Truth or Dare part 3

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Me and Papyrus where out of the room just standing outside the door. Papyrus was just staring at me. It was very disturbing. He didn't speak for about five minutes.

"What did I tell you" He finally said
"Not to curse around Blue." I replied
"And what did you do?"he asked

Is he treating me like a fuck'en kid! I'm an adult ass-hole!

"Curse around Blue" I said looking at him strat in the eye. Challenging him to a fight. Somewhat.

"Don't do it again or-" I cut him off
"Or I'll have a bad time. Yeah, yeah I know" I huffed
"Good. We came to an understanding. Lets go back inside" Swap Papyrus said and opened the door. We both stepped in.

"Finally. It took you two forever just to talk." Nightmare said as everyone looked at us. I just glanced at Nightmare.

I felt. Hate. But, it was not coming from him. It came from me.

Nightmare seemed to sense it because, he imedenty looked away.

I hated him. I hated him because he never told me anything. I hated him because he never told the truth. He's a lier!

What's wrong with me!? He's my friend. But. He lies to me. Is he really a friend?

Swap Papyrus sat down in the small circle with the others.
Instead of sitting with everyone I sat down on my bed getting a 'I'm confused' face from everyone. Except Nightmare. He just was looking down. At the ground.

"I don't want to play. I just want to watch" I said then everyone turned to Papyrus. "Did you tell him not to play?" Dream1 asked him "No. I did not tell him he could not play." Swap Papyrus said. "I don't want to play too" Nightmare said still looking at the ground.

Everyone imedenty turned to him.
"Why not?"Blue asked.
"Reasons" Nightmare simply said and got up looking at the ground still. He walked over to his bed sitting, he faced the head-bored which was away from us all.

He started to wipe his face with his sleeve probably trying to get the clown make-up off his face.

Everyone started to stare at each other trying to see who else would leave. No one else left.


It's been an hour. They are all still up. I just sat watching. Every now and then I would glance at Nightmare, but he would still be in the same position as he was an hour ago.

I could feel my hate towards him disappear. Then; I knew what he was doing.

He was holding back all his negative emotions, but at the same time sucking up all of them too. It must take him alot of energy for him to do that.


It's been a few hours. Everyone but me and properly Nightmare, where asleep on the ground.

I watched them all sleep for a few more minutes. (Creep!) Then looked at Nightmare. He was still in the same position.

I sighed and quietly got out of bed. I made my way over to Nightmare. I stood right beside him.

His eye sockets where shut so he might be asleep. I put my hand on his shoulder. His eye sockets opened. His dark purple pupls looking into my eyes. He made a small frown.

"I'm sorry" I said in a very sinser voice. He looked at me in shock, then. . . He smiled.

He pulled me into a hug and I hugged him back. "I'm sorry too. . . But, I really can't tell you. You will learn my secrets one day, but not today" he whispered. And I. . .


Hey, look I'm not dead!
This book was totally never on hold or anything. Heh. . .

Man, this chapter was really emotional. I really felt good about that. I hope you felt it too.

And I feel happy that I'm typing in this book again!
I hope you injoyed!


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