Stand up

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Underswap:popcorn pr1nce
Undertale:Toby fox

Nightmare's pov

Its been months ive done things more freely
So far no odd activity
Mint showed us rooms we my like
Ink got one big room to paint
Error got a room full of hooks on the walls,now he puts strings on them and makes stuff sometimes.....odd error
The dreams got a room to play in.... it seems dream2 when something nonimportant is happening dream2 acts a little like dream1
Mint showed me a room with tons of books
So i spend some time in thair
Are bed rooms where different
Thair is one big room
And we all share it
Each of us has a different part that fits us
Ink has a colorful bed
Error's is white and a light blue
Dream2 has just yellow
Dream1 has a yellow and very light blue
Mine is purple and gold color riges
Im closer to the door on the left
Error is closer on the right
Inks bed is near errors
Dream1s bed is by mine
Dream2s is by dream1
And thats how things are going


The birds where singing in mid- morning about our breakfast time
Lucky for me I don't need to spend much time in the medical room I only go thair for shots
The shots seem to hurt less now though they still are pain full
"Dream1 come on you've been sleeping all morning"dream2 said
"Try water"i say from my bed reading a book
"Good idea"dream2 says
He goes to get water
A few seconds later he comes back with a glass full of water
I make it look like I'm reading my book
I look at dream2 whos about to pour water on my brother
"3...2...1"he says and pours the water
Dream1 shoots us yelling "shit!"
I can't help but laugh
Dream1 looks at me
"Its not funny!"he says
I keep laughing
He sits up and crosses his arms
"I'm sorry but man that was funny"i say
"Then next time im doing it to you better yet i will find a way to get to you!"he declared
"Dream1 I said I'm sorry"i say with just a little laughter
"Sorry dream i was told i had to wake you up"dream2 says
Dream1 takes a big sigh and gets out of the room
The room goes silent
"So im going to wake up ink so he can wake error"he says
"Is ink easy to wake up?"i ask
"Super easy"he responds
He walks over to inks bed I put down my book to go see what they will do
I stand by inks bed
"Ink error wants to paint"dream2 whispers
Ink shoots up and yells
"Error wants to paint with me!"
Error then wakes up and falls off his bed then peeks over
"I don't paint!"error yells
"Please!"ink pegged
"No"error says back
"Please,oh please,oh pretty please!"ink yells
"What if i say no"error says
"Error at least do it for half an hour"i says
"Ugh!fine!"error yells
"Yay!"ink yelled
"Nightmare you owe me!"he yells
"Ok"i say
Error goes out along with ink
"Great now two are mad"dream2 says
"Errors always mad"i say
"Yeah"he says
"Thair both mostly mad at me more then you"i say
"Hey can i ask you something?"he says
"Sure let me hear it"i say
"Did you notice your walking and not using your wheel chair"he says
I look over by my bed to see my wheel chair thair
"Welp.... cool"i say
Dream2 laughs
"Should i tell mint?"he asks
"Probably"i say
I walk back over to my bed and sit
I dont know why but i started to cry
"I'm sorry"ink says not understanding
I started to cry more
"Um..... I'm going to get mint" he says hesitating
He runs out of the room
Mint comes in calmly
She seats herself on my bed
"What's wrong?"she asks
I tried to say i dont know but I could not control myself
Error comes in
"Hey dream1 is c--"error cut himself off seeing me crying
"Thair both crying great"he says
"Bring dream here"mint says
"Dream1"he corrects and leaves
Mint sighs
After a bit when dream1 is already here
Mint falls asleep
My body I cant move moves by itself
Dream1 follows
I can't turn my body to look nor my eyes but dream1 seems he cant control either
We are walking through the garden then we drop into a hole
And walk further and turn here and thair
When we are finely in a dirt room with an orb in the middle
Then i get control again
Dream1 does too
I drop on the ground
"Brother where are we?"Dream1 asks with a shaky voice
"Dunno"i say

Nightmare's Nightmare[Finished]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang