On the way

66 3 2

Underswap:Popcorn pr1nce
Undertale:Toby fox

Nightmare's pov

"Now we just have to tell them"i said
"I thought you where tried out of skull"ink said laughing
Me and error looked at him
"Anyways"error said
"Me and ink will tell them then we will all make our way to the castle"error said
"Or!i can go to the castle open the doors and the kids can ride gaster basters or something!"i said
"Ok then"ink said
"Sure why not"error said
"Ink you go get everyone to the large rock over there error you go stand on it ill be right behind"i said
"K"ink said and took off
Error smiled a little and went to the large rock
I felt like someone or something was watching me
I looked behind me to check but
Nobody was there
I go behind error like i said after that
More then half was already there
Ink was just getting the last few
"Hey nightmare word of advice dont get scared"error whispered
"Who said i was they are not the worst thing ive had to deel with"i whispered to error
"Oh really"error whispered to me
"Im not scared i am not a little kid and most of the kids are here"i whispered
"Right"error sighed
Ink from the crowd gave a thumbs up
"So does anyone know why you are here now?"error asked
"To die"
"I dont know"
"We came to tell you,you are all in danger by staying here"error said "So we want to take you do the dreamtale castle where you will have food and a barrier protecting you"error continued
"Im up for it!"
"Why not"
"Thats a wonderful idea!"
Most of all agreed
"But it will take forever to get thair!"one yelled
"Wrong"error said
I made midnight appear by error
Some kids jumped
None of them saw me though
Error patted midnight
"She is ok she wont hurt you"error reassured them
"How will it help?"one kid asked
Error put his hand out telling me to demonstrate
I get up
I climb on midnight
Most kids where shocked when i got on her
"Ill send midnight right back"i said
Then i took off
"Good girl"i said
This time i seemed more relaxed riding midnight
We stopped
I stepped off
"Midnight you know what to do oh, make it fast too"i said then she took off
I put my hand on the doors
It slowly opens
"Brother!"dream1 yelled and came to hug me
"Where is everyone?"mint asked
I look to the sky seeing a tiny dot moving fastly
"Thair"i said and pointed
Two more came from behind
They landed
And got off
Then the gaster blasters took off again
"Follow me"mint said to the tiny kids
I guess they are six or so


I sit down leaning on the door
Mint was coming and going with kids
"Error and ink will be back anytime now"i said
"Yep"dream1 said just full with hipperness

Im pretty sure dream has ADHD
But what do i know?

Nightmare's Nightmare[Finished]Where stories live. Discover now