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It have been a week since Joy went back to her house, and everything returned back to the way it was before the dance competi-tion. She never forgot them, and they never forgot her as well.

She was sitting on her bed in her previous room, doing absolutely nothing, except for starting at the white suddenly precious wall. As she was like that, her mother get into the room with a sad smile on her face. Joy looked at her, she wondered what was wrong with her mother, she was smiling a while ago. She looked at her with a confused look on her face for her mother's transportation. Her mother came closer and said hugging her daughter:"I'm proud you are that tallinted, and we will support you whatever your decision will be." Joy looked at her more confused. "What are you talking about?" was what she said, and her mother answered:"There is someone came to talk to you waiting for you in the living room with your father. Go and see him."

As soon as her mother said that, she ran to the living room to see someone she'll never
see again. RM was sitting there, on the couch near her father, chatting together. She cleaned her throat to gain their attention, they looked at her taking a seat in front of them after saying hello to Namjoon.
They looked at each other for a while until she asked him what's the matter came to her house.

RM:"I'm not sure about your decision, but your partner has no problem with that, I know because I asked for their permission before your mother asks you that I'm here."

Joy:"Straight into the main point if you please."

RM:"Ok...the manager saw your dancing with us and your rap on the stage and.."

Joy:"Let me guess, he wants me to be part of your group?"

RM:"Aaaaa, no. He wants you to be a Solo artist, the first female artist in the company, and very first female solo rapper too! He thinks you are grate, and he wants a talent like yours in the company. So what do you say? Remember...no pressure, we're going to respect any decision you take."

RM said, and Joy looked at him with wide eyes, looked at her parents and seeing them nodding with a proud smile on their faces, so without thinking twice, she said out loud while running to her room:"Give me 15 minutes and I'll be ready, don't go anywhere I'll be back."

She ran to her room, and as she got in, she locked the door and started jumping on the bed from happiness. After 20 minutes she returned back to the living room to see Namjoon sitting alone drinking his coffee, as he saw her, he told her that her parents at in the kitchen waiting for her. She went to the kitchen and met with her parents, they said goodbye to each other and how proud they are of her and that they will support her no matter what. They went to the door together while RM carrying her bag, they said goodbye for the last time and asked them to come and visit them more.

They got out of the house finally and as the were going to the car, RM suddenly stopped and Joy stopped as well, looked confused at him.

Joy:"Why did you stop? Everything is ok?"

RM:"Yes, I think. It's just I...I...it....it's.... It's nothing, forget it. Let's go, Hobi hyung is waiting in the car."

I looked at him confusingly, he is acting weird. I got into the car while he went to place the bags in the back. As got in, Hobi looked at me with his really hopeful smile, he's really a sunshine. I smiled back at him as he said:"Welcome back! RM and I were so happy when we knew you are back, and you're going to live with us again. The others are going to be crazy when they know you're back."

He said with one breath, that's Hoseok that I know, existed and hipper all the time, but wait did he just say the other's will go crazy when they know?!

Joy's pov end.

Joy:"Did you just said that the other's doesn't know I'm back?" She asked.

One Girl In The HouseWhere stories live. Discover now