payback | chapter 36

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- the next week -


Another week with no communication from Jungkook. It's starting to really annoy me now.

He's been hanging around with that other girl a lot over the past 2 weeks... I'm not jealous I'm just-... okay... maybe I am but that's not the point!

You can't just completely ditch someone like that! Especially when i did so much for him over recent months, unbelievable.

Sat in the great hall I watched him as he lazily rested his head on his hand and slouched down. My concentration was broken however when a girl approached him, Jiwon I think her name is, calling his name irritatingly. She herself wasn't irritating but the situation made it so, i sat next to her in a few classes and talked sometimes so, in fact, she was quite nice and probably wasn't aware of the whole situation. I couldn't hold it against her, I have no right to be mad in the first place.

"Jungkook, come outside with me! I wanna show you something,"

He smiled at her and stood up, stuffing his hands into his trouser pockets as she held his arm.

Together they left the hall, and the room felt suddenly duller, bright blue of the magic ceiling was now replaced with clouds.

I slouch down and lay my head on the table.

"Ugh, what is up with him? It makes me so annoyed," Yoongi said, sensing my dampened mood.

"None of us even have the right to be mad about it! We aren't even dating,"

"I thought you said you had a 'thing' with him," yoongi questioned, annoyance still prominent in his face and tone.

"Yoongi, love, I don't even know if he likes me! he doesn't know I like him either, seriously it's his life,"

"Why don't you get payback?" Jimin suddenly piped up.

"What do you mean..?"

"I mean, he's making you jealous... why don't you try to make him jealous,?" He explained.

"What would she do exactly though?..." Yoongi asked, gaining a shrug as his answer.

"Well I don't know, I was kinda hoping you would come up with the actual plan..." Jimin said, scratching the back of his neck.

We all fell back into a comfortable silence, which remained until Yoongi spoke,

"What about fake dating..?" He said hesitantly,

"Ooh, that's a good idea!" Jimin held up his hand for a high five, and Yoongi responded only to avoid getting slapped in the face. They started talking through their ideas as I just sat in silence and disinterest

"Do I not have a say in this?" I interrupted them only to get a blunt "No." in reply as they continued their conversation.

After that, I zoned out not really caring anymore about the issue.

"-Y/n are you even listening?" Jimin shook me back into reality.

"What?" I asked, making it even more obvious I wasn't paying attention.

"Do you know any guys we could ask? Someone you talk with regularly, who could pretend to be your boyfriend?" They threw their questions at me.

"I don't know, the only other guys I talk to often are Taehyung.. but we can't ask him he's Jungkook's friend and a terrible liar," I said to them, exhaustion clear in my voice.

"What about you Jimin..."

"What?!" We both shout quietly,

He re-emphasised, "I saw him watching you two that day after the match, plus your both close and comfortable with each other physically I mean- to people on the street you could look like a couple, it would be totally believable,"

Jimin and I looked at Yoongi, then at each other, and then back at Yoongi again.

"I mean he is right.," I admitted,

"Will you do it then?" The older boy looked quite pleased with his idea, probably more than he should've been.

"I don't mind... unless Y/n doesn't want to," Jimin gave in, with Y/n following shortly behind, "fine, but this better work!"

[[   heyhey i apologies for the next few chapters, theirs alooot of switches between POV's so I'm a little bit worried it will get kinda confusing oops   

also,, this book is #6 in btsxreader what   ]]

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