Chapter Four

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{ Jay's POV}

After breakfast, everyone got ready. I gave Taylor the address of the house and the guys and I split up into three separate cars. As we passed by the familiar neighborhoods, a tear leaked from my eye. Wow. I've lived here my entire life and just like that it's over. Matt held my hand and smiled at me reassuringly. I grabbed my phone and ear buds and started listening to music. We pulled up to my driveway. No one was home. Right, my parents are probably working again. Just like always. I ran inside and ran straight to my room. Nothing had been touched. Thank god. My bracelets were sitting on my bedside table. I grabbed them all and put them on. I felt relieved. These bracelets covered all my scars on my wrist. Normally people ask me why I wore so many, I just tell them that I like the bands a lot.

"So, um, where do we start?" asked Cam scaring the shit out of me. I didn't even realize anyone was there.

"Give me a second to stop dying and I'll grab some boxes." I walked over to my closet and pulled out boxes full of old schoolwork. I started dumping everything out and the boys followed suit.

"MAKE IT RAINNN" yelled Taylor while chucking handfuls of old worksheets in the air. Everyone started doing the same while laughing like crazy. It's not my problem if there's a mess. We started packing everything into the boxes. My clothes, shoes, and so on.

"What's a Sleeping With Sirens? And a Pierce The Veil?" Aaron was looking through my clothes. A lot being band merch.

"They're bands." The guys all shrugged and went on with what they were doing. Wow. I seriously need to update their music taste. Everyone was taping up the boxes except Jack and Jack? Where were they? They disappeared a little while back.


"FOOD." We heard back almost immediately. I rolled my eyes. Of course. Nash was the first to run down. The others trailing quickly after him.

"Thanks guys" I sarcastically called.

"I got you. It's okay." I turned around to see Matt inches away from me. Holy fuck. He's really quiet. And he smells really good. But he was really close. I blushed a ducked my head down.

"Don't hide your face. You're so beautiful." Matt whispered placing a hand on my cheek. I looked up and we both started leaning in. Our lips met in the middle. I was the first to break away. Holy fuck. That did not just happen. I did not just kiss the Matt Espinosa.

"I'm sorry." I blushed to an even deeper shade of red. I quickly turned around and continued to pack up my things to cover it up. Matt and I each grabbed a box and went to put them in the car. We had to take two trips. The boys were still down in the kitchen eating all the food.

"Let's go ladies, we're leaving with or without you" I laughed. The guys quickly got up and we left.

During the car ride home I couldn't even look Matt in the eyes. I felt awkward as fuck around him. Carter looked at me questionably. I waved him away and made note to talk to him about this later. After all, him and Matt were best friends.

{Carter's POV}

I looked from Matt to Jay. There is so much awkward tension between them. Did they get into a fight? Did something happen? I looked at Jay questioningly. She just waved me off. I made a note to find her later.

When we got back to the hotel I found Jay. "Can I talk to you?" We both asked at the same time. I chuckled a little and led her to my room.

"What's up with you and Matt? You guys seemed so close and lovey dovey earlier and now it's like you guys won't even look at each other."

Jay sighed and sat down on the bed. "We kissed."

My eyes widened. "Well that's great! The guys and I have wanted to see you guys together since the moment we all saw you guys together."

Jay shook her head. "No.. I can't even look at Matt anymore. I screwed everything up. I need time. I just need time."

I felt so bad for her. She shouldn't have to feel so bad over a kiss. She just seemed so fragile. It wasn't fair to Jay. "It's alright babydoll. You can stay here with me. For as long as you need." I pulled her into a hug and kissed her forehead.

{Matt's POV}

"She's staying in Carter's room? Why?" I asked frustrated. Hayes shrugged, "I don't know. I'm sorry man."

I really messed up this time. I really like her. I can't believe this is happening. How do I fix this?

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