Chapter 10

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      I immediately stood up from the glass and ran into Harry's arms. He embraced me with such strength. He swiped me off me feet and spun me in a few circles before gracefully placing me down.

     I wasn't done though. I jumped back into him with a long rough kiss. I couldn't stop. He saved my life and even before that, I loved him. How could anyone expect me to stop? Would you stop if you were in my shoes?

     He didn't stop me either, in fact, he led me on more. I pulled back, but he gently wrapped his hands around my face and pulled me in closer. We kept going as long as we could, until it was to difficult to breathe. He pulled away.

     “I love you Christina."

     “I love you too Harry. To be honest, I've always loved you." I said, hoping it wasn't to soon to spill my long lasting love for him.

      “You know what the funny thing is?" He said with a strange, flirty tone.

     “What?" I laughed.

     “I have too!" He said with a smile that could outshine the sun.

     I chuckled and leaned in for another kiss. He stopped me. I feel so confused. This kiss felt so right!

     “I'm sorry, its just that I've pictured this moment in my mind before. I'm happy I told you, I just want to do this right." He said.

     “Do what right?" I asked.


     “Yes, Harry?"

     “Will you go out with me?"

     “Harry Styles, it would be my pleasure!"

     Now it was time for the kiss. We both leaned in and met in the middle as our eyes softly closed. Our lips grazed each other and slowly pressed harder.

     This was the kiss I've been practically waiting my life for, the one where we loved each other and wanted to prove it. It's better than I could have ever dreamed it to be. I'm almost glad all this happened because I'm out of it now, and it brought Harry and me closer together.


We eventually pulled away. I don't want this moment to end. I want to live the rest of my life with him and never have to worry about anything else. When we decided we've had enough love for mow, we tried to figure out what to do next with this whole situation.

     I called the police and explained everything I could at the moment to them and they're on the way. Harry searched the house for more victims and freed everyone he could. We told them not to go anywhere because they should talk to the police with us. They understood and generously helped with what they could.

     Now it was silent. Time slowly passed on and we could begin to hear sirens draw closer. Harry and I scoped out the house one more time for anything the authority should know about before they search and for any victims we missed.

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