Dallas Imagine

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                                                                                Dallas imagine

                                (sorry for any spelling or grammar erreors)

Dallas Winston...my best friend? Or my best friend who I’ve been in love with since grammar school? Hmm the latter one. Dallas and I have been inseperable since kindergarten when this blonde bitch stole my Barbie pencil!!! He strided toward her and yanked the pencil out of her stupid hand and walked up to me with a big toothy grin and said “here ya go man,” with this super cute new york accent (we lived in new york at the time.) Sadly when we were in 8th grade Dally moved to Tulsa, Oklahoma where we were never to see each other again or so I thought…. I missed dally so very much I mean come on I was in love with the bad boy player. In 11th grade my dad’s work laid him off so he was looking for a new job and oddly enough found one in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I ran to the phone when I heard the news and quickly dialed the phone after three rings this deep familiar new york accent rings my ears, “ what the hell do you want, man?” “Dally,” I said “ hey Barbie, what’s going on?” “Dally im moving to Tulsa!!” “What? No way! I haven’t seen ya in like forever man I missed you” “hmmm too bad I didn’t miss u im just kidding I’ve missed you a ton but now it doesn’t matter because im leaving tomorrow.” “Ill be waiting Barbie,” he said with such emotion lacing his voice and then he hung up.  That day he stood by my new house and a bouquet of red roses (which I have no doubt he stole) in hand. Ever since that day we just left off where we had started. This morning I’ve been sitting on the floor of the Curtis household cracking jokes with two, talking to pony about sunsets, and playing with sodas hair. Ever since I moved here the gang and me have clicked real well, I love all these guys in the house I was missing out on a lot back in New York. When 10:00 rolled around the house started clearing out due to work, Dally and I were the only ones left in the house. “What should we do?” said dally. “Hmmm… we should make food?” “ Hmm sure why not pumpkin, I kind of want some cake” “yes!! And when did u start calling me pumpkin?” “ Since u look like a pumpkin wit that orange shirt, its cute” “hmmm okay lets get the ingredients dal” “alright Barbie what do we need first?” “ We need four eggs Dallas” (you know he doesn’t like to be called that) the next thing you know there is slimy yolk slowly sliding down your head. “ You sneaky bastard!!” I grabbed an egg and tackled him to the ground and cracked it all over his face. If looks could kill I’d be 8000 feet under. After about thirty more minutes of food fighting we give up on the cake and decide to clean up before the gang gets back home. As I am mopping, he is just standing their doing nothing as per usual, I peek over my shoulder and see him in deep thought I ask, “ a penny for your thoughts?” “I don’t know man I was just thinking about you and the gang but mostly you. I can’t believe your finally back here with me,” with every word he takes a step closer to me until he is standing less than a foot away “I-I’m glad too,” I blush. “Stop doing that it makes me insane” before I could think his rough lips were on mine! I couldn’t believe it Dallas Tucker Winston was kissing me of all people! After a few seconds I was able to kiss back and move my lips in sync with his, man did this kiss bring me weak to the knees he was the only thing holding me in place. I never believed the whole thing about sparks and butterflies until my prince Dallas Winston had some sense and finally kissed me! I knew he had a soft spot for me but I never knew it was like this. Who knew he was such a good kisser? Finally after a good minute or two he sadly had to pull away for air. Curse you air!! When I finally open my eyes I see dally smiling down at me, hash he looks so gorgeous when he smiles a real smile that reaches his Carmel brown eyes. “Well that was great princess,” Dallas whispered in my ear stroking a lock of hair behind my ear. “Hmm well that was more than great for me, definitely worth the wait” “the wait?” he said confused. “ Well yeah the wait” “ so you’ve been imagining this?” “Maybe” “well I have love you  since like the day I first met you in kindergarten when you were wearing that midnight blue dress with the puffy sleeves” “ you remember dally?” “Of course I do, I was whipped well still am whipped” “ are you saying that you love me Dallas tucker Winston?” he blushed and said, “ yeah maybe I am” “ good because I do too”

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