Chapter 16

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     When I ran out of tears, I sat motionless. I lied there on the floor with out moving a single muscle. Thoughts scanned relentlessly across my mind. I was so scared.

     I tried to not worry about anything bad, though it's extremely difficult. I think about my happiest memory. What is my happiest memory? I think about it for less than a second. I know my happiest memory.

     My happiest memory has got to be when Harry and I were frolicking in the daisy field together early this morning. It was the most amazing thing a girl could dream of. That is my happiest memory.

     I kept reliving that moment over and over again. I was happy then. That was a time in this horrible, screwed up day, that I thought everything was going to be okay. I was wrong. Everything will never be okay. Something is always wrong.

     The time now reads 11:26 p.m. It's been three hours since we had to leave the room. Soon the doctor comes out.

     “I-I'm so sorry." He pleaded, with his head down, but his eyes beating into all of ours. We all began to somewhat cry, in our own tragic way.

     “What happened?" I asked, trying to hold back my sobs.

     “Well, he lost way too much blood. He's not all the way gone yet, but he doesn't have much time left. You can all go in and say your goodbyes." I swear I saw some tears in his eyes as well.

     We all headed into the room. There's a few waiting room chairs around the room, some facing the television and some facing Harry. Those who had the t.v. chairs of course turned them towards Harry.

     “Did they tell you Harry?" His father asked.

      “Yea, I guess this is it." He said. Water spread quickly around his eyes, making them shine an even brighter green.

     “I'm so sorry it has to end like this son." His father started. They had a long depressing conversation that I tried my best to not listen too. His mom Annabelle was next, she contributed as much as his father.

     My parents didn't know Harry that much, but they gave their apologies and sympathies. Lastly it was my turn.

     “Hi Harry." I started. “There's so much I want to tell you. First of all, I love you so much and this absolutely tears my apart to see you like this. I've loved you since the third grade you know. Secondly, I will never forget the times we spent together. They will forever be engraved in my heart, and so will you. I guess I believed that we could be together forever. I wanted to grow up and have a family and a life with you Harry. I'm in love with you, and that will never change." I continued to spill my heart out to him. He is my one and only.

     “I love you too, Christina. I wish it didn't have to end like this. I hope you grow up and meet someone that loves you as much as I do. You're the most amazing and beautiful girl I've ever seen. I've loved you ever since the first day we met. I remember how funny you were, you had all the boys going. I love you so much h Cupcake. I want you to have this." 

    I started crying once again. Harry reached behind his neck, and unclamped his necklace. He handed it to me and smiled.

     It's a silver chained necklace with a paper airplane charm on it. On the underside of the right wing there is an engraving. It says 'Harry' with a little heart on the side.

     “Its beautiful Harry! Thank you! I will never take it off, ever!" I smiled at him happily until I remembered our situation.

     We sat in silence for a few minutes. Then Harry's heart monitor sped up rapidly, we called for the doctor, but it was too late. The monitor stopped still with one last flat long beep. It's all over, Harry is gone.

    I went home after that. I begged to stay with him for just one night but the doctor refused me. So I lied down in my bed and cried myself to sleep. How could a day start so terrible, have a magical halftime, and a have such a tragic ending. Just one day. I dreamed of Harry all night long.

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