torture part 2

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Undertale:toby fox
Underswap:popcorn pr1nce

Nightmare's pov

Me and the nightmare or me dragged

Went into the portal and when we got in

Thair was a gray room with bares in the front
((Like a jail cell))
The other nightmare stood in the middle of the room with me dangling in the air..... still
"This is your new home lil me"he said i started to squirm again
"you better get used to your schedule"
"But---"nightmare cut me off
"First eat,torture,you time,torture,then you sleep for 8 to 7 hours got it!?"
I nod slowly
"Good we will start tomorrow"
He dropped me and went out locking the cell door behind himself

Next day

I wake up from something heavy being dragged and foot steps
A skeleton with a weird hole on the right side of his head

He was holding a bloody ax
In one hand the other he was holding a paper plate with food on it
I stood up looking at him
He roled his eye
"I was told i had to give you food.....killer made better be happy that I did not make you food you would be having a head dog"he said
He slides the plate under the cell

you better be happy that I did not make you food you would be having a head dog"he saidHe slides the plate under the cell

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"Whats your name?"i ask
"Horror..... now eat!"
He said as he left
I took a bite it was not good but i kept eating it
I finished it and put it by the cell door
I go to the corner wondering what they will do to me but only the torture
can tell

I sit thair for about half an hour
Before horror,nightmare,and another skeleton come in

Nightmare grabs me by the ankle and swings me around making me hit the walls and the ground
After a bit he but me down
They laugh
I stand up one eye socket open. I lean on one side of my body blood covering my shirt and pants
Blood driping off my face
As i still have hope i can get out
"Killer look at this he's standing!"horror yelled
Nightmare smiled
The skeletons continue to torture me

Some more join in cross and dust

They soon left me thair

Dream2's pov

Ink was still sulking because he got nightmare caught but he did try his best
Dream1 tryed to cheer him up it somewhat worked
We're walking in errortale it was
completely white only error was thair at the time
"Were are we?"dream1 whispered to me
"Errortale"i replyed
Inks eyes lit up a little but not by much
When i said that
"Hopefully we can find error....."i said
"Who is error?"dream1 asked
"You'll know him when you see him"i said
I knew dream1 did not know error because he has never been in a different AU besides undertale,Underswap,and dreamtale
A black thing appeared in the distance it had error written all over it
"Is that him?"dream1 asked whispering
"Yes"i whispered
Luckily ink was looking at the ground
"Dream1 watch ink when i say where error is"i whispered
He nodded
"Hey ink is that error?"i say
"W-WHERE!?"he said
I pointed error out then ink ran to error
And jumped around him
We finally got to error and ink
Me and dream1 start to laugh at error because he was a blushing mess about to crash
He pointed at me and said
"Y-yo-u d-did thi-s!"
"Did what?"i laugh
"Yo-u bro-brought him!"he yelled out
"Ok i can you sit now?"i say
Ink sat he looked at error with large stars in his eye sockets
"Hi"he said to error
He crashed
"Is he ok?"dream1 asked
"Yeah..... just give him a minute to reboot"i said
"Sorry error"said ink as error rebooted
"We can only hope he can help us find nightmare"i said to ink and
Error rebooted
And laughed at me saying nightmare

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