The Wasteland

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"Son, go check out what just fell from the sky. It might be a small neteorite. If we brought it to NASA, then maybe we could earn enough money to move to the city." Father says. I am reluctant to do what he asked. I like my life, and I think that we are lucky to be living a two- minute walk from father's archeological site. He's been working in partnership with NASA to figure out if earth has something that has to do with the meteorite that killed my mother and forced us to move to a small town that isn't even on the map. It is an old town that could be considered part of father's site. The meteorite that forced our relocation had the same properties as dark matter, but it wasn't. The scientists analyzed it and figured out that it wasn't comprised of any element on the current periodic table. The scientists who analyzed it figured the meteorite to be from another dimension, thus proving the multiverse theory to be true. I wonder if this other UFO (unidentified fallen object) is gonna be worth it, or if it's just space junk that fell back to earth. I walk over to the UFO, hoping it didn't crush my house, again. It came down in a flare rivaling the sun's brightness. Nope. It just crushed father's car. Welp, that's another trip to the car dealer and another grocery store trip canceled. This is the sixth time father's car has been crushed. It's a rock. The rock starts to crack. The cracks glow. One crack widens, and I come face to face with an extremely bright eye. "Where am I?" The rock says. I screech. The rock breaks and a human, he looks about my age, 16, and he has jet black hair. His skin is a perfect mix of black and white. He is the embodiment of handsome, beautiful, and perfect. I have never considered myself as "gay", but this man may change my mind. The first thing he does when he meets my gaze, is roundhouse kick me. Not so sure that I'm gay anymore. "Who are you?" He asks me. I get up and stare at him. I wouldn't expect that a stranger you just met would be such cause for alarm. "I'm Charlie." I say. He just stares at me. "Charlie, would you please enlighten me on our current location, because the air here does not feel like that in the Realm of Magic. I want to know, where are we?" He asks. I'm surprised. Now that he is talking to me in a straight voice, I can hear his true tone. His voice is like liquid gold. His voice has a perfectly smooth deepness to it and his volume is just loud enough that his voice's perfect qualities are accented, but he's quiet enough to be drowned out by a cricket. I love his voice. "We are, um, in, ummm, I, ummmmmmmmmm, ....................... I actually don't know where we are. I forgot." I say. The man grabs my collar. "YOU DON'T KNOW WHERE YOU (presumably) LIVE?! THAT'S RUBBISH!" He yells. I am now scared of this man. He shakes his head. "I'm sorry for the outburst. I'm still in shock that I am not in my own realm." He says. Wait, we haven't been talking for even 5 minutes, and he's already in shock? "Who are you?" Is all I can say. "Please excuse my poor behaviors, I am Seto Alexander James Lucifer David Dreamurr III. I am the heir to the Dreamurr throne. My father is the king of the Realm of Magic. He governs the lords of the regions of the realm of magic. My aunt, Marie Annie Lorelei Dreemurr, is the lord of my region, Reactorland." He says. What the heck is a "Reactorland?

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