Chapter Three

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     We were at a large dark grey house with boarded up windows. we seem to be in a forest too. The property is obviously abandoned.

     As the large man that first put me in the car pushed me towards the house I noticed more trucks like the one I was in pull up. At least a dozen other kids were being pulled out too. We all were vigorously shoved towards the house.

     One girl, who looked a few years younger than me, started kicking and screaming. Everyone stopped and watched as the large man controlling her threw her down on the ground. I should've been crying like everyone else but my tears would not come. my eyes were dry but my heart felt shredded. I looked around at the other kids who were still watching the beating. Most of them looked around my age, none of them I knew though.

     As we made our way up the porch stairs and threw the front door of the malicious looking house, my lungs were overwhelmed with dust.

     Something tells me they've done this crooked shit before, but definitely not in this house. Nothing has been in this house for years. I was moved into a large room which must've been the original family room. A large black man sat me down in a metal folding chair. It was freezing cold on my legs. I felt a thick rope slither around my wrists, struggling to keep myself from refusing. I didn't want to end up like the girl from the yard.

     I felt a quick jerk from the man checking the security of the rope as he tied it to the chair. I am so scared I feel like crying, but they're is no way I'm giving these jerks the satisfaction of my fear and pain.

     I couldn't hold it back anymore, “What do you want from us?!" I screamed. Loud enough for the whole house to hear me. A skinny white man with a small pistol stomped my way. He gripped onto a large lock of my hair.

     “Don't say anything ever again unless I tell you to, do you  understand me?" I stared at him in a deadly gaze. “I said do you understand me?!" he screamed. I aggressively nodded. He released his grip and walked away confidently. I'm guessing he's their leader. What a sick minded lunatic.

     Everything was uncomfortably quiet. I sat for what must've been an hour in that chair. The men were all gone but one, probably collecting new victims.

     Surprisingly enough, a few moments later I heard the gravel skid under the tires. More children were pulled out of trucks and through the yard up to the house. The door screeched open as a dozen kids filed in. My eyes wandered over each person until the froze at a gaze on one boy. Harry Styles.


Sorry it was such a short chapter guys. How do you like the story so far?


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