Chapter Seventeen

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{Jay's POV}

After Shawn and I had FaceTimed, he texted me asking to meet up. Of course I had said yes immediately. I was meant to be at his hotel room in an hour and I had yet to get out of bed or start getting ready.
I groaned.
"Hey babe, you okay?" Luke asked next to me in his morning voice.
"Yeah, just have to meet up with Shawn in a bit." I explained.
"Still not ready I see." Luke teased.
"Shut up" I giggled and pushed him away.
I got out from underneath the covers and walked into the bathroom to shower.
I looked in the mirror pleased with my outfit choice. I wore Luke's red flannel with a black tanktop and leggings with my combat boots. I pulled on a beanie and changed my lip rings to studs. Luke had finally convinced me to get snake bites and I actually really liked them.
"I'm leaving now." I called out to Luke.
Michael walked out of his room. "Where are you going?" He asked.
"I'm meeting with Shawn."
"Just Shawn?" Michael asked raising his eyebrow.
"Yes, just Shawn."
"Yeah, yeah. I'm just fucking with you. Have fun Jay." Michael laughed.
"See ya." I laughed and walked out the door.

I parked outside of the hotel and walked up to Shawn's room. I took a deep breath before knocking. I was already beginning to second guess this decision. Was this the right idea? What if Matt is there? Even worse, what if Matt is there with a new girl?
I heard a lock unclick and I was met by Shawn at the door. He practically knocked the wind out of me as he attacked me in a hug. I hugged back fiercely and felt my eyes water. Shawn ushered me inside.
"There's someone I think you should see.." Shawn trailed off.
I froze. No, it couldn't be Matt.
"It's not Matt. I swear." Shawn reassured.
My relief was quickly replaced by confusion. Then who? I continued to walk with Shawn into the next room.
Hayes fucking Grier.
I ran over to him and hugged him with everything I had in me, well more like tackled. My tears were openly flowing.
"I-I know I'm a really bad best friend. But I didn't know if you still wanted me or not. I thought it was best to stay out of everyone's lives." I tried to explain through tears.
"It's-it's okay. Everything going to be okay. Just don't leave me again. I need you." Hayes comforted.
"Yeah, yeah, of course." I promised.
I let go of Hayes and scanned him over. His eyes still shined with hurt.
"I'm sorry." I whispered and looked down.
"Matt's heart wasn't the only one you broke. I tried calling and texting so many times. And then you changed your number. What, did you think I wouldn't be happy for you? You're on tour, you're dating Luke Hemmings, you're practically famous. That's amazing. And you're happy. Did you think I would be mad at you? For being happy? We're best friends Jay." Hayes might as well have ripped out my heart and stomped on it with the way those words affected me. Guilt dripped from every inch of me.
"I'm sorry you had to hear that, but it needed to be said. I've spent three months thinking about what I could possibly say to you if I were to ever see you again."
"Yeah, no, I get it." I reassured with a smile. I didn't feel the need to fake it around these two. And I didn't have to.
"Hey, while you're here why don't we film that collab that I've been waiting forever for." Shawn suggested with mock anger emphasizing 'forever'.
I agreed and we began to decide on a song with Hayes' help.
"We could do Drunk In Love?"
"Yesss! That song is my shit!" Hayes exclaimed.
"Um. Sure. I just have to like, ya know, hear it." I agreed.
"You uncultured shit." Hayes insulted mockingly.
"Give me a second, promoting on Twitter." Shawn explained as he took a picture of the three of us.
'Doing a collab with Jay!(and Hayes helping) Should be posted later tonight!' He captioned it.
Hayes and I both retweeted it.
"Okay, well we better get started." I announced.

{ Matt's POV}

I was scrolling through Twitter. Cameron's photoshoot had been going on for over an hour. I sighed and continued going through my feed. I froze. "Hey buddy, you okay?" Cameron asked.
It was my baby, Jay. She was with Shawn and Hayes. 'Doing a collab with Jay! (and Hayes helping) Should be posted later tonight!" read the caption.
I couldn't believe it. Jay. She could still be there.
"Bro, we have to go. We have to go right now." I begged with desperation evident in my tone.
"Dude, what's wrong? We just have to finish this shoot up." Cameron asked.
"No! It's Jay! We have to go now, I can't miss this opportunity." I yelled emphasizing on the 'now'.
Cameron looked at me and nodded.
"Alright guys! That's a wrap! We'll look at the photos tomorrow or something. Thanks everyone!" Cameron announced and grabbed his keys.
The entire car ride back to the hotel, I couldn't stop fidgeting. I couldn't believe this was happening. I bolted out of the car and up to Shawn's room. I had never ran so fast in my life. I burst through the door and there she was. The love of my life was standing right in front of me. Her, Hayes, and Shawn were sitting in front of her MacBook editing. She was in a t-shirt and sweatpants and her hair was tied up in a bun and her make up was wiped off. But I have undoubtedly never seen anyone so beautiful in my life.
"Jay." I breathed out.

{Jay's POV}

"Jay." Matt breathed out. He was here. Matthew Lee Espinosa was right here in front of me. In that moment I knew I had never stopped loving him.
I could feel the tension boiling in the room.
"Um. Guys, can we have some privacy?" I asked.
Shawn's and Hayes' eyes met mine and I nodded to ensure that I was alright. Slowly they left room one by one. Hayes leaving last.
What was I supposed to say? What could I say? It's been three months since I've last seen this beautiful boy and I was speechless.
"Jay, I still love you.."

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