Battle of the Voices

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I awaken, panting. I know what happens next.


When I arrive at school, Charlie is nowhere to be found. When I ask some students if they'd seen Charlie, I find out that Charlie and Alexandra have been hanging out by the track for some time. I make my way to the track, only to find a terrible scene awaiting me. Charlie and this woman are sharing cupcakes. Charlie's lips are stained a deep ocean blue, inconsistent with the dandelion color of the cupcakes. Charlie's been taken. I male my way to the two, waving at Charlie as I walk. Charlie disregards my gestures. Alexandra, however, notices my waving, much to my dismay. Alexandra beckons me to sit beside her. She lifts a cupcake for showcase.

"Come, try them. You'll love them. Don't believe me, ask Charlie."

Charlie nods in response. As he nods, I notice a change in his eyes. They've lost some color. I can't let him get to stage three or he'll be lost forever. I sit down where Alex beckons, feeling obedient and trapped; like an orca at SeaWorld. Alex place the cupcake into my hands. Knowing better, I refuse it. This seems to annoy Alex. I smile, the next time she uses her voice, she will be able to control Charlie to her every whim. I cannot allow that to happen. I must postpone her speech long enough to conjure a cure for Charlie.


After enough time of fraternizing with Alex, I complete conjuring Charlie's cure while keeping it discreet. While Alex hands Charlie his next cupcake, I command the cupcake to absorb the cure. It works. I see the change that Alex will not. Charlie takes a bite out of the cupcake and the blue stain on his lips turns to yellow icing. Alexandra notices this change and scowls. She offers Charlie another cupcake, but he refuses.

"Uhh. No thanks."

Charlie stands and sighs.

"I'm sorry, but I have to leave."

Alexandra is upset by his words, apologetic without tone. Her face contorts into a forced smile.

"That's, fine. I'll stay here, alone."

Alexandra emphasizes the word "alone", but it has no effect on Charlie. I've immunized him. Charlie begins to walk away, but as he does, Alexandra yells in refusal. Her tone has a singsong element to it, dizzying me. Charlie continues to walk. Alexandra's tone stays static. She's using it, her Voice of Siren. My vision blurs.

"You can't leave me. I won't allow it!"

Her last two words turn to a tone and pitch that only fills me with dread. I attempt to speak, my voice failing.

"You... will... not..."

I lose conscience.

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