where we start

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I sat there puzzled for a minute. Not really knowing what to say, because some random person that just walked up to me and asked me, if I was okay, if I was okay, Then I wouldn't be crying, I thought, but I wouldn't say this to him, he was only trying to help.

His point of view: I've walking for a good straight 30 minutes when I stopped at a bridge because I see someone crying, they seem like they're in a lot of pain, I ran up to them, I'm trying to get them to answer me, but they wouldn't even acknowledge that I was there.

She finally turns and looks at me,i ask her a question, if she was okay?, she tells me that she's fine, but really, I can tell she's not okay. She's small, pretty,has pink hair, big circle glasses and she's shor, but she's an ugly crier. I try not to laugh I hold my breath for a couple seconds and then I don't laugh, she looks at me as if I said something wrong to her. Then I asked her one last time after she said she was okay if she was really okay, cause she was shaking really bad and she was breathing really hard.

Violets point of view:
I've got to be honest, I can't keep lying to him, so I turned to him and tell him that I'm not fine really my boyfriend just cheated on me and today is my birthday. I start crying again. He looks at me and says, I'm so sorry. I wish I could help you, I look at him and gave him a smile, trying to stop crying, I say hi my name is Violet what's yours, he tells me his name is Namjoon. Which brings a smile on my face, I finally feel like. I have to cry anymore.

We sit there for hours by the river, talking and trying to get to know each other. But time fly so fast and before we know it, it's 5 in the morningmorning we Laugh as we look at the time, telling each other, we got to go before we can go I ask him,  can I have  his number, he says, yeah, sure, and as we exchanged numbers, he texted me saying, I hope you have a good day tomorrow and happy birthday.

I'm sorry if you guys don't like it so far, I'm really trying my best. But I don't know what more I can do I think it's really sweet that he's trying to help her, I know it's hard sometimes when you break up, so hopefully Violet breaks up with Isaac and doesn't try to stay with him~lilly unnie💙💖💗

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