Cleaning's ask part 2

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I kept following the light weight monster.

It was probably another villager but, what's wrong with a little mystery. . . Right?

Me, trying to blend in with to grass and dirt so, they wouldn't see me.

They walked for about thirty more seconds before I had no idea where they went.

I then waited.
I waited for about two to three minutes.

I then could here their foot steps again.

I peered through the grass, making sure they could not see me.

Then I saw who was walking around the whole time.


Now I felt like some creep!
My face burned.
Why did I even follow the foot steps. But, this was the most 'fun' I've had all day.

Once he walked away I got up. I brushed the dirt off my outfit.

I started to walk the opposite way he was. I wanted to know where he went. How could I not hear his foot steps anymore.
I might regret looking but, I had to know!

I walked around for a while.

I couldn't find anything. Maybe he was taking a walk. He might have gotten far from me so maybe thats why I couldn't hear his foot steps?

I huffed in frustration, I was looking for nothing!
It was just a walk! I told myself

I'm wasting my time. I'm supposed to be working!

I turned around walking back inside.


Once I got back inside I looked at the ground as I walked.
I whispered "Stupid" under my breath over and over again.

I suddenly bumped into someone and fell back, only to be caught an inch from the ground. Someone had grabbed my hand and pulled me up.

I regained my balance. They let go of my hand. I looked at them.

My face felt hot. Of course it was Dream1! I was litterly just 'spying' on his brother by accident!?

"Are you ok?" He asked
"Yep. Just, work you know? Heh?" I laughed.

"Do you need any help?" He asked me
"No, I'm- we're good." I said.

Now I feel stupid!

"Cya" I said not wanting to talk anymore. Then imedenty walk off

I have no idea for what I was really going for this.

Anyway I did manage to narrow down who Mints crush might be. Who do you think it is?




Or, is an answer if you have no idea.

I promised myself that I would post at least one chapter today!

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