Chapter Twelve

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{Matt's POV}

"Oh. You're busy?.. No... It's fine... Yeah.... Talk to you later... Okay.. Bye." Jay finished talking on the phone.

She groaned in frustration.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked while I wrapped my arms around her.

"Nothing. It's just that Claire keeps blowing me off saying she's busy. I haven't seen her since she's gotten here. And Jada and Cecii left because of all the drama a few days ago. I just feel like I have no one right now." Jay admitted.

"That's not true. You have me and all the other guys." I argued. I felt so bad for Jay. Claire was supposed to be here to be with Jay. Not ditch her. What was she even doing?

"Yeah. I know. But I meant like, a girl. I don't know." She explained.

"I know, I know. But again, we're still here." I repeated and kissed Jay's forehead.

She wrapped her arms around my waist. Wow. Isn't she hot? Who wears a hoodie in Florida?

Yo man, do you know if Jay's friend Claire is single? I don't want to start anything if she's not. I read. It was from Cam.

Is that seriously all Claire is here for? To get with the guys? I scoffed at how pathetic it was.

"What?" Jay asked and looked at my phone. "Oh. That's why she's ditching me." Jay said in a small voice.

I could tell that she was getting more upset. Her eyes were getting watery. I hated seeing her cry. She doesn't deserve to ever have to cry. I got on my knees, took her hands in mine, and looked her straight in the eyes.

"You're better than that. You're better than her. Please don't cry. I love you. It's okay."

"Is this my life now? People are either going to hate me or try to use me? Because they want you guys. I'm never going to be able to trust anyone without constantly thinking that they'll hurt me like everyone else. I can't do this Matt." Jay began to sob.

Every word was breaking my heart. This was my fault, wasn't it? I should've done something about the hate, I don't know. I should have done something. If I keep dating her then she'll just get more hate. More people trying to use her. And Jay doesn't deserve that. And Jay sure as hell doesn't need her supposed best friend using her.

"Sorry. Am I interrupting something?" Shawn awkwardly asked standing at the doorway.

"No, no! Wait. Can you stay here with Jay? I'll be right back. Okay. Please?" I begged.

"Yeah man, of course." Shawn smiled at me.

I thanked him and ran out the room as my embrace was replaced by Shawn's.

So where would Claire be. With Cam. I knocked on his door loudly and impatiently.

"Matt?" Cameron answered looking confused. Claire stood behind him with the same look on her face.

"You! I want you gone. You don't come here pretending to be Jay's friend just so you can ditch her and go around hooking up with guys. How dare you hurt Jay?! I want you gone by tonight." I seethed at Claire.

She fucking smirked at me and looked up at Cameron.

"Actually, she's um. Claire's staying with us.. she's my girlfriend now." Cameron explained awkwardly. "Sorry bro."

I can't believe this. She's been here for what, maybe three days. How is she already dating Cameron? How could he even like that fucking fake bitch? I walked out of the room. I just needed some time to cool off. A walk. All I needed was to take a walk until I calm down.

{Shawn's POV}

"Hey. So you wanna tell me what happened?" I asked a sobbing Jay as I cradled her in my arms.

She began to explain everything to me about her new friend Claire and all. I never liked her to begin with. I looked at Jay with sympathy as I tried my best to wipe away her tears. I pulled her close when I realized it was pointless.

"Shh. It's okay. Don't cry baby girl. It's okay." I whispered.

Why does everyone keep hurting her? Don't they realize what they're doing to her? Don't they realize what she's doing to herself?

"I can't do this anymore. I'm done." Jay spoke once she calmed down.

"You don't mean that. You don't." I argued.

"But, I do. Everyone hurts me. And I'm just done. I can't deal with this anymore. I thought I would be able to handle this, but I can't." This is the most confidently I've heard her speak. Jay really was serious about this. This is what she wanted.

"Okay. Please stay safe. I love you." I whispered and kissed her forehead, hugging her tighter.

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