Chapter Three

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{Matt's POV}

Oh my god. She was so perfect. Jay was gorgeous and one of the sweetest people I have ever met. She didn't deserve any of this. It's just fucked up. She looked so peaceful in her sleep. So beautiful. She had medium length, wavy hair. And it was dyed red. Like Ariana Grande. And her eyes. They were so easy to get lost in. Blue, like Nash's. But slightly darker. I think I'm falling for her. Hard. I just don't know. But I do know for sure that I want to help her get better no matter what and that I really care about her. I was so lost in thought that I didn't realize that Cameron picked up Jay's hoodie.

"Matt, what the hell is this?" Cameron whispered, panicked.

He pointed at the white sleeves with blood all over them.  Oh crap. I forgot that it was just lying on the floor. I'm such an idiot.

"It's Jay's... please. You can't tell anyone. I just, I want to help her. And everything is so fucked up for her right now. She doesn't deserve any of it. I care about her so much..." I trailed off, my voice cracking and thick with tears.

All nine boys sympathetically looked at me and Jay's sleeping body with sorrow in their eyes. Would she have wanted them to know? She'll probably hate me now. Ugh. I can't believe I just did that. I didn't mean to screw this up.

Carter was the first to break the silence. "It's alright man. We're all here. Not just for you, but for Jay too. We love you dude." The others nodded.

I couldn't be more thankful for my friends. They mean so much to me. They're just so amazing. I love them.  I wonder how the fans will react to Jay. It's just so sudden. And I know some of them can be really harsh. I should have thought this through. What if Jay can't handle it? She's been through so much. I don't want her getting hate too. I bit my lip as I worried over the possibilities. I then shook my head. No. I'm helping her. I'll be here for her. I won't let anyone hurt her. I looked over to her. She was adorable when she was sleeping. I grabbed my phone and took a picture. I smiled and uploaded it to Twitter and Instagram with the caption: @ayejayyy awh. you're adorable when you sleep. sweet dreams beautiful.

I locked my phone and changed into just shorts so I could sleep. It was almost two in the morning. Wow. Thank god we all have a break from Magcon tomorrow. We probably would've been dying. I got into bed with Jay and wrapped my arms around her waist. She cuddled into my chest. I smiled and kissed her on the forehead.

{Jay's POV}

I woke up and checked the time on my phone. 7:30 AM. Damn. That early? Well, I wasn't tired so I got up and got changed into some of Matt's clothes. They were huge on me. I giggled to myself as I looked in the mirror. Oh my god. My hair was ratchet. Thank god the boys were still asleep so they didn't see. I went back to check on Matt. Awh. He's so cute when he's sleeping. I sat on the couch and logged into Twitter and Instagram. My notifications were blowing up. I had gotten 5,000 new followers on my Twitter and IG over night. Damn. I saw the picture that Matt posted of me and blushed. I favorited it and retweeted it. After instastalking and twitter stalking for a little bit, I logged out. The boys were still asleep. I looked in the kitchen that came with the suit and started cooking breakfast while quietly singing Fire N Gold by Bea Miller because that song is life.

{Taylor's POV}

I woke up to the smell of heaven. Wait. That's just food. I groggily got up and walked to the kitchen. Jay was in there singing and cooking. Yesss. She's a gift I swear. She's a really good singer though. Her and Shawn should do a duet sometime. I smiled at the thought. "Morning" I said in my morning voice.

Jay jumped and almost dropped the pan of bacon in her hand. "Did I scare you?" I laughed while reaching for a piece of bacon. "Psht. No. I totally knew you were there." said Jay blushing. Aww. She smiled at me. I could definitely see Matt and Jay together. It was almost 10 and all the boys were still passed out. I had an idea and a devious smirk grew on my face.

"What..?" asked Jay, confused.

"Let's smack cam them." I explained quietly to make sure that the guys wouldn't wake up.

Jay giggled and nodded. We found whipped cream in the fridge and covered our hands with it.

"Ready? 1..2..3! SMACK CAM!!" We yelled.

We started laughing so hard that we could barely breathe. I got Nash, Jack J, Jack G, and Aaron. Jay got Matt, Cam, Hayes, and Shawn. They all began waking up and started freaking out. Then they all realized what had happened. I saw Matt grab Jay by the waist and give her a kiss on the cheek. Aww. I winked at the two of them and wiggled my eye brows. They both blushed and smiled.

{Jay's POV}

Matt's arm was still wrapped around my waist. I was blushing like crazy and then I remembered.

"Oh wait, guys. I made you breakfast" I called out.

"YESSS" the boys chorused. They all ran to the kitchen.

"You're amazing." Matt mumbled with his head buried in the crook of my neck. I blushed even harder and shooed him away to eat. I ran to the bathroom to get ready. And then I realized that I didn't have any stuff. I had to get that from my old house. Oh right. I got kicked out last night. My family hates me. That's why I'm here. Right... I would just grab everything today. I'll just ask the boys to come with me and help. I don't think they'll mind. "Hey guys. Do you mind helping me today with getting my stuff. I mean, you don't have to- it's just if you want to, like I can always just-" The boys cut me off and all agreed. What would I do without them?

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