Chapter Twenty Two

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{Luke's POV}

It felt weird not waking up beside Jay. Especially after three months being with her every day. I should just call her. I picked up my phone and dialed her number.
"Hello?" A voice answered on the other end. Who is that? Probably one of Jay's friends. Maybe she was still sleeping.
"Um, hi. It's Luke? Is Jay still asleep?" I asked.
"Oh, no. She just went to brush her teeth. Let me give her the phone."
"Okay, thanks." I replied while trying to identify the voice on the other end.
"Hello?" Jay asked
"Hey babe. I just missed you so I wanted to call. And we have a sound check later today, so don't forget about that."
"Oh yeah. And I miss you too."

{Matt's POV}

"Oh yeah. And I miss you too." I heard Jay to Luke. Why is she still with him? I balled up my hands into fists and my jaw clenched. It made me so jealous to see Jay with Luke.
Jay walked out of the bathroom, "hey, I have a soundcheck today. Are you going to be okay once I leave?" She asked.
"Why can't I just come with you?"
She gave me a look. "Because Luke is going to be there." she pointed out.
"So what?" I persisted.
Jay sighed and shook her head. "I'm not starting shit up."
"But you will be back, right?" I asked concerned.
"Of course I will silly. I'm not leaving until the next tour stop. Okay?" Jay laughed.
She put her hands on my cheeks and kissed me. I gratefully kissed her back and smiled into the kiss.
"Okay, now I have to go get ready or I'm going to be late." Jay laughed walking away.
"Wait!" I yelled.
"Yeah?" Jay turned back around to face me.
"I love you."
"I love you too." she smiled and walked out.

{Jay's POV}

I walked into Shawn and Hayes's room because that's where all my stuff was.
"Have fun with Matt last night?" Hayes laughed wiggling his eyebrows at me.
"No. Can you not? You're like ten." I laughed and shooed him away.
"Then what did you do?" Shawn asked.
"Nothing. We just watched movies and stuff."
"And stuff?" Shawn repeated smirking.
"Stop!" I laughed.
I found a pair of leggings and a black V neck. I pulled off the hoodie I was wearing and slipped that on instead, as well as the leggings.
I heard Hayes sigh behind me. "I'm still never going to get used to that."
"Get used to what?" I asked.
"You looking weaker than a corpse. It's a little scary honestly. I'm worried about you." Shawn butt in.
"Guysss. I'm fine. I swear." I laughed. "You know what? Why don't y'all go to soundcheck with me?" I added.
The boys agreed and waited for my to finish getting ready.
I straightene my hair real quick and put on thick eyeliner, mascara, and switched my lip rings to studs. I guess we were taking a cad considering none of us had a car, not like Shawn and Hayes could drive it anyways.
"Jay you're late!" Calum yelled laughing.
"Nope. Still here before Ashton."
I walked around to get up on stage. "Shawn! Get your ass up here!" I yelled down to where he was sitting.
The other boys looked at me confusd.
"Shawn is like a crazy good singer. I just want him to try singing on a real stage. Just until Ashton gets here."
"Jay, what?" Shawn asked me.
"Sing." I demanded.
"What? No. I-I don't have my guitar or anything." Shawn stuttered.
I walked over to Michael and took his guitar and handed it to Shawn. "Sing." I repeated.
Shawn looked at me nervously and began to sing Skinny Love in the mic.
When he was done, the boys from One Direction, 5SOS, Hayes, and I started clapping for him.
"You're going to make it crazy big someday with that voice." Harry complimented.
"Really?" Shawn responded flustered.
"Yeah. Actually, in fact. Austin Mahone is looking for an opening act for his tour. I think you should be on it. I'll put in a word for you if you want?" Harry offered.
"Holy crap. Yes, that would be amazing. Thank you so much." Shawn smiled.
"Okay. Ashton's here now. Soundcheck. Shoo." I laughed.

{Matt's POV}

I felt like Jay's soundcheck had taken forever. Are you almost done? I texted her.
Heading back to the room now (: She texted back a second later. I smiled and locked my phone. I heard a knock at the door. I went to answer it and there was Jay.
"Hi baby girl. I missed you." I said to her before I leaned in to kiss her.
click What? I could've sworn that I heard something. Oh well, it was probably nothing.
"The guys and I were gonna go chill in Nash's room. You wanna come?" I asked.
"Yeah sure."

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