i'll beat my record | chapter 29

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Y/n's POV

Jungkook had to return a few things to the librarian before he could leave so he told me I could just go and he would meet me at the end of break.

I arrived back in the hall not long after the bell had rung, however, it was clearly still enough time for the first years to sit in our spot.

I wandered down the centre aisle of the hall until I came upon Jimin and Yoongi, lying with their heads on the table. They looked up as I sat down.

"You better get your energy up Mr, I like a bit of competition when I play!" I said, scruffing up Yoongi's hair.

"I could beat you with my eyes closed, easy" he said lazily. By this point almost all students were in the hall, and we were gaining attention.

This would happen regularly last year, Yoongi and I would make bets on what we could do better that the other on the field. It was enjoyed by students and teachers alike, who found the competition between the schools two best seekers to be good entertainment.

"We're gunna smash u, bro, like 'kablam'" I mimiced an explosion with my hands, gaining me nothing really, apart from a "cute" from Jimin.

"Y/n remember how we obliterated your team last year? Or did you forget-" he started, but I interrupted him,

"I'll beat my record" I said to him, he thought he misheard, "what?"

"I'll beat my record," I said, louder this time, standing up.

By this point everyone in the hall was listening.

"It was pure luck you got that record, there is no way u can beat it Y/n" Yoongi joined me, standing up also. To anyone new it may have looked like the beginning of a fight between a cute little bunny, me, and a lion, yoongi.

However, it was quite the opposite. Two years ago, I told Yoongi right before the first match of the year that I would beat the record of catching the snitch in the fastest time.

The record time was originally one hour, beat that, easy. Last year I said I'd beat that record, and I ended up catching the snitch in 45 minuets. Thinking this over now, I'm regretting my decision to try this because if I fail, I will never hear the end of it, but fuck it, it'll be a laugh.

"Try me" and with that final comment, the bell rung and students headed off to class, many high fiving me and wishing me luck on their way out.

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