the seekers bets pt.2 | chapter 32

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Y/n's POV
Yoongi and I now hovered face to face in the centre of the pitch.

We make eye contact and, as per usual, can't last two seconds without laughing.

The commentator highlights this moment as always, as Hooch flys up to us. She hovers alongside us, ready to realise the snitch.

She begins her countdown, "In 3..."

"Good luck, slowpokes" Yoongi says.


"Fuck off" I roll my eyes at him, as Hooch realises the snitch and I zoom away.

Yoongi's POV
The truth is, I actually wanted her to win this bet. Y/n's dream is to gain a spot on one of Britain's best teams, and having this on her record, would get her their no bother.

I've been rouding her up for this all day, the record is 40 minuets, and I know she can bet that no bother.

She's one of the most competitive people in school so it didn't take much for her ambition to fly through the roof.

Jungkook's POV
I took Yoongi's words seriously, not only because I was low-key scared of him, but because if I dare let anything happen to her I would never forgive myself.

Ironic considering our past, I know, but let a man live.

I followed her the whole game, making sure no bludgers got anywhere near her.

"Great teamwork from Jungkook and Y/n today, not a pairing we see often"

Me and Y/n have both made the team ever year and up until now, obviously, she's stayed away from me on the pitch. It was nice to finally be able to really play alongside her. I'd only ever really been able to help her in game a couple times over the last 5 years, only when she was about to be killed would I help her ...god I'm such an ass!

Y/n's POV
-15 minutes in-
I had my eye on the snitch, and I was close, but still way to far to have a chance at catching it yet.

I could feel Yoongi behind me, trying to catch up. Jungkook was flying somewhere above me, before quickly dropping to hit a bludger that was headed right for me, curtesy of Slytherin's captain, dick head...

-19 minutes in-
I was literally centimetres away from catching the snitch, but I knew if I reached any further forward my broom would tip, and with the height I'm at, I'd gain at least 2 broken bones. I'm willing to do a lot of things for this game, but that's a bit too much, sorry team.

I felt Jungkook fly up directly beside me, without letting the snitch out of my sight I said to him, shouting slightly over the crowds

"Kook, if I catch this I will fall"

He answered me, reassuring, "If you fall I'll catch you, I wont let you get hurt, go for it!"

I smile gratefully at him, and he returns it, before speeding off forwards and leaning forward. As expected I lose my balance, and the whole crowd does silent.

Not even a moment late Jungkook had sped downwards and caught me. I was left sitting right infront of him, facing him but we were too relived to realise whatever position we were in and how close we were sitting.

"Are you okay? Did you get it?" Was the first things he asked.

I immediately burst out in a huge grin and held the golden orb between my fingers, "got it!" I shouted.

The crowd were still deadly silent, not quite realising what was happening. It was so quiet that they heard me shouting, and only then snapped back into reality, cheering, shouting and I'm pretty sure I heard Jimin screeching.

3rd person POV

Jungkook busted the biggest uwu, smiling proudly at Y/n as he flew them down to the ground.

The first thing Y/n did was grab her broom and fly straight up to the commentator, "how long was I?" Her words were fast and almost inaudible over the crowds.

Looking down at her watch she answered quickly, "20 minuets and 18 seconds! Cong-"

The girl tried to congratulate her but Y/n was long gone after she heard what she needed to.

She zoomed right back down to ground again, jumping off her broom while it was still moving, causing her to stumble slightly as she ran right up to Yoongi and jumped onto him.

Out of breath and full of excitement she said "20 minutes and 18 seconds!"

After Yoongi snapped out of his shock of being jumped on he realised what she said, a huge gummy smile making its way onto his face and hugged the living shit out of her.

"I'm so proud of you, ugh" he said, grabbing her shoulders and placing a small kiss on her forehead, something he has only done a few times before when he was exceptionally happy.

Y/n hugged him again before heading back over to where her team mates were, she didn't quite make it there however, as they ran and basically trampled her.

The commentator announced the results and if you thought they couldn't get any louder then you are wrong.

Jimin was deafening those around him, screaming "THATS MY BEST FRIEND" so loudly over and over that Namjoon had to put his hand over his mouth to stop the noice.

Y/n's POV
Tae and Jungkook lifted me up, saving me from behind squished by a bunch of 6 foot teenagers. They place me on their shoulders, carrying me off the pitch to celebrate.

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