To late to turn back

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The smol-er Nightmare held out their hand infront of them and closed their eye sockets. Fizzes of zeros, ones, and X's went around his hand making a shape of an apple. It finally became physical. The smol-er opened their eye sockets, he was surprised that it actually came through the code, but didn't change his expression.

Everyone shifted their gazes to the smol-er Nightmare and gasped. Well, all but the original Nightmare

Nightmare just wanted to see what would happen when he bit out of it. Or it he bit out of it. Everyone visibility tensed.
He brought it to his mouth and took a bite, instead of pain, he dusted imedenty. The apple hit the ground causing the world to turn black and white. The apple was golden, covered in black paint. But when the smaller Nightmare held it, it turned corrupted.

Nightmare let go of the other sanses, they got up looking around. Dream1 dusted next. Nightmare opened a portal and jumped through. The AU was collapsing, bringing everyone in it down.

"The humans and monsters that live here!" Dream yelled, "We can't!" Ink yelled back. "At least Mint and her sisters!" Dream looked at Ink. "I'll get them, you two go. I'll see you in the Anti-void!" Ink nodded and opened a portal to the Anti-void pulling Dream in. It closed.

Error teleported to the glitched castle. Screaming rang out. Error noticed two of the sisters who where hugging not doing anything to help anyone. Error ran over to them opening a portal. "Everyone in!" He yelled pointing to the portal. Humans and Monsters ran in. Dust littered the ground.

Once everone ran in Error followed. Who ever was to unfortunate to run in where going to die. The portal closed and the AU collapsed. Error walked over to Ink and Dream. "What are we going to do with all of these anomalies?" Error asked, "This is my home so I do want them out."

"What about the Omega timeline?" Ink suggested. "I don't even know how to get to the Omega timeline." Dream told him. "But I do. We just need a door." Ink said grabbing out a paint brush and started to make a door. "A door" Error repeated. Ink finished the foor. Nothing fancy, just a mahogany door. "Done. Now I need to open it then bam! Omega timeline!" Ink said, "So we just need to open a very specific door?" Dream asked Ink, "Nope! Any door really."

Error opened the door. "I see more of the Anti- void." He said closing the door again. "Watch." Ink opened the door. You could see other monsters and humans.


Ink had explained to Echo Frisk about the collapsed AU. Everyone that survived the escape moved to the Omega timeline permanently.
Error went to Outertale to relax and ignore the fact that two of his friends had died in that AU. Ink soon joined him.

"I'm going to miss them." Error told Ink, "I will too. But mostly everyone lived." Ink said. "But why did Nightmare collapse his own AU. Without him the AU would fall to bits. Was he trying to die?" Error questioned, "He's a smart kid. I think he knows what he's doing." Ink told Error closing his eye sockets.

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