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The paladins set course to their peace ceremony, which had started an hour prior to their arrival. Allura didn't give up her annoyed stare at the blue paladin, who could feel intense amounts of sweat running down his back from the dagger-like eyes. Keith played curiously with his mane fluff, only getting his hands pushed down when he moved to his face painting. 

"I'll admit Lance, the idea is adorable and all but why would you waste our time doing that?" Pidge asked while typing into her control board. 

"Oh don't tell me that this little guy isn't going to win us some fans! Look at his little nose and his chubby red cheeks! Who could say no to this fluffy red mane? He's like Voltron's mascot!" Everyone turned to that comment, looking down to Keith who looked a little spooked from the new attention and than back to Lance who still had the smirk of pride plastered upon his face. Shiro was the first to make a sound, his low hum of a laugh sparking the rest to join along. 

"Our little mascot huh?" Shiro asked out through his bouts of laughter. "Oh how much Keith would hate that if he was a teenager." Everyone continued on with their giggle fit except Lance and Keith. Lance stood still for a moment, the memory of Keith's cold angry face hurdling through his mind and sending a chill up his spine. Keith patted a gentle hand on the other's chest, uttering unintelligible words.

"Yeah yeah sorry little guy just doing some thinking you know?" Keith mumbled out more, mushing his face against the other's chest. Lance gave off a small smile, patting the top of Keith's head gently, it both seemed to calm Keith and himself.

"Thwink" Lance shook his head lightly, his smile only getting bigger. 

"No no Keith say it with me, Th-ink" It had been a long time since he had to teach pronunciation to any younger child, the last being his niece back in Cuba. The way she would mess up even the smallest of sounds made his heart melt, yet it was when she triumphed and overcame those obstacles and spoke words with a sense of confidence, did he feel like a true uncle.  

Keith seemed to stop and ponder hard, his eyebrows furrowing even. He let out a small breath. 

"Th-wink" He looked back up at Lance with happiness in his violet eyes despite the fact he didn't make any progress from his last attempt. Lance held in his want to just smother the infant in hugs and simply sighed, stroking a hand through his hair. 

"You did great Keith," he said with a tiny giggle. Before he could say anything else a loud voice yelled out to the crew.

"We'll be landing in a matter of ticks!" 

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