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Joseph opened his eyes. For the first time since he could remember, he could finally feel his body, hands and legs.
His shoulder was wrapped making his arm fold. His knee also was bandaged. Ha sat up placing his legs on the rugged floor. His head did not ache as before. In his seated position he surveyed the room. There was a reading table with a lamp. The light in the room was on and the room was of average size. To Joseph the room was too small compare to his own large room back home.
At that moment he thought if his home, Father, Big Brother and family.
Joseph heard some people laughing outside the room. Just then he remembered the man and the woman and he recalled all their conversations. Who was the daughter that had saved his life?. As he stood, his stomach made funny sounds notifying him that he had not eaten for some days now. As he headed for the door his leg reminded him that it was not fully healed. He had to leap a little to suppress the pain.
He opened the door slowly and came out. From the balcony, Joseph could see the man, his wife and their daughter. Something about her looked familiar. He remembered her face when he had asked her to help him. The couple were sitting on the dinning table. The girl was the first to see Joseph as he descended the stairs. She stopped laughing a d her parents had to took behind them see what took her attention. The woman stood immediately and helped Joseph sit on the fourth chair in the dinning room.
"You're awake?", all three asked. Joseph only nodded and smiled.
" I'll go get a plate for you", the girl volunteered and walked to a door Joseph later discovered was the kitchen. He looked around. The house was of a modern taste and furnishing. If they did not tell you, the house does not give the family to be agriculturalist. The couple just smiled at Joseph. The woman shifted her chair close to Joseph's and took his palm in her hand.
"Are you okay?. Did you sleep well?".
" Yes mum. I did. Thank you", Joseph replied and smiled. He looked up and spotted the girl at the kitchen door holding a plate. She has been there for a while. When she saw that she was caught she came out.
"Hey, so you do talk, huh?", the man asked.
" Is that a question, Sam?. Off course he talks. Do you think he's one of your animals?", his wife said rebuking him. Hailey dished the plate of fried rice, salad and chicken. As she dished the food Joseph stared at her. Why did she look so familiar?.
"I am Mr Samuel Thomas. Thus is my wife, Mrs Beatrice Thomas and our daughter Hailey. She's twenty". Mother and Daughter looked at the man. Joseph laughed.
" Why did you have to tell him my age, Dad?".
"Don't worry. Actually my Sister-in-law is Beatrice and Hailey's my late mum's name". As Joseph said this, there was an awkward silence. Mrs Thomas pat Joseph's left hand as he ate with his right. Hailey sat.
" Don't think about your loss, child and just eat now. Eat as much as you want"
"Mum!", Hailey protested, " you've never told me to eat as much as I wanted before".
"Will you shut up?", her father and mother snapped. Hailey looked at Joseph sternly.
" So much for saving you", she murmured. Joseph could not help laughing. Now he knew why Steve loved Hailey; although she tried to look serious and act all grownup, she really was a caring and childish person.
"Don't worry I won't eat it all" he promised.
"Please, spare me that talk. You haven't eaten for three days. If I were you I'd spend the next three days eating".
"Really?. That seems impossible"
"Huh, don't try this girl oh", her parents answered in unison. " Don't keep her with out food for a long time".
"That's a problem then. 'Cause I also hate being kept hungry for a long time", Joseph answered. The couple smiled happily.
" Don't worry, son", they said.
"Son?. How is he your son?, Hailey nearly screamed out. They did not mind her.
" I'll cook as much as you can eat", the woman said. Her husband spoke too,
"And I'll kill as many chickens as you can eat". Hailey could not take it any longer.
" What?!". Hailey's voice made all three to jerk in shock. "Is he your son? What about me?. I am your biological daughter!"
"Can he finish the amount of chicken you've eaten since the day you were born?", her father asked. Hailey just feeling defeated.
" Fine, since he's now your son, do I have to calk him Big brother?". Joseph had always wanted a younger sibling. And, her calling him Big Brother will make him feel not too far from his Big Brother, Jacob.
"You can call me Big Brother. I'd like that a lot.", Joseph said impatiently and continued eating. Hailey looked at him.
" You two will make fine siblings ", Mr Thomas said looking at the two.

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