it will kill part 2

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I don't own dreamtale or the characters

Nightmare's pov

Dream started to scream my name. I ran over to dream telling him to wake up "Dream wake up you need to wake up right now!"i yelled
Dream would not wake up I tryed  shaking him it did not work
He started to mumble "not my brother" he said in a scared voice I froze trying to find out why he had said that. I sat by dream just waiting for him to wake up.

Dreams pov
Nightmare had him held down with his slimey tenicals.Dream tried to get out but failed horribly."let Me go you demon" dream yelled
Dream woke up and started to cry.

Nightmare's pov

I rushed over to dream trying to comfort him his eyes opened wide when i did and he pushed me away.
"D-dream?"i said confused "did i do something wrong?"
Dream started to slow down on his breathing because he was scared.
But I could tell he was scared of me for some reason.
"Dream why are you scared?"
I moved closer to him and he went back
"Are you scared of something? What is it?"
He did not answer so i jumped him holding him down with my arms he tried to get away but failed.
"Dream whats wrong with you!?"
"Dream answer me right now"i yelled
He looked like he'd seen a ghost but he had more fear i could sense it
"Dream whats wrong!?What's gotten into you!?"i screamed

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