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      "There he is," the lady smiled pointing at Joseph who was dancing.
    "Yeah, I see him, thank you". Jacob made his way to his brother. He patted his shoulder. Joseph turned. He was shocked.
    "Hey, how did you...?". Jacob led him to the bar. Joseph took a glass and gulped it.
    "Joseph, we need to talk!".
     "You know something, Big Brother?. Anytime I'm drinking or smoking, I see mum. She keeps telling me to stop that I'm hurting myself but do you know what I always tell her?,'why then did you leave me? Is this not better than trying to commit suicide?'. That's what I always ask her". He was to take another drink when Jacob stopped him.
    "Lets get you outta here, boy. C'mon, lets go, Joseph". He helped him up.
    "You're my role model, Big Brother. Jacob, you man, are my role model. Do you know why?," they were already inside Jacob's car but Joseph kept talking. He was really drunk. Jacob had to roll down ye windows and even put on the air conditioner. "You know why?," Joseph continued, "because you are a focused and happy person. Not everythig breaks you. You act a little crazy for awhile and then, you are back to your old self again. I envy you. You even got married and at thirty-four you alrady have two kids. And expecting another. I am not like that". They arrived Joseph's home and Jacob carried him on his back to the bedroom and laid him on the bed. As he took off his brother's shoes and suit, Joseph continued to talk. "I want father to give me my inheritance. I need the money so that I can live freely. I am an archeologist. I am suppose to explore". Jacob was already walking to the door, crying. "I've always been fascinated about Nigeria. Jacob, tell Dad that I want to go to Nigeria. Did you know it's the Giant of Africa?". Jacob left a note inviting Joseph for breakfast. He wondered how Joseph had managed to keep his drinking habits secret from all. No matter what, Joseph always woke early and if he were this drunk how could he always have woken up so early for breakfast everyday

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