A glitches secret home

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Underswap:popcorn pr1nce
Undertale:Toby fox
To lazy to put the others

Good nightmare's pov

Midnight somehow knew where i wanted to go
As i hold on im gripping as hard asi could trying not to slip. Midnight does not seem to notice
When we get thair i slowly put my foot down trying not to fall
Midnight was looking annoyed by how long its takeing
So she disided to move upside down
I fell with a thud
"Hey!?"i yelled to her
She stuck out a tongue at me
I stand up rubbing my narrow back
I pat midnight on well.....um..... on top of it
I look to the gigantic door
"The question is,is how we open it"i said
Midnight nodded itself
I walk closer trying to find a crack
The only one i could find was the split between the two doors
"Should i try?"i ask
She nodded
"Welp it is worth a try even if it does not work"i say
I put my hand on it
Something made a rumble from the door
I step back from the door
The door slowly opened
The ground was yellow and dark purple clashing
The stairs in the back went up from the sides to a smaller door
Below the stairs thair is two doors
One says guests on the right
The other on the left says maids
I slowly walk in
Midnight disappears again
"Um............hello?"i say
The gigantic doors start to close with a rumble
"Whats your name young one?"says a voice
It sounds like a female but i would not jump to conclusions
I look to my side trying to think what i should do
"Why do you want to know?"i ask trying to sound confident
"Only two can open that door...... I'm hear to make sure you are them or descendents...... but last time i checked descendents cant open this door,but you could have done something far more evil im i wrong?"they said

"N-no ive never done anything wrong,and i dont know what you are talking about"i said

"Can i have your name"they said
"I dont even know you!"i yelled
"I only want your name and maybe if you are the right person i could help you out with all those wounds you have"they said really calm

I could not disagree with what they had to offer so i might as well tell them my name
But if they are telling a lie they could do the opposite of what they had said, or maybe i could be the wrong person
Oh if everyone else was here they could help me!

It took a lot of thinking before i wanted to answer
"Um.....my name is n-nightmare"i said holding my arm tightly most likely causing it to bleed because i could feel something wetish coming from my arm,i could barely feel the pain most likely because I've been tortured and it hurt a millon times worse then this.

Someone had gotten into my view most likely the person i was talking to
They slowly walked to me
When they where right infront of me they rose thair hand up high looking like i was about to take a blow
I closed my eye sockets and stiffened myself getting ready to be hit
Thair hand swung down gently touching my shoulder
"Well why did you not say you where"they said in a funny play voice
I opened my eye sockets and unstiffend myself
The monster i was talking to was a bunny monster
Whering a short dress as long as their ankles just a little higher
Above thair dress thair was a white apron with lace on the bottom

"Stay"they said and ran to the door that said maids
What thair are maids shes a maid!?
I noticed that my hand was digging into my arm making it bleed
I take my hand out and look at my hand
My finger tips where coverd in blood
"That might hurt later"i say to myself
I wipe my hand on my shirt
The maid comes back and grabs my right hand dragging me along
Wow shes fast i think as i try to keep up with her holding my hand
I tripped and she just made me get up again
She opened the maids room and got in making me get in too
"Look"she yells
I stand as still as a bord
The other maids look at me
The screemed in excitement
I tensed more when the did
They all gather around me
"Is it really him!"yelled one
"He's hurt!"said another
"Thairs blood all over him"yelled a different one
One got behind me and pushed me forward
"This way"they said
"Where am i going now?"i asked
"Lets go this way"they said probably ignoring my question
Thair are moving things really fast do they want something i have?...... no i dont have anything not even my friends
They grab my hand and dragged me to a small room and put me in thair
The first maid i met was in thair
The one that dragged me
Pushed the others out and she left closing the door behind herself

Nightmare's Nightmare[Finished]Where stories live. Discover now