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Error growled protectivly, for his own well being and everyone else's.
Dream held Nightmare's arm, showing that he was scared. Besides his faceal expression. "Everything will be fine." Nightmare whispered to his brother. "How are you being so brave?" His brother asked, Nightmare just shrugged. He stared ahead, seeing the faint solitute of the goopy skeleton. They seemed to be walking forwards, waiting for the first attack to come from the group.

Nightmare tried to think of something, a plan or anything really. Just to protect his brother and friends.
The original Nightmare rolled his eye. Sharpened tenticals and pointed them  at the group of friends.

If he killed either Error or Ink, the Multiverse would collapse in a blink of an eye socket.

Ink thew the first attack, red paint came from the giant brush Ink carrys, Nightmare easily dodged. Error ran up trying to hold Nightmare down with his signature strings, Error got his arm Ink threw more red paint, missed. Dream2 had looked like their positivity was diming. Dream1 let go of Nightmare's arm and joined the fighting, the group was obviously loosing to Nightmare. A one skeleton army.

Nightmare grabbed Error's ankle swinging him over face first. Dream1 hung onto one of the tenticals, Error just got up. Nightmare swung the tentical Dream1 was holding towards Error, making him fall down again. None of them even got to Nightmare. What would happen if we cut off a tentical. That could work!

"Error!" Error looked over at the smol-er Nightmare and ran over.
"What?" He said looking back at the fighting. "What if we cut off the tenticals?" Nightmare told him Error nodded and ran back over.

Nightmare felt useless in the fight he didn't even pertiapat in. Error kept trying to hit a tentical, Ink tryed to throw different paints but keep missing, the two Dreams tried from the back. Nightmare sighed disiding to put magic to some use. He teleported and used a sharpened bone attack to cut the root of one of the three other tenticals. How'd they not think of this before me?

Nightmare hissed turning around and tried to trip the other with a tentical but he jumped the other Nightmare grabbing his foot with a tentical raising him up in the air. "Hey, can't we just talk about that?" The smol-er Nightmare laughed as he spoke. Ink thew another thing of red paint, burning off a tentical. Nightmare dropped the smol-er Nightmare. He landed safely.

Nightmare grabbed Ink by the neck with a tentical. Ink clawed at it desperately trying to get away to breathe.
Error tried to help Ink by cutting off another one of Nightmare's tenticals, but the strings went right through, like water. The two Dream's tried getting from above. The failed. One of Nightmare's tenticals grew back.

The smol-er Nightmare tried teleporting to slice off another tenticals when Nightmare tripped him to hold the two Dreams down. He only had one tentical left to use. Error tried again with his strings, like water, it went right through.

Nightmare pinned Error down, a tentical going through his eye socket. Error screamed. Nothings really supposed to go into the eye sockets, it caused eminence pain.

At that moment, the smol-er knew what he had to do. And do it fast.

I'm counting down the days for the Crossmare anniversary.

It's July third by the way.

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