The voice of the devil

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(I do not own dreamtale or the 

characters in it)
Nightmare's pov
I woke up to dream sleeping on my shoulder. I lean forward to grab my book when dream woke up.
"Brother is that you" ge said with sleepy eye sockets
"Yep it's me im sorry i woke you up"i replayed
"No its good"

Dreams pov

/Nightmare is acting really he really telling the truth about the rocks?/
"No its good"he said

Nightmare's pov

"Brother what are you reading?"
Oh this its "find your soul by 90s nightmare fresh"
"Why do you all call him 90s nightmare?"asked dream
"Well he is annoying and he's all 90s"i said
Dream went to play with some of the village kids.Some of them gave me a evil glare but i just went back to my book.

It was about lunch time when i finished  my book
I got up to go get dream when i heard someone "WhAt aRE YOu DoiNG?"said an odd voice i looked around no one was there so i kept walking to dream "dream lets go eat!"
"Ok brother!"
We went to the tree to eat it was not much  just a sandwich
"Mmmmmmm"said dream
"This is my favorite lunch of all time!
Dream said
"It's just a sandwich dream nothing pretty"i said "well it really good!"he yelled i give off a warm smile "eW tHAt StUFf An APple iS BetTeR"said the strange voice i look around but no one is thair
"Nightmare is something wrong you acting really weird?"said dream in a very worried voice
"Im fine"
"Brother don't lie to me!"
"I just thought i heard someone"
"Who was it?!"
"I don't know!"
I take the last bite of my sandwich and go to my side of the tree.
"Im just...scared Brother i care for you"
"me too"i say quietly
Dream goes to play soon after
"Do YoU wHaT To bE POwERfUl?"

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