Truth or Dare part 1

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Happy:* * * *

Fight:* *

Who voted for fight: Star wars sans and Cute sans

Who voted for happy: Flowey2424, Paperjam, Tk sans, and Puppycorn13

The sanses are most of my younger siblings.

So let's have some happiness before I make you all want to kill me. Maybe, depends how I word it.
It's been about a week since Blueberry and Dream1 had their suger rush. I was still very pissed but, I did stop giving them the death stare.

I was just laying on my bed face first listening to the voices that sometimes happen. They have become more frequent. I honestly don't know why mabye it has something to do with the apple in my drawer. . . But it's golden?

I continued to listen till someone taped me on my shoulder. I imedenty jumped.

I let out a happy relieved sigh 'cause it was only my brother.

He started to play with his fingers looking down.

"Er. Can I ask you a question?"He asked

"That was a question but, carry on" I said being literal.
Dream1 stared at me for a few seconds before speaking again.

"Do you want to play Truth or Dare?"He said twirl his thumbs around waiting for my answer.
"Depends, Are you going to make us 'dress up' again?"I said

"I said I was sorry"He yelled.

"Are you?"I said


"'Kay then I in"

"I'm going to see if the others want to join!" He said and ran off giving me some peace.

We where all in a circle staring at each other waiting for someone to say something. (Something!)

Ink was not here because he had to do his job. Error, Blueberry, Me, Dream1, Dream2, Swap Papyrus, And Mint where here.

Mint just really wanted to hang out and play the game.

"Er. First we need to establish rules"I said as the others looked at me

"Yeah, First nothing really really bad or cussing"Swap Papyrus said and looked at Blueberry. We nodded

"Oh, If you refuse a dare or truth you have to let Mint dress you up with make-up and sing a scary song"Error said

"A song you find creepy"Swap Papyrus  corrected.


"I think that's it."I said

"So who starts?"Dream2 asked.

We all sat in silence for a minute or so till Mint interrupted it.

"Someone Truth or Dare?"She said

"Dare!"Error yelled out
Mint then had a huge smile on her face. I could tell that Error was second guessing life.

"I dare you to get large googly eye's and put them on your eye sockets!"She yelled making all of us but Error laugh and smack the ground .

"Where the he-"Error paused looking at Swap Papyrus who was giving him the death glare. "Where the heck would I get those!?"Error yelled

"I'll be right back"Mint called running out our door.

"Oh, She's serious!"I laughed

"Really!?"Error yelled making us laugh.

When she cane back she had two large googly eye's that would fit perfectly on Error's eye sockets.

The Dream's started to have a laughing fit.

Mint also had tape. Perfect!

She suck them on Error's eye sockets and taped them.

Then we all laughed, banging on the bed's too.

"What do you see?"I said pausing as I laughed

"All your neaks being broken in half!"Error exclaimed

Once we recovered from our laughing fit we all got into our circle again.

"Nightmare Truth or Dare?"Error asked

"Truth"I said

"You have any secret's? If you do tell us"He asked

"Mint ready the make-up"I said turning to her.

"Ugh!"Error groaned

Mint rushed off.

But I was really worried if Error knew anything. If he did I have to know!

OoooOoooo! Error's on to Nightmare!

But what would happen if everyone knew? Hm.

I wonder.

Nightmare's Nightmare[Finished]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora