drop it | chapter 21

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Y/n's POV

Jungkook and I walked all the way to the great hall together, it was a bit awkward because people were just staring at us.

Before we made it to the doors of the hall I turned to him, knowing that Yoongi and Jimin were already inside, and said "Okay bye!"

I ran away from him and through the doors, sitting down slightly out of breath and throwing my bag onto the floor.

"What's up with you?" asked Jimin, looking at me curiously. "Nothing nothing" I replied before chugging a cup of pumpkin juice down my throat, highlighting my already obvious lie.

I was halfway through my bacon sandwich when Namjoon and Hobi came over to talk to us. I thought I had got away with walking with Jungkook, however, Namjoon had other plans...

"So Y/n what were you doing walking here with Jungkook? Doesn't he hate you?" I immediately froze, mid-bite. I could feel the force that Jimin and Yoongi's head's turned, and their intense glares.

I gave Namjoon a look, trying to tell him that the boys sitting across from me were not meant to know about my activities with the devil incarnate this morning. He only understood me after feeling the rising tension in the air and smiled sheepishly.

"Ha ha, erm... yeah... okay see ya!" He spits out awkwardly. He gave me an apologetic look before running off.

Well fuc-

"Y/N WTF?" Jimin burst out, interrupting my thoughts. If you thought Jimin was mad, Yoongi wasn't even saying anything, that's worse than him screaming.

"Ugh, seriously he was just being nice for once! Is that a problem?" I said, tired of the argument already, and continuing munching on my sandwich.

"What?" He says surprised, "nice?"

"Yes Jimin, he walked with me here and was actually being nice so just let it go" I sighed.

Jimin speaks again but I stop him, "but-" "shut up."

"I don't trust him." Yoongi finally pipes up, "...shut up."

Luckily for me, Dumbledore interrupted out little argument with an announcement.

"Good morning students! Quiet down please!" the rambling of students voices were brought to a halt as the bearded man stood in front of the tables of pupils.

"There are a few announcements I need to make; firstly, Quidditch tryouts will be held next week, see team captains for details;..."

The hall burst out in quiet whispers of excitement as the headmaster spoke.

"... secondly, anyone who wishes to attend trips to Hogsmeade must hand their permission-forms into their head of houses. That is all, now off to class!"

As he said those last words I, and many other of the students around us, stuffed their remaining food into their mouths and grabbing their bags and joining the slow crowds of students leaving the hall.

Jimin, Yoongi and I all made our way out the hall. "Y/n-" "drop it Jimin" "fine fine"

[   Finally! I've run out of excuses all I have to say is that I just couldn't be bothered updating lmao, enjoy!   ]

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