stupefy | chapter 7

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Y/n's POV
"What do we have first?" I asked, taking a massive bite of an apple. "Defence against the dark arts I think, the whole crews in the same class I think," after a few seconds of thinking Jimin answers my question, still not sounding completely sure. "Oh god this is gonna be a whole ass mess," I said laying on the table as the two boys laughed. "Come on then," I stand up and feel arms wrap around me and Yoongi shoulders "we should get going, we have 5 minutes"

After a quick journey down dark, stone corridors we arrived at a large wooden door. It creaked loudly as I pushed the old slab of wood open, allowing us to finally enter the classroom. Through three large windows light flooded into the room, like a waterfall, and fell, illuminating the small wooden desks and dull stone floors. just as we took our seats at the back corner of the class, the bell rang, and students quickly began streaming into the room, each of them taking a seat. Hobi, Jin and Joon eventually wander in, looking about like lost puppies until Jimin called them over waving.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Jungkook enter the room with Taehyung. They take the two seats at the opposite back corner from us. I felt him glance over a couple of times, his glaring eyes piercing right through me. 

Professor Lupin finally arrived. He began talking about the 'Stunning spell' but I stopped listening after a while. I had already covered the spell anyway last year, for extra credit. I was woken from my daydreams after hearing my name being called.

 "Who can demonstrate for us?," the Professor asked, getting no responses he picks. "...hmmm.. how about you Y/n?" My head snaps up hearing my name, "Would you like to come up and demonstrate for us?" Despite it being a question, I know that he won't accept no as an answer so I stand up and walk to the front, hearing the light snickers of Yoongi and Hobi. 

As I reach the front of the class he speaks again, "And who would like to go against her?... how about you Jungkook?" I immediately glare daggers into the back of Professor Lupin's head and I see Jungkook stand and walk towards the front of the class. "Right stand far apart and face each other, your fifth year now, you know the drill."

I stand to face Jungkook, glaring at him. "Okay you two, on the count of three, perform the 'Stunning spell' on each other, whoever wins gets a bar of chocolate." We nod in response. Okay, maybe now I have two reasons to do this, one I know fine well I can whoop his ass, and two I get chocolate. How could it go wrong?

"Three, two, one" "Stupefy!" I called loudly, just a moment before Jungkook, a jet of scarlet light flew out my wand and hit him directly in the middle of his chest, sending him flying backwards. A slight laughter could be heard around the class, most of which came from the back corner, where the boys were sat. I looked over to Jungkook and smirked at him, that's what he gets. "Very well done Y/n! both of you may take your seats, now as I was saying-" Just as he was about to continue speaking Jungkook pivots around and flicks his wand and chants something I've never heard before, a blue light coming out of the end. Is he trying to attack me? I manage to dodge it but can't help myself when I unconsciously threw a spell back. Lupin stopped us before it had even been a minute and pulled us into his office.

[[  I wrote the majority of this o the walk home from school so excuse any spelling or grammar errors! but I hope you enjoy!  ]]

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