The Great Beast

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I lead Charlie through my room. We walk for five minutes before we reach the room I've been using to try and recreate the air from Reactorland. Charlie stares at me the entire time. His gaze makes me feel uncomfortable and I don't like it. We finally reach my meadow room, which is a mile away from the threshold of my air region. Charlie looks at me when we get there. "Seto, two questions. One, how do you have a meadow in your room? Two, WHY is your room so large." He asks. I simply shake my head. "My room is enchanted. Anything I wish it to do, it does. If I ask it to bring me a pizza..." I cut off and summon a pizza. Charlie looks at me, dumbstruck. I smirk, Charlie's cute when he's clueless. "So the room's enchanted, huh? Well then, I guess it's time for a counter-enchantment!" A dark, yet familiar voice says. Charlie shrinks behind me. I grimace. The room darkens and two red eyes flicker to life on front of me. "Shadow, what are you doing here?" I say, my voice dark and imposing. "Seto, don't try that drivel on me, you KNOW that it won't work. I for one, can tell that the boy beside you is absolutely terrified, and I, for one, LOVE it!" Shadow says, a white figure appearing in front of me. Charlie whimpers, obviously he heard Shadow's comment about his fear. "Seto, must your friend be such a COWARD?" Shadow says. "Shadow, I will stop you, no matter the cost!" I say. "No matter the cost, eh?" Shadow says. Shadow walks right over to me, and strikes.

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