iconic | chapter 22

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Y/n's POV

It's finally last period, I have double Transfiguration, ugh.

I arrived in class a couple minutes early, as I had free period before so I headed to class early to avoid the crowds.

"Your early today Miss L/n" I heard Professor McGonnagal day as she transformed from a cat back to her normal self.

"I had a free period Professor, so I just came early... I hope u don't mind" I replied back quickly, shes quite intimidating when you speak to her one on one.

"No no it's no problem dear," she smiled ever so slightly, "I'm assuming you'll be trying out for the Quidditch team again this year, so I stuck your name on my list, after all, what would the team be without our iconic seeker!" I laughed lightly in response, happy with her appreciation of my place on the team, a former player herself.

I simply smiled, chirping "Of course Professor!"

We heard the loud bell go off, it's sound tearing through the school.

I watched as my fellow classmates file through the door slowly and to their desks in a zombie like manner.

Taehyung shuffles past the many rows of seats and sits down next to me at the front. He heavily placed his head on the desk and groaned, "Ugh!"

"Haha," I laughed at him, "bad day?"

"Very" He answered immediately, making me giggle more before Mcgonagal drew our attention back to the front.

~time skip: 2.55~

The class collectively started at the clock, watching the minutes tick by. Our only motivation is the knowledge we would be free in just 5 minuets.

"Right, can you all please hand all the books to the person behind you and can the last rows tidy them away, I don't want a mess like last time!"

I pulled Tae's textbook out from under his sleeping head, waking him, and handed them to the students behind us.

Tae's head immediately sprung up and he grabbed his bag, stuffing his belongings inside, thankful it's over.

The bell rang and we stood up, but it wasn't long before we were stopped again.

"Hold on! Can all Gryffindor students wishing to try out for the team this year please wait behind, I have the details. If not you may leave!"

With that, the majority of students left, including Jimin who gave me a cheeky look that said 'haha unlucky'.

Tae just collapsed back onto his desk, regretting everything, I couldn't help but laugh at him. From behind me, I could feel Jungkook's glare on us getting closer and soon he was standing between us.

All this time McGonagall has been writing neatly on a scroll of paper the names of the students in the room, "Perfect, now- Mr Kim, look alive please," she stopped mid-sentence and sighed at the boy, watching him as he lazily stood back up from his slumped position on the chair.

She continued, "Anyway, back to the tryouts, now, Gryffindors slot will be next Tuesday at 5 pm, come with your full kit on, and do not be late, tardiness will not be tolerated."

We nodded in response, out of the corner of my eye I saw Jungkook and Taehyung smirking, knowing that no matter what the did they would most definitely be late. Tsssk these boys.

"Another thing I must add, while we have the 5 pm slot, Slytherin house has their slot at 3:30 pm, if there is any trouble stirred up between the both of you there will be consequences."

After she had finished talking we all left the class and walked back to the common room together, although Jungkook was being unusually quiet. Tae and I talked and laughed the whole way back to the dorms, while Jungkook just stayed silent.

[   Whoooohoooo I'm back with another chapter, hope y'all enjoy it, I just had a big burst of inspiration and wrote 2 chapters lol and the plans for more, so be on the lookout for those in the next while! Thanks for reading! Remember to comment and like, it gives me even more motivation to write more for u guys cause some times I struggle to find the time and inspiration and your comments really would help! Lol okay byyeeee   ]

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