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The next day, Jacob and Mr McPherson met Joseph at table. The men were shocked. Both father and so looked at each other completely surprised. Jacob had briefed his father on how drunken Joseph was last night. Joseph looked at his father and brother then he stood to greet them. All three sat.
After breakfast, the cook cleared out the table. Mr McPherson coughed before he said, "I've had a serious troubling in my spirit and I am moved to answer positively to your request". Joseph was happy.
"Dad!?," the brothers called out. Jacob spoke first. Joseph could not hide his own joy.
"Dad, do we have to obey?".
"We?", Mr McPherson and Joseph asked.
"I too," Jacob confessed, "dreamt of Joseph leaving and among Africans".
"I actually planned on going to Africa; Nigeria to be precise. How did you know?".
"You do speak too frankly and honestly when you are under the influence of the bottle", his brother replied.
"Then, if you are not in such a hurry, give me today to compile documents and straighten out my will. Do you want properties or cash?. I could send cash to your account". Joseph was too eager to answer his father.
"Cash please. The only property I'd still need is my house. I'll keep that". As he smiled and walked out, Jacob ran to his father.
"Dad, are you really letting him go?. He'll ruin his life. Let's pray for his redemption".
"It is GOD'S will, Jacob. Let him go. When the child is told that he needs a warm environment because of the cold, the child refuses. When he freezes, he'll come back home to the warm environment after facing the harsh cold. But if you stop that child from going out to the cold, he may never agree that you were right. Just as he leaves, so will he return. Don't worry". Jacob could not believe his ears. How can his only brother be allowed to leave home. "Jacob, you still see Joseph as that baby boy you carried on your back to play when you were kids. But now he's a man. You are a man too. Because of you I'm a grandfather. How's my daughter-in-law and grandkids?".
"Still in Paris. Beatrice says she wants to have the baby there. In a week's time, I'd be joining them", came the faint reply.
"A week?. You place work first, Jacob. You are too busy and focused".
"Joseph said he envies those qualities in me". They were now sipping tea in the small parlour and watching TV.
"I am proud of you son but you need to stay close to family. Go meet your family".
"I am with my family already. You are my father, my family". The old man smiled.
"I love you son. You and your brother".
"I know. For the past ten years, how many times did you let Joseph know that?. That you love him?. That you are proud of him? Write a letter along with the money and give him. Let him know he is always welcomed back. Now that I think of it, this family has always been his support and I am so sure he'll be back. Very soon". They sipped. Joseph was at the door listening. He had come back to thank them for breakfast. As he turned to leave, the cook saw and wanted to call his name but he smiled and hushed her.

DEAR SONOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora