sora growled. "Oh so she talks. I thought she was more of a silent one." Kurt sneered. "Oh I can do more than talk. Go ahead, give me a reason to bust this glass." Sora said. "Come at me if you're so tough." Kurt replied. "Sora, don't do it." Shu warned. Sora let out a sigh before turning away from the glass and walking towards the stadium. "That's what I thought, run away peasant." The short clown person said. Sora turned, ran towards the window and punched it, causing the cracks to spread like wildfire on the glass and cover it entirely. Kurt's crew backed away from the window, their eyes wide. "I can't wait until our battle Ember Eye." Kurt said before walking away. "That guy really gets on my nerves. Thinks he is so high and mighty." Sora growled turning away from the window. "Hey look at me, I'm Kurt Bariter. I used to be the number one blader in the world and I still think I am." Sora said doing her best impersonation of Kurt. "Hahaha! Good one Sora." Shu said laughing. "I'm Joshua Burns, I let my confidence get in the way of beating Free De La Hoya, and I cry when I lose." Sora continued, impersonating Joshua. Shu laughed even harder. "I'm Lui Shirosagi and I will destroy you." Sora growled in her best intimation of Lui's voice, while having her arms folded and she had a huge evil grin on her face. A moment of silence passed before both bladers bursted out laughing and collapsed on the ground laughing their heads off. After a few minutes, they stopped laughing and stood up. Sora's eyes and hair suddenly turned dull and she walked to the arena, the elevator carried her to the stage where she stood face to face with Boa. The two launched their beys, Sora was able the break free of Theodore's control long enough to limit her launch strength. Draco was in left spin and Balkesh was in the center. The two collided and Balkesh burst instantly. "How?!" Boa asked, his voice filled with shock. Sora just walked off stage and back to the training room. Theodore released her from his control, Sora let out a sigh of exhaustion before sitting on the bench and closing her eyes. "I saw that you broke free for just a second, you spared Boa from Theodore's insanity." Shu said. Sora nodded her head and leaned back against the back of the bench. The Tv came on catching both Shu and Sora's attention once again, it was Silas match against Lui. "Your lucky streak has to run out sooner or later." Lui taunted. "What's that supported to mean?" Silas asked. "Don't act oblivious. Beating two members of the Big Five back to back, admit it you've got some serious four leaf clovers." Lui said. "Hey, both of those matches I won because of skill." Silas replied. He's trying to get Silas riled up so he'll lose his focus. Sora thought. "Call it whatever you want, those victories were flukes." Lui said. "Ha. Do you think I don't know what you're doing right now? Run your mouth all you want and soon I'll be running laps around you." Silas countered. "HAHAHAHAHAHA! You're clever but smack talk won't save you. Show me how strong you really are. And don't you dare disappoint me." Lui said. They launched thier beys and Luinor sent Satomb into the air. "The end, just wait for it." Lui said. A second later Satomb burst and Lui had won. "HAHAHA! So sorry, do yourself a favor and never battle again." Lui said. Sora's scar glowed a gold color and her hair changed from white with gold streaks to red with white streaks and it began to wave around like fire. "I'll show you how it feels to be on the losing side just you wait." Sora growled. She calmed down, her hair returned to normal and her scar stopped glowing. Valt went up against Norman and won with a burst finish. They announced the line up and it was Shu against Valt and Sora against Kurt. Sora's eyes and hair turned dull and she walked to the arena, the elevator carried her to the stage where she stood face to face with Kurt. The two walked to the stadium and loaded thier beys onto their launchers. "Well, seems like our match has come sooner that I expected. You will regret crossing me." Kurt said. Sora fought against Theodore's control and was able to break free for a few seconds. "You will regret trying to destroy my friend's bey." Sora growled. Theodore put her back under his control, the beys were launched. Draco in right spin, chasing Kalzar around the stadium. "Storm breaker!" Sora yelled as the rubber tip on Draco made contact with the stadium, making it surge forward and colliding with Kalzar. The sound of a bey cracking was heard and Kalzar's energy layer split in half and it burst, leaving Draco as the only bey left spinning. "Ember Eye wins with a score of two to null." The referee said. Kurt's eyes were wide with shock as he picked up his broken bey, he looked up at Sora who was now walking away. Sora walked down the hall toward the training room, she was suddenly surrounded by Kurt's crew. "I bet you're real proud of yourself for breaking the Emperor's bey." The short clown person said. Sora stood her ground and stared at them, she heard heavy footsteps coming from behind her. She turned to face Kurt only to be shoved to the ground. "Valt won't save you this time." Kurt growled. Sora jumped to her feet and faced him. *Cue music*This isn't going to end well. Sora thought. Kurt sent a punch towards Sora's face, she dodged and sent a kick to his chest. Kurt stumbled backwards, giving Sora the chance to escape. She ran to the training room and footsteps pounded behind her. She entered the room, the door locked and Sora was released from Theodore's control. Shu turned to face Sora with a confused look on his face. The window shattered allowing Kurt and his crew into the room. "Well, now we can get two birds with one stone." Kurt said. Shu and Sora backed away and their backs met the wall, preventing them from moving back any farther. Kurt walked towards the two bladers, Sora saw some of the other bladers outside watching. They aren't going to help us, we're on our own. Sora thought. She let out a growl of anger, her scar glowed a gold color and her hair changed from white with gold streaks to red with white streaks and started waving around like fire. She charged at Kurt and punched his chest, sending him flying across the room. A fight broke out, Sora and Shu were outnumbered but they managed to send Kurt's crew running out the door. Kurt snuck up behind Sora, grabbed her arm and grew her out the window. Sora picked herself up off the ground and faced Kurt. She saw Valt and the rest standing to her left, watching the fight. Sora heard Shu yelp in pain and she jumped back through the window to see Shu laying on the ground next to the wall with Kurt standing over him. Sora launched herself onto Kurt's back and began to pull at his hair and dodge his arms. Kurt grabbed Sora and threw her into the wall. Sora stood up again and faced him, she kicked his chest again making him fly through the window. Sora jumped through the window and stood over Kurt. "Leave." Sora growled. Kurt stood up and faced her, pure rage was on both of their faces. Security guards showed up and made Kurt leave, Sora watched him leave until he was out of her sight. Her hair returned to normal and her scar stopped glowing as she walked towards Shu who was standing outside the training room. The crowd had left when security showed up. Theodore walked towards them, no emotion was on his face so it was hard to tell what he was going to do. He lead the two to another training room and locked the door behind him. Sora sat down on the bench, leaned back against the back it and closed her eyes while Shu did the same. "You know you have your match with Valt soon." Sora said. "Yeah, I'm just going to rest for a minute." Shu replied. A few minutes passed before a voices were heard. "Hey Boa I need to ask you about something." Valt's voice said on the other side of the glass. "What?" Boa asked in an irritated voice. Sora stood up and walked over to the glass. "It Shu and Sora, you were with them the entire time at the Snake Pit right? You know a side of them that I don't. They changed, what happened to them?" Valt asked. "How should I know? I-" Boa was interrupted by Valt. "I need answers, just spit it out!" Valt said. "Cool it. Why do you even care?" Boa asked. Because he is our best friend. Why wouldn't he care? Sora thought. "Well excuse me for being worried. That's how the friend thing works." Valt replied, now getting irritated. "You were always such a pain." Boa said. "Huh?" Valt asked. "The second I laid eyes on you, I knew you'd get under my skin. I don't care if you're friend with them or not, I still can't stand you. And Red Eye and Ember Eye, trust me they're no fan either." Boa said. "Not true, they're my best friends for real!" Valt replied. "Yeah whatever, keep telling yourself that." Boa said before leaving. Valt looked at the floor for a moment before leaving as well. Valt, please don't give up on us. Sora thought. Shu suddenly stood up, his eyes and hair dull. He walked out of the room the the arena. The Tv came on and Sora looked to see Valt and Shu standing on the stage. "Finally I get to battle you." Valt said. Shu stayed silent and just stared at the floor with no expression on his face. He must be fighting Theodore for control. Sora thought. "I've been waiting a long time for this." Valt continued. Shu's eyes began to flicker between their normal bright crimson color and the dull color that Theodore's device caused. "Whatever happens let's have fun." Valt finished. Shu looked up at his friend, his eyes still a dull red color. "Matches aren't meant to be fun." Shu said. "Huh?!" Valt said, his face full of shock. "Winning is everything!" Shu said. "Prepare to be obliterated." Shu said. "I'm not cracking under the pressure. The two launched their beys into the stadium, Spryzen in left spin stamina mode. The two bey flew passed each other and Spryzen headed for the center, it was soon under a barrage of attacks from Valtryek. "Nice, Genesis Whip!" Valt yelled. The wings of Valtryek collided with Spryzen, sending the red and gold bey out of the stadium and passed Shu's head. So close! Sora thought. Shu caught the bey once it had passed his head and his face held an angered expression. I'm pretty sure That's from both Shu and Theodore. Shu, because it didn't hit the device and Theodore because it almost did. Sora thought. "Hey Shu, you having fun yet?" Valt asked. Shu kept silent for a moment before his eyes flicker to their bright crimson color. "Valt listen, Theodore is controlling me and Sora. We need your help." Shu said hurriedly. Valt's eyes widened at Shu's words. "How?" Valt asked. "He put a device in the right side of our necks, if it's hit it should deactivate." Shu explained. Sora felt a shock in her neck and she winced, it soon stopped allowing her to look back at the screen. Shu's eyes had returned to their dull color and he stood with his launcher ready. "Got it." Valt said before getting into his launch position. The beys were launched Spryzen was in left spin attack mode this time. The two beys collided in the center over and over again. The rubber on Spryzen caused Valtryek to speed up and hit the wall. The two beys collided and Valtryek was sent flying but was bounced back toward Spryzen by the edge of the stadium. "Requiem Whip!" Shu yelled. Spryzen made contact with Valtryek's tip and destroyed it, causing the bey to burst. Valt's eyes widened with shock, he knelt down to pick up Valtryek's pieces. "Game over as they say." Shu said before walking off stage. He walked back into the training room and he was released from Theodore's control. Shu stood still for a minute before sitting on the ground against the door. Sora walked towards and sat down next to him. "I can't believe I did that." Shu whispered. "Shu, it isn't your fault. Valt will understand now that he knows what's going on." Sora said. "Who are we up against next?" Shu asked. "You're up against Norman Tarver and I'm up against Lui." Sora replied.

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