Chapter Fifteen

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{ Matt's POV }

It's been three months. Three months since she left me. Well, three official months tomorrow. I haven't been happy since she left. I know I've been letting my fans down so much. And I feel like shit about it. But Jay was my whole world. I can't let go of her. I love her. I always will. I can't make Vines anymore, or YouTube videos. I pretty much don't have any hype during my meet and greets anymore. Jay moved on. But I can't. Jay is the one. I'm sure of it.

{ Nash's POV }

Matt is upset all the time now. He's always moping. Jay did this to him. Why couldn't she just realize how much she meant to Matt? I sighed and walked over to Matt. His eyes were swollen and red. Stray tears were smudged on his cheeks. Matt sniffled and looked up at me with sad watery eyes.

"It's been three months. She hasn't even called once."

"Yeah man. I know. I'm so sorry." I apologized giving him a hug.

"You have to eat." I said.

"I don't want to eat! I don't want to do anything today! Do you guys not get how much she means to me? I love her and she fucking left me!" Matt cried.

He buried his head into my shoulder and continued to cry.

Jay. Matt needs you. Please come back. I hoped silently.

{ Jay's POV }

"Hey babe. You ready?" Luke asked me kissing my cheek.

"Yeah." I nodded.

Luke insisted on taking my bag for me. 5 Seconds Of Summer was starting their tour with One Direction, which I would be singing for as well.

I sighed and checked my phone. Wow. It's been three months. I miss him so much. But things with Matt and I were too much drama. And he could never love me again.

I hate myself for making Luke and the others put up with me. They shouldn't have to see me cry. And especially not over my ex boyfriend. They've been by my side through everything, not once showing any signs of annoyance. Life with the boys was easy and the fans were always so sweet. They had been so accepting of when Luke and I began dating around a month ago. It was crazy. But I knew it was what was best for me and Matt.

Everyday I thought about Matt. Everyday I hoped he was okay.

I stepped onto the bus and looked around at my new home for the next few months of my life.

{an// sorry this is complete rubbish. consider this a filler because i haven't updated in so long😭😭 i've just been busy. wattpad updated on my phone and i don't know how to bold or italicize text anymore. someone help? but thank you for all the reads i love you all babes.}

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