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Underswap:popcorn pr1nce
Undertale:Toby fox

Thair was an orb in front of us it was light blue with a hint of green
"What is that?"Dream1 asked
"I dunno just don't touch it"i say
Dream1 helps me up
"Should we tell mint?"he asks
"No lets only tell error"I say
"But the others"he says
"Error would be the best"i say
"But mint has been living here"he protested
"Error knows,most likely knows how to deal with this stuff"i say "and we would scare everyone"
Dream1 nodded and sighed
"Ok"he says in defeat
"Now lets find a way out"i say
I remembered which way we came
"Over thair brother"dream1 says
Dream1 was right behind me as we walked
We quickly and quietly walked only to be seen
"Hey where where you two?"dream2 yelled
"Outside"dream1 said truthfully
"What where you two doing?"he asked
"Looking at the flowers"i said
"Why?"he asked
"Because they where pretty"Dream1 said
Dream2 looked at me
Then his face went blank in shock
"I'ma just going upstairs to error"i say
"And im going to play"Dream1 said and ran off
I go up stairs to find error
Dream2 was still in shock
I finally find error
"Error can i talk to you?"i ask
Error had paint all over him but i managed to keep a strat face
"What do you want"he said in dispare
"To talk to you about something very important"i say
It seemed to have error attention
"We might want to go somewhere other where others can hear"i say
"Maybe your library"he says
We walked to my library to the farthest corner
"So what is it?"error asked
"Well...."i said and told him the whole story
"So you and dream1 could not control yourselves?"he asked
"No,it was really odd Its like something about that thing is important"i said
"Well you did have a good chose in choosing me"he said"But I will have to see it and research about it"
I nod
"Research will come in handy with me"i said
"I know it will"he said
"Lets try not to tell anyone"i said
"Not even mint?"he said
"Not even mint"i repeated
He nodded unsurely

((Hey guys I wanted to know if i should do Christmas for this an early Christmas it would be fun but only if you want i would want to know what you all think))

Yes please!!!

Nightmare's Nightmare[Finished]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin