Ch. 10 Teams?

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~Ayame pov~

I woke up to yet another day.

The teams were being chosen today, I swept my hair out of my face, I wonder what team I'll be put on.


I sit there waiting for Iruka ,ignoring everyone and everything around me.

Eventually he came through the door and started announcong teams, "team two...."

I zoned out until I heard my name on team seven...that's means..

"Haruno Sakura, Uzumaki Naruto" Iruka continued, cutting off my thoughts.

Naruto cheered as Sakura sulked.

"And Sasuke Uchiha." Iruka finished

Now it was Sakura's turn to cheer and Naruto's turn to sulk.


I found a nice tree to sit in and started eating.

Looking around, I saw Sasuke eating on a window sil.

Then, I saw Naruto go in and 'Sasuke' go out.

'Sasuke' approached Sakura , who was sat on a bench and had a conversation with her.

That is not Sasuke.

I sighed and went in through the window where I saw Naruto and Sasuke.

There was a dark room and in the center, was the real Sasuke tied up.

I snickered, earring a glare from Sasuke.

"Help me out"

I pretended to think about it, "Hmm....No!"

He grunted.

"What was that?" I giggled.

"PLEASE!" He yelled at me , obviously annoyed.

I smile and untie him , "oh and by the way Naruto transformed into you."

"Naruto...grr" With that he ran off to find him.

I was now sat back in the same tree now watching the real Sasuke approach Sakura.

" Oh there you are, bad boy." She said smirked.

"Where's Naruto?" Sasuke asked clearly annoyed.

"There you go changing the subject don't mind about him. He always does everything wrong because he has no parents to tell him otherwise. Isn't that right?" She said cluelessly.

"YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IT'S LIKE TO HAVE NO PARENTS SO LEAVE NARUTO ALONE! Sakura you're  really annoying." With that he walked off leaving Sakura stunned.


We sat in the classroom waiting for our sensei to turn up.

I already knew it was Kakashi.

Who else is this late?

I zoned back in to see Naruto putting an eraser on the door.

"Naruto he would never fall for that he is an elite ninja." Sasuke said.

"Oh yeah we will see about that." Naruto replied , fixing his headband.

"Yeah Sasuke-kun's right!" Sakura obviously backed up Sasuke, even after what he said.

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